Best game cutscene

Why is there no mention of the Fallout 2 intro? I still get goosebumps when I hear that "but the scars of the war have not yet healed and the Earth has not forgotten".
Oh shit, so much stuff from Psychonauts.
"Can you please speak a little more quietly?"
"Oh sorry"
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" *collapses"
"Hmm...He's dead."

I think it went like that, whatever. I loved those lungfish.
"So... Tacky... Can't look... Directly at it!"

"Luckily your insurance is going to cover the whole thing!"
That is pretty cool. Fallout rocks.
The cutscene in bishock were great the best was the one where you met andrew ryan and he tells you everything
Spelling and grammar, please.
Red Alert 2 intro is good, but Hellmarch > Hellmarch 2
I miss the days when spyro and crash were good ;(
Hmmm... something from Grim Fandango. The end, or possibly when Chepito goes to the 9th underworld.
"I hereby dub thee Chepito's fountain. After the strange, oily film he left upon your waters."

Yeah, the ones in Grim Fandango are good. "From now on we soar, like eagles. Yeah. Like eagles on.... POGO STICKS!!!!" :E Definitely the best cut scene!
mgs2 has the best ones by far. also; halo series, NOLF games ("it's not like i blend in!"), grim fandango, the darkness, jk2, gta series, max payne novels if they count, zelda:eek:ot ending
I think Arcanum had some pretty good ones. It's been a long time since I've played it, though... I remember the intro with the blimp that was cool enough, but I'm thinking there was some pretty awesome ones later in the game too.
Dark Messiah, it's one of the "Holy shit!" moments!
Watch it all.

That was a great cut scene, really didnt expect that playing the game.

Does this little chat count as a cut-scene? :p

Omg was that great the 1st time i watched it, i really cant get over it.

Very nice quote but cutscene was quite poor.

Deus Ex Ending

The ps2 ending is shit compared to the real original PC ending!

Here are all of them. Man greatest game of all time!
Jesus christ, I wish that game had a PROPER sequal. :(

Arcanum had cutscenes later in the game? Awesome. I should really get around to finishing that.
Yeah that DOW intro was pretty much the best ive ever seen. Its just so damn cool.
I'm not sure if it counts but Starcraft 2's announcement trailer was ****ing awesome.
Jesus christ, I wish that game had a PROPER sequal. :(

Arcanum had cutscenes later in the game? Awesome. I should really get around to finishing that.

They will someday!