Best Buy lists DNF release date

rofl, if they stick to that date they'll miss out on all their money! D:
fantastic idea, release directly after christmas! in the hopes that no one plays it because after 50 years of developement, we sadly still won't be finished... with eh... does anyone even give two shits anymore? I mean, really lol
We need a betting shop.

Place your bets on when DNF will be released.

I'm thinking Christmas next year!
It won't be released until you can actually feel your muscles grow as big as Duke Nukem's through VR.
Will it be windows compatible? lol

Let's face it, DNF has been 4 or 5 different games, which each got scrapped, because they weren't perfect enough.
After 15 years though, noone cares anymore.
They should just release the sourcecode and let Duke Nukem addicts make it :p
Who's addicted to Duke Nukem? They've had 15 years of cold turkey!
It's more like PlanetPrey, judging from their newsposts.

* 1.11 - When will DNF be released?
DNF will be released "When It's Done." What this means is that 3D Realms will not release the game until they are sure it is the best first person shooter ever. There is no exact date, and any dates currently offered by anyone are purely speculation.

I hope DNF is never released. It's more fun to make jokes about it than playing it will probably be.
The Duke is coming!! Puh-RAISE the Duke!! \o/

If you're referring to HRP (High Resolution Pack), the official update was in November last year.

Yeah I hosted this, but the thread got closed/link deleted sadly.

It's mad fun.
Whenever it comes out ill play it.
I can't believe the item is still there on the Best Buy website. Seeing as there's no doubt in my mind that it's untrue.