best ending

Oct 29, 2007
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I checked search and couldn't find a thread like this anywhere, and if it does exist, get rid of it. Which half-life game do you think had the best ending? For me, it's a tie between half-life 2 and episode two, the saddest ending on earth. What do you think?
"Time, Dr. Freeman?"

Pure brilliance that has yet to be matched.
I think that the Episode 2 ending had the most impact on people, because it leaves you shocked, appalled, or in my case, wanting to kick the combine's metal arses even more.
Definitely Half-Life 2 - had some actual closure, unlike the Ep2 one, which, while highly emotional, finished with a dull, generic "fade to black".
yeah, half-life 2 and ep. 2 are basically the best. Ep. one was pretty cool, too. I like the fact that we were basically being chased by a nuke. I like how each had a different feel to them. Half-life 2 was mysterious, ep. one was action-packed and life-threatening, and ep. two was really emotional.
"Maybe we still have-"
"Time, Dr Freeman?"
I quite liked Opposing Force

G-man talks about how Black Mesa is causing alot of trouble, but how that has just been taken care off. A white flash (the bomb) goes off, and he says, "Quite so."

but yeah, HL2 was good
Half Life 2 for the brain drain...."Time, Dr. Freeman?"
Half Life 2 Ep. 2 for the emotional pull...."Dad, don't leave me..."
I like all of the HL endings a lot, I think Valve did an excellent job there. But I must mention one non-hl game for having an especially jaw-dropping ending - F.E.A.R.
Nothing comes close to HL2. I was never really surprised by the EP2 ending, but HL2 was just awesome. As others have said... "Time, Doctor Freeman? Is it really that... time again?"
F.E.A.R: extraction point has the best, most screen-punchingly, kick-in-the-teeth ending ever.
the whole games point is to get to the extraction point where a helicopter is. you get as far at the door, close enough to see the chopper outside, then there is a massive explosion and you are blown backwards down the passageway. when you wake, you walk backtowards the broken door and go out onto a rooftop covered in scrap metal and burning corpses of both your enemys and friends. alone, stuck on a blood-covered roof with a phantom cannible whispering to you about a massacre of biblical proportions.

I actually did punch the screen.
Episode Two's just had the most impact on me, and "I love you dad" must be the most skillfully voice-acted line I've ever heard in a video game.

I've come to appreciate HL2's ending, but the simple fact that I didn't like it initially takes away points. Although I have to say that the way G-Man exits is plain stylish. *door opens in mid-air* *turns, fixes his tie, and casually walks out* *pitch blackness* *credits*
Half-Life. I've never felt so cheated and, at the same time, amazed.

I was all 'What? Games aren't allowed to do this!'
The best ending was SIN: episodes - EMERGENCE because they showed previews to a sequel they had no intentions of making.

Don't buy this game.
The ending did suck.

The level designs were ok. AI... kinda lacking.
The greatest thing was that the headshots blow up heads.

In all seriousness Portal had the best ending ever. Had a hard time believing I'm the first one mentioning this.
ep 1 had a cool ending because you at first thought "How are they going to get themselves out of this one!" ep 2 had a very emotional ending and the end of op4 were your in that area unaffected by time.

SIN: episodes - EMERGENCE
Don't buy this game.
Too late, I got it for, like, $7 during a Steam Sale ;)
I know it isn't supposed to be very good (I haven't played it yet), but even if it sucks it's only $7.
To all those who didn't get it: This is a Half-Life thread, we're supposed to choose the best Half-Life game ending.

Anyways, I'm amazed to see that there's a positive attitude here towards the HL2 ending. I personally think it's the best so far too, but people usually say it's rubbish.
but people usually say it's rubbish.
Heh, I read a thread on another forum once... the people there wanted the cliche hollywood ending, you know, blow up the citadel, get the girl, live happily ever after... totally terrible in other words.
in the half life universe- definately portal, "and the science gets done and you make a neat gun for the people who are still alive" :D

of the half life games- Op4- i thought that the gene worm had killed me when the screen went black then "corporal shepard, we meet at last"

still gives me the creeps