Best FPS experience?

Best single player FPS experience?

  • Doom series

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Quake series

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Duke Nukem 3D

    Votes: 3 2.4%
  • Castle Wolfenstein

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • Half-Life

    Votes: 81 64.3%
  • NOLF (No One Lives Forever, and its sequel)

    Votes: 8 6.3%
  • Unreal

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Hexen series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jedi Knight series

    Votes: 4 3.2%
  • Other (any you can think of that I didn't list here)

    Votes: 18 14.3%

  • Total voters
i have to vote for HL. it blew everythig else away when it came out...

but others... doom, doom2, quake2, thief, system shock2, Aliens vs predator 2, NOLF, NOLF2.

there were quite a few others too but those are the best.

My first true FPS experience other than watching my uncle play wolfenstien and doom was halflife. Halflife was my first true FPS experience. and Aliens vs predator is just so much fun. Crappy netcode aside MP as an alien, running around crazy fast like some sort of alien ninja, man, it kicks serious ass.

Battlefield 1942 also seriously kicks ass, not so much the original game but the mods its currently spawning i.e. desert combat

I voted for halflife btw

1 question though, whats so bad about halo? I love playing halo except the vehicles don't protect your ass for shit, but playing cap the flag with 4 people on 2 tvs and 2 xboxes in 2 diff rooms is loads of fun. Especially all the racial, sexist, homophobic, crude, hilarious, sick, slurs that get yelled across the hallway between both rooms at the other team.
No question about it, Half-Life. :) (Pretty obvious it's going to be number one in a Half-Life forum, duh :E )
BF42 should have been included ......why you would put Hexan before bf42 i dont know.......
Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Halo

me and my friends had such a blast playing those games, good times, really good times ;(
easy choice for me but i couldnt get enough of doom and quake
Where is Halo?

Halo is the best FPS experience i had in my life.. much better than Half-Life 1.
How old are you peeps? I'm pretty sure your around my age. Its like everyones only mentioning recent games from 1998+.

not an opinion but a fact:

Marathon 2 Durnadal = Most immersive FPS Story ever

Marathon series for that matter

Marathon 2 Durandal
Marathon Infinity

it was created by Bungie

PS. Halo is the birth child and inspired by the Marathon series. Marathon is Halo's mama.
Over 7 Billion page views:cheers:

"Marathon, in the minds of the members of this team, is the undisputed god of First-Person Shooters. Back in 1994, a small company called Bungie Software released this masterwork, which literally trounced id Software's DOOM in terms of playability, graphics, interactivity and, most of all, storyline. Marathon's game play differed from DOOM in that it wasn't just see demon, kill demon, flip switch, open door, tied together with a shabby, quasi-action-movie plot. Marathon's storyline ran deep into the minds of three computer AI's: Durandal, Leela and Tycho. Leela was cast as the player's ally, who would guide him through his objective's aboard the colony ship Marathon, which was under attack by alien forces known as the P'fhor and S'pht at the time. Durandal was cast as the player's enemy. Durandal, in the beginning, would attempt to hinder the player's efforts. Durandal was an AI overtaken by a condition known as rampancy, the computer equivalent of insanity. Tycho was, well, Tycho. Any of you Marathon junkies out there know what I mean. As you progressed through the levels, jump after jump, the plot became more and more in-depth. The puzzles presented were not there just for the sake of being challenging, but because they were integral to the plot. Even today, 7 years later, websites such as the Marathon Story website still examine the plot nuances and seemingly inconsequential tidbits of information in the game. From the number 7 to Durandal's rantings, everything in Marathon has a purpose for being there. Marathon's multiplayer gaming mode was, and still is, ridiculously addictive. From pioneering such interesting game types as King of the Hill and Kill the Guy with the Ball to plain, ordinary deathmatch, there was something about multiplayer in Marathon that people just couldn¹t get enough of. The weapons and physics made for excellent and fabulously gory games (TOZT with your SPNKR, anyone?). It was always fun to shoot a rocket at someone's feet and watch them fly back ten or so meters, but I digress."

-Wolf 3D
-Blake Stone
-Doom I
-Duke Nukem
-Deus Ex

I spend most of my online gaming hours playing either CS or BF1942 and mods. :D
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
Deus ex !!!!!

:thumbs: :cheers:

It's an fps (if you want to play like that), and its an adventure if you play it the other way.

But no matter how gets played, deus ex surely had the best gameplay,interactivity of all games that were ever released, and a great and tense story as well.
i'd even say its the best game of all time and of all genres, the genre mix was just too perfect.
And it was one of the few fps games that needed 30 hours+ to play through...

well, heres my hitlist:

Dues Ex
Operation Flashpoint (great atmosphere and gameplay as well)
(then comes hl1, but I'm not supposed to mention it here)
Goldeneye Baby!!!!!

I voted for HL, but that's because I forgot about Goldeneye. I still remember the first time I played it when I rented it from Blockbuster. I must have been only 16 at the time, but my friends and I played it from 9:30 PM till 6:30 AM straight. I don't think I had ever laughed that hard playing a video game before or since then. It was so friggin' awesome; we played multiplayer Goldeneye then for probably another year and a half all the time. What a great game! I can understand to some degree why some people loved Halo mp so much since it's well done - probably the best console mp since Goldeneye. But at the same time I already experienced Goldeneye and after it Halo, even with much better graphics/sound/vehicles, it didn't seem half as good as Goldeneye with all of its mines and different play modes. Goldeneye had the only mp like it at it's time of release and many games have tried to copy it since then, but I don't think any have really pulled it all together quite like it did.
How on earth did Dues Ex not go into the poll?

Dues Ex
Natural Selection
Serious Sam

Honerable mention:

Right now Im playing Thief2...So far I'd add it to my list despite some pretty shotty level design in certian mission.

And Im about to install Mafia now that I have a comp that can run it.
Oh crap...what about the Tom Clancy games!

Ghost Recon should go into that list...
hmmm, lisght half-life bias!

I remember way back in 1995 when I was about 13 and doom just came out. Every single person I knew with a computer had it, people were upgrading (much like with HL2) just to get it with sound! I think it may have been because I was so young, or because this was the very major gaiming hit, but I have so many fond memories of playing doom1
Voted HL of course, because that's the game I've enjoyed the most, as a product I mean. First, single player, awesome gaming experience, perfect. Multiplayer, not only online but also on LAN vs my brother. Since we're quite equally skilled, we used to have really close matches. Especially after mastering the gauss techniques (nuking, accurate jumps) we really had a great time. Then, mods like CS, TFC and DoD. 3 great games.

Next comes Doom 1 and 2 (scary as hell :)), then RTCW (never liked the original Castle Wolfenstein because I had already played Doom then). After that it's Unreal. Only played that 1on1 vs a friend.

The amount of time i've spent on FPS games in my entire life is just...frightening.
You all suck :) the Quake series as farthe best mp. even a hl MP elite was converted to quake3 once I showed him the game.. he loved it
UM....Goldeneye 007 revolutionized the first person shooter before Half-life even came out.

Not only is Facility one of the coolest levels of all time, but the game's 20 levels kicked butt and it is the only game where you unlock cheats that I ever had fun with. Goldeneye cheats ruled. Rare used to rule...what happened to them?

By the way, Goldeneye 007 is a 10/10 excellent game and I disliked Perfect Dark because they took away James Bond and put a woman in "Goldeneye 007" and then decided to change some stuff around and beef up the multi-player (which was good).
Originally posted by d8cam
Rare used to rule...what happened to them?

I certainly agree with all your comments there. Goldeneye 007 is an A* game. That and Half-Life are my two favourite games of all time.

Rare... they're now an X-Box only developer. I can't believe they ditched Nintendo and went to Microsoft. Then again, I guess Microsoft made them a handsome offer. A very handsome offer.

Anyway, this is what they're working on at the moment:
OH Sh*t!!! A new conker!!! Who played the first one? That game pwned. And what about Perfect Dark 2? I heard thats in the making,.
ok first stop complaining that BF1942 isn't on the poll, the title of the poll is "Best SINGLE PLAYER FPS experience?".

i choose Half Life because it is still, in my eyes, the greatest game ever made. I like Deus Ex too and i can understand why people say that is the best game, but when i played it it was about 2-3 years after it was released and it felt quite poor to play, weapons seemed really wrong, graphics were awful (they were even bad when it was released), the death animation really annoyed me and also i can't stand not being able to carry more then about 3 weapons (as soon as you carried the GEP gun then you could only have the pistol and possible the machine gun depending what else you had)

I also really i enjoyed NOLF2 (not played 1) but i was disappointed with the second section when you infiltrate the base because it just turns into opening every draw searching every shelf to find the right item but after that it improved again and was great fun and at points funny

Also have to comment on the Dark forces series (including JK2) they were great fun and i think the original JK was one of the first games to use a Hardware display mode (could be wrong) which looked great for its day.
My best experience came in the uplink demo for HalfLife actually.. I was never really into FPS that much.. sure I played Duke and Wolf, but not enough to get hooked. Then after reading the reviews for Half Life I thought this must be a great game, but at the time I didn't have the funds or the computer to run it so I never bought it. Then the demo came out, and I just had upgraded to an intel 233mhz computer, and decided to see what all the fuss was about. As soon as the game started up, software rendered of course, I was like 'HOLY CRAP' this game looks great. The more and more I played the demo the more and more I knew I had to have the game. The next day I went out and bought a Voodoo 2 and Half Life.
dude, i wanna see another Banjo Kazooie game, a Jet Force Gemini Sequel, a Perfect Dark sequel, god, those games kicked
Originally posted by d8cam
UM....Goldeneye 007 revolutionized the first person shooter before Half-life even came out.

Half-life was released Nov. '98
GoldenEye 007 was released Aug. '98

There were developed simultaneously in tandom. I really don't think GoldenEye is comperable to Half-life, though, due to the console/pc issue.
Originally posted by Doobz
dude, i wanna see another Banjo Kazooie game, a Jet Force Gemini Sequel, a Perfect Dark sequel, god, those games kicked

Hehe, banjo kazooie! Great game, seriously.
Originally posted by nbk-brando
Half-life was released Nov. '98
GoldenEye 007 was released Aug. '98

There were developed simultaneously in tandom. I really don't think GoldenEye is comperable to Half-life, though, due to the console/pc issue.

Goldeneye was released in 97, i know, because i got it for xmas that year
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Hehe, banjo kazooie! Great game, seriously.

i had so much fun playing that game with my friend
Originally posted by Mad_Eejit
ok first stop complaining that BF1942 isn't on the poll, the title of the poll is "Best SINGLE PLAYER FPS experience?".

I missed that part :P

bf42 singleplay is crap.

Then i would have to go with half-life or dues-ex
If people insist on doing these polls I really wish they'd add all the decent games.. no Tribes or Tribes2 ( which would of been my vote ).

Alas I went for Half-Life now, 100th vote.
Originally posted by Morbo
Max Payne isn't a FPS

technically true, but that and the hitman series should count, in my opinion
I would have to say the best moments in fps gaming for me have been while playing medal of honor allied assault, the omaha beach level. When I first got that game a couple of years ago and the ramp drops on the higgins, I though omg this is incredible. Still the most intense moment captured in a fps to date imo. Second best I would have to say is in the game Vietcong, the radio relay mission when the hill is surrounded by hostile vietcong all around and you have to fight them off until your chopper arrives, that is rather intense too. Vietcong has alot of missions I enjoy, a VERY underrated game imo. Only problem people have with it is its probably the most demanding game out at the moment, I am on a top of the line system and avg 80 fps on max details. Most get around 40's.
Originally posted by AgentXen
Yea! Nice Choise there! :thumbs: With You 100% !!!! :cheers:

PERFECT DARK is Forever...

woot! long live the 64!

lol.... even though i never play it and its collecting dust under my tv and----

damn, id SO play perfect dark if the 64 was online...

WAIT someone should make a perfect dark mod! but like, call it different things (like facility->felicity)

oh.... good times
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Ehh... PD and Goldeneye had terrible MP, i hated it. But SP was loads of fun.

/me mentally deletes the :sniper:party pooper