Best game this year

Game of Year

  • Half Life 2

    Votes: 50 80.6%
  • Doom 3

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Metal Gear Solid 3

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Grand Turismo 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grand Theft Auto SA

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • UT 2004

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 6.5%

  • Total voters


So far the best game to come out on anything this year has been Fight Night 2004. I have all of the boxing games ever made (that I know of) and just about all of them have been a contest of who can press the buttons faster. In this game they made it so that you need to be tactical, like real boxing, to win. If you have played it you know what I mean. I would put this right up there with every Madden as the best sports game ever made.
...The best game this year will be either Halo 2 or Half-Life 2, probably Half-Life 2.
By the end of the year it will be those 3 along with GT4 and GTA. But so far it has been Fight Night.

all three games will be equally fun to play. hopefully
Halo 2
Paper Mario 2
Resi 4

They shall all be mine! Best e3 ever!!
MGS3 is too childish, with the silly hats and everything it makes me mad. I liked the first one but the 2nd one wasn't too fun, and then the 3rd one looks pretty bad :(
HL 2,
Medal of honor: Pacific Assault,
The Lord of the rings: The battle for Middle-Earth,
World of Warcraft,
Brothers in Arms
Thing is no major good games have come out all year, and there are so many major antisipated games that i want sooo sooo soo much Rome Total War, HL2, STALKER, BW2, opflashpoint 2, Doom3 are all going to be so good and i carnt wait :D gunna be a very expencive summer hehe :D
Far Cry is overrated IMHO. Only the gfx are good.

Doom3 will big hype, mayby a short game

Stalker = 2005 ?

HL2 will outrun all those games :D
So far I'd have to say its been Unreal Tournament 2004, but theres some other good candidates.
u cant vote for HL2, because it probally will come out in 5 years.
Hindsight is a bitch.


Gran tourismo

There are a bunch of other games that look awsome....but these are the best of the best.
I bet the winner of the award will be Halo 2...and I'm pretty sure that'll be the best game this year.

Second place in my book would be Fable if it turns out the way it sounds like it's shaping up.
The best will be either Half-Life 2 or Guild Wars, but the best so far has been Far Cry.
Nah, having seen both the SP movie and the MP movie of Halo 2, Halo 2 will be 2nd best this year, Half-Life 2 will totally kick its ass in the single-player department from everything i've seen.

But if they include vehicles in the HL2 multiplayer, or better yet, they release TF2 with HL2, then Halo 2 won't stand a chance
this has to be the gayest poll ever made, a video game poll at a video game site that endorses one of the options, who the **** do u think is goona win the poll. this in the buisness world is what you call a "joke (sales) pitch" i wonder if this poll was held at gta website or even doom 3 website. lol @ all of you

P.S. i myself voted for hl2, cmon the graphics alone just deserve the vote. ohh and **** doom3 graphics, unrealistic up the ass. pointless game.
Gonna play doow 3 just too see if its worth it, but hl2 kicks the big ass.
fight night? :eek:

and i dont see any reasons to assume Halo 2 is gonna be better then HL2
Wow, Guild Wars for game of the year? I hated that game so much.
hyenolie said:
this has to be the gayest poll ever made, a video game poll at a video game site that endorses one of the options, who the **** do u think is goona win the poll. this in the buisness world is what you call a "joke (sales) pitch" i wonder if this poll was held at gta website or even doom 3 website. lol @ all of you

P.S. i myself voted for hl2, cmon the graphics alone just deserve the vote. ohh and **** doom3 graphics, unrealistic up the ass. pointless game.
Hypocrite? :rolleyes:

I voted for HL2, but that's only because it will easily be the best game of all the choices (based, of course, on HL1's success), and because Halo 2 wasn't one of the choices.
Halflife 2 will be the best game of the very confident about that..
Halo 2...
Destructable Vehicles
Beam swords
Online vehicle destroying
and beam swords usage
:hmph: I dunno personally I think it comes down to Half Life 2 and Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, watch the movie previews. From the most anticipated game thus far, with all that good shit to the game with intense, realistic, and thrilling action.
i think hl because of its story line.

civilians in martial law, oppressoin, questioning, no doors, poliece walking streets. cmon sounds like WW2 gremany nad ejws.

city 17 is a getho like city, "jews" in there knowing nothing of the outside world, im really interested on how the gameplay will go, what will gordon do

if u listen closetly to the e3 videos "are you 2 the only ones on that train" see what im saying.

shit like this still happens today. u can get shot down on the street and no one will ever know your gone. governments can clear it up in 1 day. shit happens.

so as for 600 lb monster from doom 3 and flying heads and shit. and past games (Mof DOD COD) shit we allready played, its getting borring already.

its widely known that te gaming industry has lost so much revinue. people are not buyin anymore, sooooooo........... for them to make moeny, i truely believe this, games hav eto be more like movies.

listen closely, the graphics in the games is must. hl2 graphics minimum. or doom 3 graphics minimum. but what sells the game is the story. the more it has a meaning rather than heres a grenade go blow it up. max payne bullshit GTA shit (i do like blowing shit up also) but hte question here is money. the more plausible the cituation in the game makes the game sold more. we need chapters in a game, story line a must, we need a major director to tell the animators how to make a movie "program" with writteres to make up the story line. i believe hl2 is the only game so far that has done this. no directors or writers but the story is so good that it kind of makes everything worth wile, im not talking abou tthe grpahics, like i said earlier graphics need to be a must. now all upcomming games will have graphics due to technology advancement, its the storyline, the most resembling a movies that will sell the game. i really hope they dont **** hl3 up, and keep the story going. if fact im hoping for the story to ge better.
sabre89 said:
Halo 2...
Destructable Vehicles
Beam swords
Online vehicle destroying
and beam swords usage

Boring gameplay
Sub-par gfx
Nothing new.
Community as bad as CS.
Okay, I'm no Halo fanboy (hell I don't even own an XBox)...but a few of those are just ridiculous.
If you found Halo boring its still dumb to assume Halo 2 will be more of the same, but you're welcome to that inference. 'Subpar Graphics' made me spit out my cereal. Its certainly no HL2 or DOOM 3, but that is one damn pretty game especially considering that its no a console. 'Nothing new' is just downright ignorant and I'm not gonna make a list because it would be a mile long. And lastly the community does in fact suck most of the time. :D
I think Halo 2 has a good chance of being the console game of the year, but I don't think it really has a prayer against the big PC contenders this year.
Direwolf said:
Okay, I'm no Halo fanboy (hell I don't even own an XBox)...but a few of those are just ridiculous.
If you found Halo boring its still dumb to assume Halo 2 will be more of the same, but you're welcome to that inference. 'Subpar Graphics' made me spit out my cereal. Its certainly no HL2 or DOOM 3, but that is one damn pretty game especially considering that its no a console. 'Nothing new' is just downright ignorant and I'm not gonna make a list because it would be a mile long. And lastly the community does in fact suck most of the time. :D
I think Halo 2 has a good chance of being the console game of the year, but I don't think it really has a prayer against the big PC contenders this year.

^ well said.

I think Halo2 does have a chance against this years pc games tho. The co-op experience alone is bound to be fantastic :) The multiplayer (which was already very good) has had some excellent features added. When you take into account the amount of sub standard pc shooters there are (why are we all still playing CS? or games like ET?) Halo 2 should be a breath of fresh air.

HL2 is looking to be an incredibly immersive experience. The story and atmosphere will drive the game, the physics engine allowing you to interact with the game world in ways that havn't been possible before :) The experience will still be a very solitary one tho. Halo2 is almost the opposite - it's all out war, best experienced in a LAN with plenty of tins and a few mates :) Online gaming is fun - but even clan gaming, with everyone on comms, can't compete with that.

Not that Halo2 single player won't be good either. Halo (XBox) is still far better than games like Far Cry (which is all gfx - with little else) imo.

We'll have to wait and see (I personally think Doom 3 is going to suprise many ppl, even the naysayers :) ).