Best Buy's Computer In Stock Dates.


Sep 22, 2003
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Today at work i printed off the In-Stock dates for the items Doom 3 and Half-Life 2. I know Valve and them have said summer 2004. The dates i got from the computer kinda shocked me and anyother best buy emp can go check this to back me up. These may be estimations like other sites but according to the computer they are both set to be in stock on 4-01-04, Yes you read it right both Doom3 and Half-Life 2 are in the computer as coming out on the same day.

Like i said these could be esitmations but if u look around, most sites point to 4-1-04 or 3-15-04.... Best buys computer also sas 3-15-04 for counter-strike Zero.

If you have any questions just post it here.
...they're just estimations. You retailers know nothing more than we do! lol

Anyhow, as much as I'd LOVE to believe it.. I very much seriously doubt it :(
I like that all the dates are kinda lineing up, i want to know where they get these dates from.
After the September delay, Vivendi announced a date of April 2004.

Vivendi then recently published their release date schedule, stating April 2004.

They then published an ammendment, and that pushed a lot of games to "To Be Confirmed 2004", including HL2.

Best Buy's computer is out of date.

Another thing is that we pretty much know that Valve are showing HL2 at E3 this year - in May. They never show released games at E3 - there's no point.
Didnt they say that they would be at E3, they didnt say half-life 2 did they?
I'm sure they have shown released games at E3 before, not that I disagree, I just think that's not really proof of it...
Yeah but guys the official dates are Summer 2004 or TBC 2004. That's June, July, August, September, October, November or December in my book.
Another thing is that we pretty much know that Valve are showing HL2 at E3 this year - in May. They never show released games at E3 - there's no point.

They never said "HL2" would be showing. They just said they would be there
Quite right, but HL2 isn't going to be released in April.
Chris_D said:
Quite right, but HL2 isn't going to be released in April.

You can't say that for sure, I mean, in all probability, you're right. But, crazier things have happened :)
I still think april.... and i htink we'll see TF2 at e3... not hl2 again.
The official release dat.... oh never mind.

/me leaves the thread slamming the door behind him.

bahh, the CNN Money article already proves to be inaccurate. They said Bloodlines was delayed, the Bloodlines developers confirmed this information wasn't true, and that the game still had a Fall release.

Either way, that doesn't destroy the entire credibility of the article, but it certainly doesn't help it's validity. I don't doubt that those questions were answered, but come on, it's Doug Lombardi..
Vivendi changed their release schedule from April 2004 to TBC 2004 for a reason.
Chris_D said:
Vivendi changed their release schedule from April 2004 to TBC 2004 for a reason.

They're trying to confuse us, that's the reason! lol
Wait Wait... I thought it was 'TBA' not 'TBC'... To Be Continued? That's crazy.
Letters said:
Wait Wait... I thought it was 'TBA' not 'TBC'... To Be Continued? That's crazy.

That's To Be Confirmed, not continued.. lol, meaning, I suppose, it could technically slip past 2004..
I wonder how mch polish this game needs after five years... sheesh. I bet Valve is jerking Vivendi around a little bit until they get CS:CZ out the door. I predict after CZ is out we see our new release date.
the problem with that is that they know no one will probably buy the dated game. It adds hardly if anything new except some new crappy models and bots... Good for peope with dialup....

I mean come on if it came out 3 years ago, and was still the same people makeing it, it would have been awsome.

Other questions ive seen is half-life 2 trying to get its graphics updated... yes the player models look good, but compared to doom 3 their is a bit of a lacking-then again doom 3 only has 4 player multiplayer.
Well one of my friends has a brother working for vivendi and his brother said that it will be middle to late may.i don't know if is brother is telling the truth or not ,but i do know he does work for vivendi.
Sorry, but I don't find this credible. maybe its your mere 10 post count or maybe its the fact that the Stock in date is April Fools day which happens to be a Thursday
Does everybody have alzheimer's or something?

You know that retailers don't know what the hell is going on, yet people keep posting release dates from retailers.
You want to know why i have 10 post's? its becuse i mainly read and only open my mouth when i have something worth saying. Also anyone else who works for a best buy can pull this information up on the system.
Wait till the SDK is released, then you'll have a more feasable timetable.
According to valve some mod teams already have it "Counter strike more than likely" Cough cough...
Id just be happy with that benchmark program that they told us we would have a o so long time ago.... i would hope we would see it first.... Kinda makes me wonder if they are changeing the graphics like someone suggested on the theory board. Makes sense...
mayro said:
anyone else who works for a best buy can pull this information up on the system.

Yeah that system is called their ass.
You were oh so close its not ass its called RSS if you ever worked at a best buy you would know this. If you are a best buy emp please go on RSS hit Advanced Search type in half life under description scroll down till you see the one labeld for vivendi and when its open hit the additional detail and post your findings here to help ease CHU's mind.
RSS is kind of like GRSS which could also be GRASS. Are you suggesting that we all get high?
*csmighty jumps on the bandwagon* "Well, then let's go!"
csmighty1 said:
RSS is kind of like GRSS which could also be GRASS. Are you suggesting that we all get high?
*csmighty jumps on the bandwagon* "Well, then let's go!"

Hah, best post all day! :cheers:
RSS, ASS, GRASS, either way, we have no frickin' clue how this is going to play out.

/me can't believe this has gone on this long.
Chuur up, Che.

I mean... bah, you all know what I mean!

Long thread for a retailer release date...
I would love to believe any VALVe release date, but everyone know thats not humanly possible...
I don't believe anyone! It's Doug Lombardi telling us- AND HE IS EVIL FERMENTED INTO SUPER-STRENGTH GRADE A EVIL!

/me bangs head on wall

I don't trust retailers, Vivendi, or he-who-must-not-be-named (although I've already done so. Bah). Until the damn things out I don't know what to think. Hell, does Lyingbastardi even qualify as an "official"? I suppose someone from Valve has confirmed it... but many might feel happier if Gabe stood up.
/me screams and dies.

It's like flogging a dead horse or smacking your face against a brick wall.

The retailers release dates are NOT wrong. We THOUGHT they were wrong because they were all saying it'd be out AFTER September 30th. I THINK they may have been correct in retrospect. They get their release dates from Vivendi mostly. Best Buy got April from Vivendi at the beginning of January when they published their release schedule. After that it was changed to TBC 2004. Best Buy haven't changed their ARSE system or whatever yet and it still shows April.

The official date is TBC/Summer. That is not going to be April. April = Spring. May = E3 and HL2 presentation. June, July, August, September = Summer.

Easy 'int it?
lol don't bother gettin ur hopes up. only to be dashed by valve once again ;(
Oh...No April release? :(
/me cries a bit.

Ah well, at least that will free up some cash that I can spend on my new graphics card. :)