Best console?

  • Thread starter Thread starter EricAw
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Which console/hand-held(to you)/others is the best?

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I will vote some consoles,although I like the Xbox 360.:thumbs:
Why the **** isn't the Sega MegaDrive/Sega Genesis/Sega CD on that list? HUH!?
Well, I would vote for Playstation before anything else, but PS3 would be in there with my selection, so I can't vote for it.. I'd say current-gen is PC and 360, non-current-gen is SNES and NES.
Sorry guys.Theres so much consoles to put on this list,so I had to list the popular,knowned ones.I know there's Dreamcast but I forgot about it.
Game boards, tabletops, your mother's chest, any musical instrument... be specific!
Game boards, tabletops, your mother's chest, any musical instrument... be specific!

Yeah...I should be specific.But I said "GAMES",not instruments or people.
And I mentioned consoles and hand-helds.
How did you manage to have the Nintendo Virtual Boy, but not the N64, Gamecube, DS, or Wii?

btw you can play "GAMES" on your mother's chest EricAw.
Where the hell's the Wii?

It's practically an all in one.
I'm disappointed in a lack of an N64 option too. The number of quality games in that system's library was incredible.
It's hard for me to imagine the NES/SNES not winning in this poll. Too many good games. :p
I'd trade my PC+games for a NES/SNES a library of games (assuming I didn't have my SNES and there was no such thing as emulators).
Didn't we have this thread a month or so ago?

The N64 won.
Play Station
Xbox 360
Nintendo DS
PlayStation 3
Sega Genesis
I thought the N64 was a bit poor ... a bit of top gear rally and goldeneye was all it was good for, with a little bit of zeldaOOT (but not too much)

Xbox / Xbox360 ftw.

... and why is PC in the list ...
This poll is terrible. And yeah, Warbie, we did, although my poll didn't include anything too recent iirc.
I've never owned a game console in my life, but of the ones I've played the X-Box seems to be the best.
I thought the N64 was a bit poor ... a bit of top gear rally and goldeneye was all it was good for, with a little bit of zeldaOOT (but not too much)

Mario 64, Starfox 64, Blast Corps, Mischief Makers, Banjo Kazooie, Smash Brothers, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart 64, Mystical Ninja, Pokemon Snap (which I personally had a lot of fun with back in the day), Paper Mario...

The list goes on. So many quality games.
*holds up flame shield*

I prefered the PS1 and didn't like the N64.

I voted Xbox and Xbox 360.
I love my Sega Master System and i still play it to this day i miss the simplicity of the games and being able to play together as a family which stoped after i got my ps1. And playing the original Sonic never gets boring unlike the pathetic new sonic.
Hmm, either a Wii with all of the NES/SNES games (via VC) or a PS3 with BC because PS2 has the best library of games ever seen on one platform alone.
who are some of these people? I haven't seen them around, and a lot of new avatar's too!
lawl. And yes dreamcasttt was great. Im suprised the PS 1,2,3 is so low in here, I guess everyone is judging by PS3 which everyone seems to have something against..

I enjoyed my PS2 immensely (I've had the same one working fairly well since the initial PS2 launch) and the PS1 was cool... but neither of them comes close to how amazing the N64 was. And yeah, the PS3 is a flop.

I have my N64 to this day in my dorm room and it gets more play than my 360 and PS2 by a margin of 10:1.
1. PC
2. Gameboy / DS
3. Playstation 2

I love PC games, console ok.

Consoles' controls have not enough for more movements and etc, consoles SUX.

But PC can crashing too.
I like PC, PSP and Gameboy Advance was good too. I'm not keen on consoles but I liked PS1.
not voting in this list out of principal due to the list bieng retarded for leaving out the superb nintendo wii but leaving in the atari consoles and the virtual boy... In fact i'll do my own list...