Best Buy Says November 4th!

Yeah, sounds reasonable... But I'm not believing anything until I actually play HL2.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Wow, you guys are dicks.
The guy's just telling you what he heard, don't shoot the messenger assholes.

Comparing both your posts, it seems to me that you're most likely the one whose balls haven't dropped.
Who ****in' knows if it's true or not? I'd sooner believe a guy who works at a store and understands proper grammar and spelling then a bunch of kids who flame people for stating something they've heard.
The point is though that you dont actually know that he works in best buy. It could be anyone saying that. I dunno whether to believe it or not.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Wow, you guys are dicks.
The guy's just telling you what he heard, don't shoot the messenger assholes.

Comparing both your posts, it seems to me that you're most likely the one whose balls haven't dropped.
Who ****in' knows if it's true or not? I'd sooner believe a guy who works at a store and understands proper grammar and spelling then a bunch of kids who flame people for stating something they've heard.

owned :smoking:
I don't trust any date. I will know when HL2 is coming out because it will be burned and ready to DL in the underground. Just like the rest of you.

When you hear that HL2 is stolen then you will know it's coming. Can't really stop that. But it's solid news with proof. All these (GOLD) (RD) posts that are spec. just waste time and space.
If it goes gold 2ma then it could make 4th i guess
I think it comes out THIS week. That's right, sometime between the 18th and the 22nd.
I heard november the 4th 5th off november about a month ago from some where carnt remember where
you people must remember after it goes gold it takes UP TO TWO weeks to get to retails stores

that's why if it goes GOLD tomorrow, it will get to retailers in about 2 weeks

like i said, the outlets don't know shit, they can say all they wan't. but the game doesn't come out till valve or vui rleases it.
Nah its fake, Half-Life 2 is coming out September 30th 2003.
For the 7 billionth time, this is only a retailer's estimate...
I don't know if this is the exact thing that has been posted but here goes.
the first news article says that IGN is reporting HL2 gold. But this was said by IGN Saturday @ 9:06AM. I just happened to stumble across it when I was finished applying for the clan :p
But I really bet this is the same thing we have been hearing....
gamestation (a uk company) says the 1st, big deal!

We havent heard a statement yet, so don't speculate.
I heard February from several sources.
john41 said:
Nah its fake, Half-Life 2 is coming out September 30th 2003.

Quoted for emphasis.

Yeah, everyone knows it comes out September 30th, 2003...
What section do u work in and how much do u get paid per hour , just curious coz i wanna work there
I work for a head office of a reatiler in Australia (cant say what one) and our Vivendi reps have said to look for a date around Halo 2. The hinted at Saturday September 13th, 4am. They said it was to coincide with a worldwide release. i realise a Saturday as an odd day for a release... but Vivendi seemed to think that was a very likely date.
They also said that if any retailer released it early, that Valve would release it on Steam at that time.
They never actually specified the date, they did say to look for date around Halo 2, and that it was likely a Saturday (Which in the U.S. Would be friday and middle of the day i think.).
So far the majoirty of what our reps have told us was spot on, only we where originally informed of a Thanksgiving release. But they where confident that if the release date was broken Valve where going to activate it on steam.
But their is no OFFICIAL DATE.... Atleast not yet, Vivendi told us that on Thursday we should know though.
I think it's false. Why would any game company want to start selling games on a thursday? When in the past 3-6 years has any decent game come out besides on a tuesday? Look at Halo 2(Nov 9), Everquest 2(Nov 16) and GTA: San Anderes(Oct 26). All are expected to hit shelves on a tuesday. It's just good marketing to sell on a tuesday.

Why don't they all try for a monday you ask. Well the post office doesn't operate on sundays. So start shipping on monday morning and start selling on tuesday afternoon.