Best and worst zombies

huh? i am weird. I didnt even post how hard to kill zombies.

Zombieturtle, i wrote all types of headcrabs go look up. there is only 3. As i told in another thread i like to call them superzombies or superheadcrabs. idc if everybody call them fast zombies or fast headcrabs.

If u too lazy go back and read it i'll post it again
there is no more headcrabs!!!
Fast Zombıe
Poıson Zombıe
huh? i am weird. I didnt even post how hard to kill zombies.

Zombieturtle, i wrote all types of headcrabs go look up. there is only 3. As i told in another thread i like to call them superzombies or superheadcrabs. idc if everybody call them fast zombies or fast headcrabs.

If u too lazy go back and read it i'll post it again
there is no more headcrabs!!!

Thats just Ta-Rif-ic, you know I am sorry to say that I just don't care to look up past blogs 8DigitSin has posted about what he likes to call headcrabs.

You know, you should make a blog about how you like to call Barney Police Man Jones, whatever makes you happy sweetheart suger lumps.
the best ones the fast 1 dow i would love it if dey make a licker like out of resident evil but i cant see it happening with the headcrabs on em lol still would be mazin zombie climbing up walls and up side down very stealthy.
I've noticed everything "fast" is the best.
And a fact about the fast zombies. When you kill one (or spawn a ragdoll in Gmod)and get it to hang upright so that the arm is suspended next to it you can see that the veins are just dangling there. Its disturbing to watch.
And why are all the zombie victims male?

PS: chill 8digitsin we were talking about how you called the headcrabs and zombies, not how many there were.
And why are all the zombie victims male?

Well, you can't really tell on the fast zombie, but since the regular zombie's shirt is all ripped open and you can see it's guts, I think VALVe wanted to stray away from female zombies with jiggling boobs. Just a thought. :LOL:
About the fast zombies...I can't tell shit about what they were.

And the normal zombies...well that sounds obvious, since i don't think VALVe would like criticism about nudity.

Or WOULD they?
He means whether they were male or female.
Has anyone of you tried removing a poison zombies controlling headcrab and looked at its face?
It creeps me out...:cheese:
I personally loathe the poison zombies...they're slow but they're covered in poison headcfrabs, I hate that! Dx
I know this may be spamming but I heard that the zombies in HL2 were supposed to be fat, I wonder what they would look like...
I guess I'm in a minority but it's the poison Zombies for me. Not for any real gameplay reason, they just disturb me the worst. Jeez, not only are you head crabbed. You have a small colony living on your back! I find the way they grunt/breathe pretty gross too. And how they're usually found in dark festy places is pretty creepy.
Fast Zombies, however, annoy my like angry little chihuahuas. They sound like they're chucking a tantrum and look like they're slapping you. I find the the fast crabs themselves quite comical, like fat, pink daddy-long legs.
I like poison crabs though. The way they bare their 'fangs' and 'scream' before jumping at you. Kinda reminds me of a funnel web (without the screaming).
I totally misunderstood this question at first, thinking it asked, "What zombie would you want to be?" so I'm going to answer it that way. :D It's a "choose your nightmare" kinda thing.

Keeping in mind I am conscious (if it can be called that) and can still feel pain, I definitely would not want to be a poison zombie. Being filled with poison in every possible cavity, organ, and vessel to the point of almost exploding is not appetizing to me.

However, being a normal zombie is not on my to-do list either. Slow movement, a gaping hole in the chest, and being set on fire does not sound like fun.

Thus, if I were going to be zombified, a fast zombie is what I'd want to be. I think the fast headcrab has considerable control over its host. It rips off skin and muscle, sure, but it has to be pumping a pain reliever and/or counter toxin into its host to keep it alive. Or something similar; the fast zombies don't seem to be in as much pain as the others (unless insanity masks it).

tl;dr version: Fast zombies, yay!
Worst zombie: Zombines without a doubt. They're tough, fast and carry grenades. What could be worse?
Best zombie: ordinary ones. They're much easier to take out.
Best Zombie: Zombine - there so fun to kill
Worst Zombie: Poison Zombie - i hate those things :p
Best zombiez: Normal, fast, zombines.
Worst zombiez: Poison, gonome.
Anybody else thinks that it's a little weird that all classic HL2 zombies are wearing white coats? As if the host is turned into a scientist in the process or summin ^^
Anybody else thinks that it's a little weird that all classic HL2 zombies are wearing white coats? As if the host is turned into a scientist in the process or summin ^^

They aren't wearing lab coats.
Endlessly discussed, the undershirt of the citizen uniform is white. The Zombie just rips it off when opening the maw.
And MAN it's gotta be painful when the headcrabs dig their limbs into your chest and back.
Endlessly discussed, the undershirt of the citizen uniform is white. The Zombie just rips it off when opening the maw.
Wrong. They're wearing the same white shirts that the refugees wear which are different to the citizens' undershirts.
zombine are awesome and challenging, me likes
V-Man's Favorite Zombies

  1. Fast Zombie
    It just scared the crap out of me when I first saw it.
  2. Zombine
    I love how they talk like combines while muttering the classic zombie phrases, and don't even start on the grenade.
  3. Half Life 2 Zombie
    It's the remake of the classic, and there's no fighting that.
  4. Poison Zombie
    I put this near the bottom because the things are freaking annoying. I've had some pretty bad experiences in Reavenholm with these things.
  5. Half Life 1 Zombie
    I honestley don't care about this one that much, but it's my second to least favorite.
  6. Gonome
    This is my least favorite because to me it looked like they were just trying to find something new to make and they thought up this thing.
    The ai could use some serious editing too.
Zombines are pretty cool, but it's shame we couldn't use the 357 to deal with them.
The Shotgun's better and more fun for that anyway. :D
I like them when the headcrab pops off and the guy looks like he is screaming