Best class?


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Sniper is neutered due to the crap rifles, Engineer has no purpose at all in a battlefield due to the crap gun, support has a crap gun as well.

The only 3 choices worth getting are Spec Ops, Anti Tank and Medic.
Spec-Ops or Medic, Spec-Ops get the advantage of dealing with tanks, but their primary weapon is innacurate at far ranges and pretty weak, the M16 is accurate and very powerful, but if you get in close that 3-round burst and single fire is almost useless, I would say Spec-Ops since most of the time you will br doing CQC.
Razor said:
Sniper is neutered due to the crap rifles, Engineer has no purpose at all in a battlefield due to the crap gun, support has a crap gun as well.

The only 3 choices worth getting are Spec Ops, Anti Tank and Medic.
Engineer is very usefull, mines can turn the tide of the battle. Snipers have a purpose too, in a scrimmage last night the other team was useing lots of snipers (almost there whole team) and they had all the vehicles, so they had us pinned inside out last point. Support has ammo which helps a lot, and the gun isn't too bad. Don't forget assault though, they own any infintry class. My favorite is anti-tank though, I love the rocket launcher
anti-tank because he can kill anything from a distance. air and land vehicles, even long range shots on infantry, 1 hit kill. and the mp5 isn't too bad against infantry if you play it right.
poseyjmac said:
anti-tank because he can kill anything from a distance. air and land vehicles, even long range shots on infantry, 1 hit kill. and the mp5 isn't too bad against infantry if you play it right.
Heh, if you play it right, if the enemy plays it right you are screwed about 90% of the time with the SMG.
Foxtrot said:
Heh, if you play it right, if the enemy plays it right you are screwed about 90% of the time with the SMG.

true, which is why I fire my rocket first. a lot of the time i can lure an assault/spec ops where i want them and they go boom, if they don't go boom, prone and mp5. but yea it definately helps to have an assault escort
poseyjmac said:
true, which is why I fire my rocket first. a lot of the time i can lure an assault/spec ops where i want them and they go boom, if they don't go boom, prone and mp5. but yea it definately helps to have an assault escort
I use the pistol until I am in close range.

I use the pistol until I am in close range.

Then **** some shit up with the DAO-12. I've only recently discoered its true power.
i find support quite useful when PLA, their support gun is quite food, coolest looking too.

but yeah:
1)medic prolly, all round good, on a big server can own coz of all the carnage, has a good amount of grenades, can heal themselves too, what more do you want. Pretty good main weapons with all armies.

2)Spec ops-imho it is, grenades and c4 which can make you a tank/vehicle killer, good for defence too, take a flag, drop a few c4 as it might be taken over, my best kill like this was on dalian plant, i noticed on the map a flag had been neutralised, boom, 7 kills, awesome it was...good sprint, relatively good main weapon, the PLA one is the best here imo again, the unlockable is very good too. my 1st unlock. low resistance to bullets though.

the rest are kinda even, assault and anti tank would come next i guess. Reasons given above...

support isnt bad when PLA i find, engineer is useful in situations like said, sniper prolly comes last...
Pesmerga said:

Then **** some shit up with the DAO-12. I've only recently discoered its true power.
I unlocked the DAO-12 but I dont use it anymore, unlocked weapons arent allowed in clan matches :(
Foxtrot said:
I unlocked the DAO-12 but I dont use it anymore, unlocked weapons arent allowed in clan matches :(

What?! That's crazy :( Gah I suppose I should start using my mp5 then, reminds me to start looking for a clan too.
Pesmerga said:
What?! That's crazy :( Gah I suppose I should start using my mp5 then, reminds me to start looking for a clan too.

Website is down at the moment though but if you're interested, then add supermo to your xfire client.
Pesmerga said:
What?! That's crazy :( Gah I suppose I should start using my mp5 then, reminds me to start looking for a clan too.
They also don't allow VOIP ingame because some bitches complained that it didn't work for them, I say **** them and let everyone else use it.
That's why you use Ventrilo/Teamspeak. And no unlocked weapons? That's the most ridiculous clan play rule I've ever heard. That's just stupid, seriously. There's gotta be a league somewhere that doesn't have that rule.

Voted Spec Ops, for their versatility. Long-range combat, short-range combat, ability to take out enemy vehicles and resources (art, UAV, radar), great stamina...all-around best class.
Darkside55 said:
That's why you use Ventrilo/Teamspeak. And no unlocked weapons? That's the most ridiculous clan play rule I've ever heard. That's just stupid, seriously. There's gotta be a league somewhere that doesn't have that rule.

Voted Spec Ops, for their versatility. Long-range combat, short-range combat, ability to take out enemy vehicles and resources (art, UAV, radar), great stamina...all-around best class.
Of course we use Ventrilo, but it would be nice to be able to talk to just your squad. "LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU" doesn't need to be spammed to every person on your team.
Assault owns, 40mm Grenade Launcher i get so many kills with that.

I love when guys in jeeps try to run me over, and I just lauch a 40mm nade into them, BOOM all dead.
SenorDingDong said:
I love when guys in jeeps try to run me over, and I just lauch a 40mm nade into them, BOOM all dead.

Done a lot more effectively by Anti-Tanks :-)
Pesmerga said:
Done a lot more effectively by Anti-Tanks :-)
I love when they are in a 4 person transports and they are going down a hill, they hit a little bump and you can get your rocket to hit the bottom which is a 1 hit kill.
i love when people are in gunner seats on vehicles or stop off for repairs in the helicopter...too easy almost.
xcellerate said:
i love when people are in gunner seats on vehicles or stop off for repairs in the helicopter...too easy almost.
I like to get them when they stop to wait for someone to get in, right when the guy gets in it blows up.
Sp-Ops = Best all-around class.

Pros: Good sprint, accurate weapons (not MEC), C4!

Cons: No armor, can't heal, hard to get support actions by yourself, the weapons are fairly weak.
ricera10 said:
Sp-Ops = Best all-around class.

Pros: Good sprint, accurate weapons (not MEC), C4!

Cons: No armor, can't heal, hard to get support actions by yourself, the weapons are fairly weak.

I disagree still, Spec Ops are meant for destroying static installations, not bum rushing yourself against a vehicle and hope to get close before it mows you down. And they can't do nearly as good as a job as Anti-Tanks can against Helicopters.

Ask any ground vehicle/helicopter driver what class they try to avoid the most. Anti-Tank, bitches!

With that in mind, Spec Ops only excel at laying traps and blowing bridges. And that's hardly all around :-)
Pesmerga said:
With that in mind, Spec Ops only excel at laying traps and blowing bridges. And that's hardly all around :-)

You sure don't get creative with the class then...There are tons of things to do with Special Ops classes!
ricera10 said:
You sure don't get creative with the class then...There are tons of things to do with Special Ops classes!

You could always leave some C4 in a helicopter (usually in a transport) and wait....then BOOM you get kills, but as said earlier there are a lot of cons to be spec ops: no armor, crap m4 (but the upgrade is nice) and i cant think of anything else... but there are really good qualities to the spec ops that you can do as ricera said