best ever


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
I just got out of a server with a guy in it, F.T.F.S something, i can't really remember, anyway, when i first joined i picked his squad cause only 2 people where in it, and noticed they were in a helicopter. So i joined in also, FTFS was flying so me and other guy were gunning.
Within 20 seconds i could tell this guy knew what he was doing, when he was capping a flag he would spin in circles so we (the gunners) could see everything, when he got to 50% health he'd go back and recharge. When our 3 man squad became the top 3 players, with like 50/48/47 pts, people began to join in, we quickly became 6 people, and pretty soon we had a medic and an engie in the helicopter with us.
The next map we all knew what to do, spawn on the leader and get in that copter. We all pile in, and by the end of the map our entire squad is leading the game with scores from 170 down to 115. It's true what they say, you need a strong leader to make a strong team, and because this guy was such a strong pilot i ended up playing classes i never played before (engie and medic) because i knew it would help everybody else out in the heli, and got a couple badges in the process.

w00t go team
It's really amazing what squads can do with good squad leaders.
That is why I always like to make a squad and fly the black hawk. I also hover just above the flag and spin around so the gunners can get the guys spawning. Once you get the lead, your squad fills up fast.
Its great doing this but theres always that one guy who isn't in your squad and gets in the gunner seat and won't bail out:dozey:
Yes, Black Hawks are great weapons of demise to your opponents if you have a good pilot, but last night, my friend was going for his Basic Explosives Ordinance Badge, and because of a bad pilot on the other team, he was able to put C4 on the underbelly of their Black Hawk and get four kills, twice on the same server. :cheers:
yeah, but your opponent must have been bad, cause couldn't they just take you down with planes and their heli's, and even a tank if your hovering that close to the ground. i mean I've shot quite a few moving heli's and I'm an avrage player, so a standing one shouldn't be a problem.
Wow, I just came off the most amazing game Ive had so far.
It was a 32 man server on Mashtuur City, or whatever its called. A group of us jumped in the BlackHawk from the start, me as a pilot, we had 2 gunners, a medic and a mechanic.
By the end of a short game I had racked up 77 points, with no kills and 3 deaths, we spent the entire game hovering around flags, letting my gunners own anything that moved, the mechanic repairing us from damage and the medic healing those injured.
I had never realised how quickly flags could be capped with a full Hawk before, its damn quick.
Went and checked my stats, and considering I'm only half way to a Lance Corp, I reckon 110 points for driving ability is pretty good. :D
But how the **** do you not get shot, seriously i mean how fast can a gunner take out a tank with teh minigun.
Grey Fox said:
But how the **** do you not get shot, seriously i mena how fast can a gunner take out a tank with teh minigun.

You need to learn to know when to retreat from such situations. You need to look after all your crew too.
Yeah, but gunners need to remember to spot enemies because it's a pain and a half to see where the enemy is if you're a pilot
You can look around with the mouse if you are a pilot in a helicopter or aircraft, so you can spot enemies more easily instead of turning the whole chopper around and giving the gunners a hard time hitting them.
Just press and hold down left CTRL.

Sorry if you already knew this. :)
But when you do that, you lose control of the chopper and it invariably flings to the left and down.

Which is bad.
Those are some sweet stories....the only cool ones I've got that have to do with helis, is an appache (or the attacking one..whatever..) was swooping in for kills on tanks and I jumped, threw my C4, landed right on his windshield...and I detonated and he flew. I'm sure he was skared shitless :)
anti tank missile to the cabin = hella dead people. blackhawks are just flying manatee's.
Heh yea, no-one could actually hit inside the chopper though, the side was absorbing everything which got healed by the mechanic as quick as they could deal it.
If we got into big trouble I just legged it away to another flag, can come back after the tanks gone, mark it for AT troops.
Sometimes if im on my own in a blackhawk, I just land it sideways on to the enemy flag; and get into the minigun position. The enemy all think no1 is in it when they spawn, because the engines not on; so Im able to rack up kills.