Best Buy's Computer In Stock Dates.

I honestly cannot believe some people have still deluded themselves into thinking it'll be out anytime before Summer(I personally think September at the earliest). What's even more amazing is this isn't the first time, these guys were like this the last time the game was delayed. It's so pathetic it almost makes me feel bad that certain people just can NOT accept something that would shatter their expectations. Jeez
Chris_D said:
/me screams and dies.

It's like flogging a dead horse or smacking your face against a brick wall.

The retailers release dates are NOT wrong. We THOUGHT they were wrong because they were all saying it'd be out AFTER September 30th. I THINK they may have been correct in retrospect. They get their release dates from Vivendi mostly. Best Buy got April from Vivendi at the beginning of January when they published their release schedule. After that it was changed to TBC 2004. Best Buy haven't changed their ARSE system or whatever yet and it still shows April.

The official date is TBC/Summer. That is not going to be April. April = Spring. May = E3 and HL2 presentation. June, July, August, September = Summer.

Easy 'int it?

theres no point in giving explanations Chris.. a new user walks in here every week posting a thread like this before even searching through previous threads about this info.

i don't reply to most threads such as this one.. really theres no point to it.. nobody really knows the release date.
Funny stuff take the Grass and wipe your RSS with it then smoke it. Dont forget to roach it so we have something to talk about later :)

Ya all stores have to mark it as estimate and thats the correct word they post when displaying games release dates, it will say "estimated release date" nothing more.

You can check with the stores when it comes close to the release date if the game hasnt gone gold they will push the date back to a new estimate, so lets hope that doesnt happen.
You can trust the retailers as much as you can trust someone with a big black dildo.
seriously, can someone stop this guy posting about his big black dildo
Just to add to the whole debate: has HL2 as being released on the 12 November and Doom 3 as being released on the 1 December.

Whether they are acting on information given to them or having a educated guess I dont know
Seriously though, who gives a rats ass what the retailers say. You ppl just don't get it, everyone posting their own opinions like it actually makes a difference. I say, LET IT GO, it will come when it comes, in the mean time you can go buy a big black dildo to amuse yourselves

/me stares

Anyway i doubt that it'll be out before autum. Possibly late summer.
maybe he shoves the dildo where the sun don't shine and wants to share the fun with every body! could be a she i spose.
tkday said:
Seriously though, who gives a rats ass what the retailers say. You ppl just don't get it, everyone posting their own opinions like it actually makes a difference. I say, LET IT GO, it will come when it comes, in the mean time you can go buy a big black dildo to amuse yourselves
You don't really understand the concept of a discussion forum do you?

Toaxic Panda said:
Just to add to the whole debate: has HL2 as being released on the 12 November and Doom 3 as being released on the 1 December.

Whether they are acting on information given to them or having a educated guess I dont know

My opinion is that with the systems these websites use, they're unable to put "TBC 2004" or just don't like doing so which is what Gameplay did (making everyone think the date had been put back to September 30th :rolleyes:) and so they make their own guess. Educated? Doubtful. Guess? Probably.
mayro said:
You want to know why i have 10 post's? its becuse i mainly read and only open my mouth when i have something worth saying.

:cheers:** * * * * * *
ok wait, i'm sorry i must have missed something. what is everybody's beef with lombardy again?
Sai said:
ok wait, i'm sorry i must have missed something. what is everybody's beef with lombardy again?

He's been telling us stuff would happen that never does. SDK release, Steam peer to peer, HL2 release..
Brian Damage said:
I thought one of the programmers told us about the SDK release...

pssh.. but didn't Gamespy talk to Doug about it, and confirm?
You're right though, Yahn was the one that said that..
/me hides in the corner due to his misinformation
No shame in being misinformed we are all here for the same reasons to learn about whats going on.

And is ok I guess I had pre ordered from there the D3 + HL2 combo package but then decised to order from EB Games and get the little extra bonus gifts ( t-shirt/pinky deamon ) for 5 extra bucks lol.
---------------------------------------------------- NON topic related---------------------------------------
What struck me as a surprise is that you mentioned the word "bouncy" and it was used alot in association at the Interplay Boards, from there by any chance ?

PS love the new remix you did with it..
They never said HL2 itself owuld be shown at E3, they said somehting relating to hl2 will be shown (most likely TF2)

I would say the SDK comes out around march 4th and the game is released April 4th

As far as doom3 goes i dont see the 2 most anticipated games of al time being released o nthe same day, thats just bad marketing
lol, they've got everyone so confused when it does come out, everyone's gonna be going:

"I don't believe you, its never coming out!"
"no seriously, its out..."
"lah lah lah I'm not listning!!"