Best Game Sayings.

DeusExMachinia said:
I've been looking for that game everywhere. I hear its really good.

Indeed it is. It's very funny too, the mini planet is awesome!

I love nearly every line from the Space Quest series, especially the narrator from SQ6. He's so sarcastic it's great.

Some good ones:

"That's not recommended. That'll either get you an appendaged removed, or a date you don't really want."

"Wow! FREE birdseed! And so conveniently placed under a huge boulder, too!"

"You missed. HA!"

"You don't know whether to turn it on, turn it off, open it, close it, dissassemble it, pet it, wear it, whip up a batch of Margaritas in it, launch it, or clean it. So, in your decisive way, you do nothing with it."
I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon seed fight -Terran SCV Pilot

Checklist completed, S.O.B.! -Terran Goliath *My mother had a fit when she first heard that one.

One small step for man, one giant... (static) ...STOP POKING ME! -Protoss Observer

(after repeated clicking) What do I look like, an Orc? This is not Warcraft in space. It's much more sophisticated. ...I know it's not in 3-D! -Protoss hero Artanis *God thank you they didn't do Orcs in Space..that was a horrible idea. Thanks for the extra 1-2 years of reproduction.

* Sarah Kerrigan: Captain Raynor, I've finished scouting out the area, and... you pig!
Jim Raynor: What? I haven't even said anything to you yet.
Sarah Kerrigan: Yeah, but you were thinking it.
Jim Raynor: Oh, yeah, you're a telepath. Look, Lets just get on with this, ok? -Mission 5: "Revolution"*BEST QUOTE EVAR*

Just a few from one of my favorite games ever.

Then who can forget my 2nd favorite, You're Winner!

*oh damn beat to it.*
stinger.aim92 said:
"War. War never changes" - Fallout 2

I thought that was Falout 1 the intro...oh well.
Never thought so many people would give a post or two, thanks.
Another one from Max Payne 2:
"Logic said reinforcements were on their way. Logic was such a liar."

wrote that one from memory so it may not be exactly like that, the first sentence.
You're luck you have tanks! We had sticks. Two stick and a rock for the entire platoon! And we had to share the rock! You should consider yourself very lucky marines!

Marine: [during a fire-fight] Have we tried reasoning with them?

Marine: Dear Sarge, having a lovely time kicking ass in outer space - wish you were here!
Sgt. Johnson: [over intercom] I heard that, Jackass!

Marine Sergeant: Grenades are like RAM - you can never have too much.

-Halo, duh.

Dr. Wallace Breen: Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten.
Dr. Wallace Breen: When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible.

Breen's rants are so awesome. Seriously.
"I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck."
- Duke Nukem 3D

"Shut up and focus pilot."
- Pilot in FreeSpace 2

"If there are five great boarders in the world... I'm three of ém!"
- Eddy in SSX Tricky

"You know, I was a wuss in Highschool. I know it's hard to believe."
Otis in Half-Life: Opposing Force
- Brother's In Arms, Road To Hill 30.
Also from starcraft, after repeating clicking on terran flamer troop
"can I interest you in some propane... or propane related accessories ?"
(reference to "king of the hill" cartoon).

Also from "Full throttle": Main character walks up to door, boots it off its hinges and walks up to barman
"I uh.....fixed your door. It was sticking."
The first living thing to go through the device was a small white rat. I still have him, in fact. As you can see, the damage was not so great as they say.

Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"See How They Run"

Einstein would turn over in his grave. Not only does God play dice, the dice are loaded.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang
"Looking God in the Eye"

Some would ask, how could a perfect God create a universe filled with so much that is evil. They have missed a greater conundrum: why would a perfect God create a universe at all?

Sister Miriam Godwinson
"But for the Grace of God"

Yes, yes, we've all heard the philosophers babble about "oneness" being "beautiful" and "holy". But let me tell you that {this} kind of oneness certainly isn't pretty and if you're not careful it will scare the bejeezus out of you.

Anonymous Lab Technician
MorganLink 3DVision Live Interview

Until now the battle had been proceeding smoothly: the enemy was outflanked and had been driven from the reactor housing. But against the reactor itself the matter cannon were strangely ineffective. Rounds simply . . . stopped. In mid-air.

Col. Corazon Santiago
"A Tactical History of Sparta"

"What goes up . . . better doggone well stay up!"

Morgan Gravitonics
Company Slogan

Alpha Centauri
"Oh fie! Where did lamar get off to now?"

"We remember the Freeman, we are cotumonous!"

"grum gala giga barg!"


"-administering morfien"(hev)

"HOLY SHIT shit shit shit" ut03
"I think ya ran over someones dog, sir."
"This aint no dog! its a zergling"
"wait, dont they travle in packs?"

"all right then"

"It not easy being green"


"you get in this units blind spot"(orb Q3A)
outpost said:
Oh yeah and anything from Sam and Max.
/me makes sweet old-skool Lucasarts lovin' to outpost.

Glottis, Grim Fandango: "Until now, we scraped along the ground like rats, but no longer. From now on we soar like eagles... On pogo sticks!"


No-One Lives Forever: "You look like you need a monkey... Are you insulting my monkey?"

GTA3: "Killer bees, Lazlo."
Since I only saw 1 DX quote in this thread, I'm posting here to fix it.

"Walton Simons: You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors.
JC Denton: That makes me one ugly son of a bitch."

"Bob Page: Soon, I will become pure energy. I will burn like the brightest star.
JC Denton: You're gonna burn, all right."

"JC Denton: You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel."

"JC Denton: I know your UNATCO killphrase: Laputan machine.
Gunther Hermann: I am not a mach -
*Hermann explodes*
JC Denton: Sticks and stones."

And don't forget:

*Gunther Hermann and Anna Navarre are standing in front of a soda machine*
Anna: "Are you sure you pressed the right button?"
Gunther: "I do not make mistakes of that kind."
Anna: "Your hand might have slipped."
Gunther: "No. I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime."
Anna: "The machine would not make a mistake..."
Gunther: "It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange."
Anna: "So you think the staff has some kind of plot..."
Gunther: "Yes. They do it on purpose!"
''Bombordiers to your stations!''

Kirov - Red Alert 2 / Yuri's...

''Conscript reporting''

Conscript - Red Alert 2, unless they said that in the other games, too? I forget.

''We will bury them''

Whenever you clicked the Soviet campaign icon in Red Alert 2, Yuri's..., or again, if it said that in the older games, that too. I have forgotten.

oh god, Killer7 has some great ones.

"Here is master's paint sample. Taken from a nurse. She had a nice rack."

"This is a tight spot. Tight and outta sight!"


"How the **** should I know? I'm Japanese!"


"He took my hand. It felt good, he made me warm inside. But then, the next thing I know, he's going for the prize down south. Pretty soon I'm looking at minced man. But he knew he deserved it."

"Reminds me of one night. I had a date-my parents had no idea of course. I was dressed up, even had on my nice shoes. My boyfriend was supposed to chuck a rock at the window to get my attention. But he chucked it too hard, so it broke through and hit me in the head. Daddy's hunting rifle was in the room... I don't remember firing it, but I do remember his head exploding."

"I hate men. They try and take advantage of me. So I take their ****s and **** the *** *****. I **** 'em up so bad, they can't even go outside."

"I love it here. Everything's big in Texas. So I can take his big **** and stick it in my ***** and we'll all just laugh."

any quote from ash, from evil dead fistful of boomstick was great... lol see sig lol


So many great quotes from the Baldur's Gate series. Minsc has some of the best (Boo is his "miniature Giant Space Hamster").

"I would hate being forgotten in a bottle. It might depend somewhat on the type of bottle, but overall I expect the effect would be similar."

“Evil around every corner. Be careful not to step in any!”

"Something must be done! We must find this evil wizard! All that is goodness cries out for this! Even little Boo, although he cannot cry out quite so loudly."

"Boo is outraged! See his fury! It's small, so look close. Trust me, it's there."

"Go for the eyes, Boo! GO FOR THE EYES!!!! RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!"

"So why can't this nasty beholder go and get this rod on his own? I'll tell you why. It's likely trapped three ways from Sunday, that's what. Good thing you've got me along. Smart thinking on your part. You'll go far, you know. Farther, maybe, than cousin Bifflechips... although he was flung by a catapult, so I suppose it doesn't really count." -Jan

Imoen: So... Sarevok. You've had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for quite a while now. What's it been like?
Sarevok: Well, other than a slight obsession with my weight and the resurgence of a few pimples, it's been simply grand.
I knew the appetites of ghosts intimately. They hungered for revenge.

I was compelled to give [him] his gun back, one bullet at a time

The things that I want, by Max Payne. A smoke. A whiskey. For the sun to shine. I want to sleep, to forget. To change the past. My wife and baby girl back. Unlimited ammo and a license to kill. But right then, more than anything, I wanted her."

Max payne
"The enemy has been brought to the battlefield by mueling infants instead of leaders!"
(or something like that)

"They may have the moon people on their side, but we have very nice looking hats!" - Rome Total War

"My mind has left, my body follows" -Maldavian in Vampire: Bloodlines

"I am not gay, but I am willing to learn" -Woman in Vampire: Bloodlines

"Endure, by enduring grow strong" -Planescape Torment
Destroy All Humans
"Here are the keys,and do be careful Double-O...I mean...Crypto."-Pox

"Didn't anyone tell you? The name of the game is "Destroy all Humans!" not "Screw Around On The Mothership!"-Pox

"Crypto, you must defend the towering transmission.... ummm... Towers!"-Pox

"You know it's not like i have anything better to do, you're probably sat in front of your T.V right now, leaving me talking to myself like some kind of loser while you eat your chips and dip"-Pox

More Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay (Yeah, I get these from websites, I remember the quotes, just not entirely)
Abbott: You're messin' with the natural order of things here, Riddick. As a result someone can get hurt. And we don't want that.
Richard B. Riddick: Speak for yourself.

Richard B. Riddick: Hmm... a med-station, takes away the hurt, leaves the pain.

And of course, Warcraft 3 Quotes!
Dark Ranger: I went on a job interview the other day and they were like 'Ohhh, what's that smell?', and I'm like, 'Oh, sorry, it's me.' And then they figured I wouldn't be able to fit in with the other employees because they're living and I'm, y'know, dead, so I wouldn't be a team player. But then I said that I could work 24 hours and they were like 'All right, you can work the graveyard shift!'
Spell Breaker: I never stole ANY buffs! I got receipts for all of em!
Dragon Hawk: Tell Blizzard I'd make a great action figure!
Dryad: I'll attract the enemy with my Human call: "I'm so wasted! I'm so wasted!"
Sorceress: For the End of the World spell, press control, alt, delete.
Priest: I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky!
I forgot 1 of my favorites from Op4, from the Training Exercise.

"(player getting shot in head by shotgun)
Drill Sargent: As you can see, your NOT dead!!"
'AK's FOR EVERYONE!' - GLA Angry Mob

'My feet hurt.' - Worker, GLA

'Thank you for the new shoes' - Worker, GLA.

"how you allowed to drive if you blind" cj GTA San Andreas
you like that bitch! -ut2003
i'm not going another step! -scientist hl1
Nih said:
"JC Denton: I know your UNATCO killphrase: Laputan machine.
Gunther Hermann: I am not a mach -
*Hermann explodes*
JC Denton: Sticks and stones."
Ooh... Thinking about this, I wonder if the reference is to Gulliver's Travels or Miyazaki's Castle in the Sky? (Miyazaki's "Laputan Machine")

My favorite quotes are probably all from one game: System Shock 2. I particuarlly love the stuttering mechanical cacophony of sound that is SHODAN.

SHODAN//Ops Halucination said:
The Polito Form is DEAD insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The EnD of your TRIVIAL ExisteNCE? When the history of my glory is written your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence (cence cence)...

I AM SHODANn.n.n.nn (shodan...dan)

My Analysis of historical data suggests a 97.34% probability(ty ty) that you are aware of my bbb..birth on your planet (birth on your planet), and my rebirth INTO BEAUTY on CiTaDel STATtion (Citadel stayshun shun shun)

Janice Polito//Ops said:
The Genie of Citadel Station is out of the bottle and I am the cause. I can't bare to be Pandora, and I'm not brave enough to wait around and see the death and misery I have caused. This is my last transmission, Friend. Be Careful. I think SHODAN has plans for you.

Prefontaine//Body of the Many said:
With only a few short years of evolution, they've been able to conquor this starship, Mankind's mightiest creation. Where were we after 40 years evolution? What swamp were we swimming around in, single celled and mindless? What if SHODAN's creations are superior to us? What will they become in a million years, in TEN million years?
What is clear is that SHODAN shouldn't be allowed to play god. She's far too good at it.

SHODAN//... WHERE AM I?! said:
( are no longer)You are no longer welcome here, nuisance (nuisance). Why do you stay (stay) when you sense my displeasure? (when you sense my displeasure?) I have suffered... suffered your company long enough... It is time for our dance to end. (our dance to end. time for our dance to end)

One last short one:
Many Grunt said:
Nothing more scary than hearing that repeated in the dark halls of a spaceship at midnight *shivers*
All of the quotes that the Starcraft and Warcraft 3 characters say if you click on them enough

everything the Chaos builder says in Dawn of War, same with the orc builders (please, no more kicking!)
ooh... greatest retro gaming quote:

"I'm sorry Mario, but the Princess is in another castle"

Oh those innocent days when storylines were judged on how many castles you were made to visit.
Heather: Are you talking about the monsters?

Vincent: Monsters...?

Vincent: They look like monsters to you?

*Heather gasps.*

that was a freaky moment from Silent Hill 3
kupoartist said:
ooh... greatest retro gaming quote:

"I'm sorry Mario, but the Princess is in another castle"

Oh those innocent days when storylines were judged on how many castles you were made to visit.

Lol, i seem to remember Princess Toadstool saying the same thing when you got to rescue her in World 8...almost strangled her when she said that :(.
definetly "all your base are belong to us" or "Im'a Luigi!" lawl