Best cold medicine?


Sep 12, 2003
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God I hate colds. I feel one coming. I have a dry throat and one nostril is clogged (dont you had that?). What do you all think is the best cold medicine?
NyQuil and Sleep, lots of sleep, followed by more NyQuil and more sleep
Vigilante said:
What do you all think is the best cold medicine?
Never going outside.

Failing that, NyQuil and chicken soup. Lots of chicken soup, followed by more NyQuil and more soup. (Sleeping helps too)
i heard about a new pill the other day that apparently knocks 2 days off colds. it is a mixture of vitamins and bacteria iirc.
Nuclear radiation.

Just buy a highly unstable isotope, swallow, preferably with a meal.

Side effects:

Deformed cells and immune system
Horrible slow death

Never take medication with alcohol.
look for stuff called coldFX. It might be hard to find depending where you live. Lots of hockey players use it, I don't know why. But it seriously works. It helped me get over a really bad cold in almost a day. PS coldfx also has about 10 or 12 clinical studies to back it up if you look around a bit.
1. Get a bottle of nyquil
2. Open the bottle
3. Chug it all down
4. Sleep for 24 hours
5. Wake up and WALA! you're cured
nyquil FTW. dont worry about taking too much, just take like 3 tablets and sleep your balls off.
Exercise. Advil. Orange Juice.

Take Dayquil at night and Nyquil during the day.
I currently have an awful sinus/cold/bug thing and my entire head feels like its going to fall off.
I currently have an awesome job where i get payed money and i get free pop just for existing and it's awesome. bitches. YEAH.



Vitamin C supplements help like you wouldn't believe. When I feel a cold coming on, I take a couple of these, and the next day it's almost completely gone.
EC said:
Vitamin C supplements help like you wouldn't believe. When I feel a cold coming on, I take a couple of these, and the next day it's almost completely gone.
yeah you have to take them JUST as it starts coming on though, or else they dont do shit.
I've heard that apparently, you can drink the water that washes silver (as in, actual silver) and you'll be cured forever.

Its most likely its all just pish posh but still thats all i know. Other than drinking lots of water. Which can actually kill you.
gh0st said:
yeah you have to take them JUST as it starts coming on though, or else they dont do shit.

oh.. they will, if you take too much..
180 proof everclear.

Actually...don't listen to me. That would probally make it worse.
DDT or Methyl Alchohol.

*evil laugh*
raw food (fruits, vegetables, nuts).

you could also choose to eat that way for the rest of your life for no sickness, disease, or cancer ever. oh and you'll 100% live over 100 (ignoring trauma related deaths) and die naturally.
For obvious reasons, only try this method if you are of age, but I always find a nice meal and a shot of Sambuca help.

Or maybe I'm just a pisshead.