Best. Game. Ever.


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Now, since the Worst. Game. Ever. thread is off of the front board, I figured I would make a new thread dedicated to the Best. Game. Ever.
But there is one catch, your favorite game may not be Half-Life or any of its mods, simply because everyone would be choosing that; and this is a Half-Life/Half-Life 2 fan site.
Well, my favorite game ever is...Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City. I cannot narrow it down any because they go hand in hand for my best game ever.
So, what's yours?
There was a thread on this awhile back.. not like it matters though

My favorite game of all time is EVO for the SNES
Mechwarrior 2

(If anybody can get that game to work on Windows XP, let me know :angel: )
Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City


FarCry.................For now off course..............things will change as soon as D3,HL2 out
This is definitely a toughie...

I'd have to say either GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, LOZ: Ocarina of Time, or Halo. I can't really narrow it down, I love all those games equally.
Starcraft 10charlimitihateitsomuch
blahblahblah said:
Mechwarrior 2

(If anybody can get that game to work on Windows XP, let me know :angel: )
omg, I havent thought about this game in a long time. Yes, it is one of the best games ever done. Unfortunatly they dont do anymore simulations like this today (apart from steel battalion which doesn't count because of the 200$ price tag :angry: ). But I can't say Mechwarrior 2 was the best sim game, actually it was equal with Tie Fighter :thumbs: (X-Wing is in second).
I should say Mech2 (my name IS Direwolf), but I can't. Other than Half-Life I've logged the most time in Battlefield: 1942 out of any game I've ever owned. It was exactly what I was looking for in a game, as has really lead the way for the next generation of first person shooters with its use of vehicles and huge maps.
I don't think I have played enough good games to name one the best, all games have major flaws in them that make them boring, even half-life. But if I am forced to chose I guess it would be Everquest, just because I played the hell out of that game.
Direwolf said:
Battlefield: 1942
Augh! That's the game I forgot about! And damn, is it a good one. I don't remember why I traded it in for a different game... Well, whatever. All I know is that I'm buying the WWII Anthology in a week or so.
Silent_night said:
warcraft 3

StarCraft > WarCraft 3

sorry :) It's my opinion that Blizzard will never be able to make a masterpiece with the feel of SC..
Shuzer said:
StarCraft > WarCraft 3

sorry :) It's my opinion that Blizzard will never be able to make a masterpiece with the feel of SC..
No, Diablo 2 was better in my opinnion. Who would have thought that a clickfest could be so much fun? Actually, I believe diablo 2 is the game I played the most in my life (halo comes close). Diablo 1 was also great, but the second (with the expansion) was near perfection. For one thing your right Shuzer, Blizzard will never create a game as great as Diablo 2 or StarCraft.
I feel sorry for all the people that said GTA3/Vice City was the best game ever.

The best games in my opinion are;

Age Of Empires 1-2
Diablo 1-2
Dune 1-2
Starcraft with Broodwar
Quake 1-3
Warcraft 1-2

Anything I missed?
Soldier of Fortune II:Double Helix
Prince of Persia 1
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Quake II but not the expansion packs.
WarCraft III & The Frozen Throne
It seems like I've posted this a lot. :p

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Secret of Mana
Age of Empires
Sim City 2000
Goldeneye/Perfect Dark
Baldur's Gate II
I love the Thief series, Silent Hill series, Starcraft, and System Shock 2. Warcraft 3 is quite fun as well. Some games hold a special place in my heart though. Doom and Wolfenstein (Wolf being the first game I ever played and Doom being my first serious game) as well as Super Mario on the SNES and this game I'm sure no one has heard of called Lagoon (also on the SNES). It was an RPG. I played it all the way up until the very, very end, and then I accidently erased the save game (go me).
Kyo said:
I feel sorry for all the people that said GTA3/Vice City was the best game ever.

The best games in my opinion are;

Age Of Empires 1-2
Diablo 1-2
Dune 1-2
Starcraft with Broodwar
Quake 1-3
Warcraft 1-2

Anything I missed?

Enough with the bashing of GTA games! ARGGGHHHHH.

/me takes a bite of a Nutrigrain bar.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. SO excited about the new Zelda for GC coming out!
i can't choose the best, so i'll say the game that has taken most of my time (besides halflife/mods).....roller coaster tycoon.....damn that used to be addicting(that was back when that was the best thing my computer could could hardly run HL1 on software mode.

but otherwise there are too many to list, basically everything everyone else has said and more. Most fps don't keep my interest long....the only exception is half life.

anyone who said any gta needs to play more games.
Pressure said:
/me takes a bite of a Nutrigrain bar.

Ahaha, I still can't get enough of that! :LOL:

jsc1286 said:
Wow guys. It's obviously Zelda: OoT.
Wow, it's obviously Link to the Past! :flame:

/me takes Pressure's Nutrigrain
I have proabably spend a great deal of time playing BF1942(DC) multi but then again I love just driving around and having a good time in GTA3(VC).
Before counter-strike there was only N64 Goldeneye 007. ;)
I never got into perfectdark as it was just too odd.

My favorite? Proabably BF1942.
Final Fantasy VII is the best overall experience I've ever had. If MGS1 & 2 had lasted longer, I'd say those, but FFVII is a fulll 40+ hour experience.
AmishSlayer said:
Final Fantasy VII is the best overall experience I've ever had. If MGS1 & 2 had lasted longer, I'd say those, but FFVII is a fulll 40+ hour experience.

I would have said MGS 2 but I can't even play through it a second time. It was fun, but like most games I can't play through it a second time. Also I tend to never finish games because I lose interest or I don't feel motivated enough to go on. I had a hard time getting all the way through MGS 2 but I did. Don't get me wrong, it was fun as hell but I just can't finish most games. That is probably why I tend to be attracted to games like GTA. RPGs tend to be the hardest for me to finish. I don't quit, I just slowly stop playing and forget about. It's not on purpose it's just something I do. A few game's I've never finished the first time through are FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, Zelda: OoT, XenoSaga, PoP, Ninja Gaiden, MGS, MGS2, Max Payne, Call of Duty, WarCraft 3, Half-Life, Silent Hill 1-3, Resident Evil and many more, I can't even begin to think of them all. Of course I pushed myself to finish most but not all of these. I don't know what my problem is, I just can't go all the way through a game. Infact, the majority of the time I never get through a game the first time I play it. It's usually months later when I'm really bored I might pick up where I left off, confused as hell I might add, and finish the game. Even then I still might not even finish it.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Sweet 16: Licensed to Drive
total anhilation
mechwarrior series
warcraft 1&2 (3 sucks)
diablo 2
herzog zwei
sonic(all pretty much)
mario(all of em pretty much)
final fantasy 7
zeld link to the past
GTA series (all of em including 1&2)
quake 2
sim city series
baldurs gate
Various d&d and other RPG games
fallout series
various strategy games (RTS and turn many to list)
most likly missed a bunch(like space shooters and arcade games and more console games etc etc etc etc)

Those are some of my favorites. There is really no best ever for me, it depends on what im playing..... right now I would say BF42(mods) is the best...... in 6 months to a year I will probobly say that some HL2 mod is the best.
my opinion on best games ever?


well i enjoyed Half Life so much the first time through that i just don't have the heart not to add it to this list.

Half Life
Fina Fantasy 3 and 7
Mortal Kombat 2

had alot of fun with these games.. i'd add 1 or 2 NES games but i can't quite remember the names :|
User Name said:
But there is one catch, your favorite game may not be Half-Life or any of its mods, simply because everyone would be choosing that; and this is a Half-Life/Half-Life 2 fan site.

How many people missed that?
Console: Ocarina of Time
PC: StarCraft, Counter-Strike, WarCraft 3 were games I got really addicted to.