Best Game you've ever played?

Shuzer said:

E.V.O. is indeed awesome.

But my vote has to go to X-Com: UFO Defense. I've probably played through this game 6 times. The replayability is amazing.
Ok How about this

Best Bad Guy in a Game

Mine goes to Shodan from the System Shock series. She's so cool and evil i just love it when she insults me or tries to scare me by calling names. Coolest Bad Guy ever
I just can't narrow it to one. There are so many great games out there I can't choose.

Red Alert - I believe I got this game way back in 1995 or some year around there. This game literally changed the way I looked at video games. I was very young at the time and this game really got my adrenaline pumping. The cut scenes were awesome, the game play was superb and multiplayer/lan was fun as hell. Back then I had either a 14.4k or a 28.8k modem(I forget if we had upgraded by then) but my friends and I would play by having their modem call my house and my modem would pick up and then the game play started. I bit slow and time consuming but you always get a great feeling after beating a friend in a RTS game, especially my brother :).

Quake - This I also played when I was very young. This was the first game I ever played on-line. I didn't actually play Q1 but I played Team Fortress on-line. The least I could say is that I was hooked and that games consumed hours of my life. To tell you the truth I'd still play TF today but no one plays it anymore since newer games are out. Thats how good it was. (TFC can't compare to the original TF).

FF7 - First RPG I had ever played. It was definately a good game and got me to like the RPG genre of gaming. Although I liked it, I feel people over rate it and make it the 'God' of RPG's. It was good but not that good.

MGS2(From the way it look 3 is gonna replace it.) - I am one of the few that think the second MGS blew the first out of the water. The game play was great, I spent countless hours just messing around rather than advancing in the game. The story-line was iffy but the game play more than makes up for it.

Diablo 2 - What can I say, everyone at one point was hooked on this video game. My brother and I spent tons of time playing it. He called it the crack of video games because we were so hooked on it. I got it the day it came out and all I can say is that it was amazing. Great graphics(I perfer the top-down/angle view compared to the new 3d deal all the new RPGs are using) for the time and the levels were vast for that type of RPG. The sheer amount of items in that game were overwhelming and there was always something better than what you had. The funnest part of that game was struggling to get new equipment that was better than your old stuff. Was very fun until cheaters ruined it.

GTA3/Vice city - I personally liked Vice City more but a few of my friend perfer 3 for some reason. This games were fun as hell. I had played the previous two but they didn't give me the same feeling these did. Prior to this I had never played anything quite like it. The majority of the game you just drive around town and mess around with stuff and every now and then you might play a mission to advance. My brother and I always had a great time playing it. Very fun games can't wait til the next ones come out.

Sam and Max - I can barely remember anything about this game but how much fun I had while playing it. Earlier today I went to some website that had screenshots of the game and I saw a screenshot of every level and suprisingly I remembered them but not what happened. All I know is that I had a ton of fun playing it.

Half Life - If I didn't like it would I be on these forums waiting for the sequel? This is the only game I've ever bought the day it came and have never stopped playing. Usually for me a good game now lasts me 1 or 2 months maybe 3 if I really really like it. This game I've played since 1998, thats coming up on 6 years! The HL multiplayer itself is amazingly fun but the mods are what also give it its spunk. I know I'm gonna be playing it until HL2 is out :).

Star Craft - I didn't care much for the regular play but the Used Map Setting maps are what got me. I spent a couple months playing nothing but these maps. I perfected nearly every strategy for every map and won almost every game. Thats when I got bored and quit playing. But those were some great times when I used to play it.

Shattered Galaxy - I know only one other person who played this game. It was a friend from school and when I found out he played I used to play it all the time with him. I found out about this game while waiting for Diablo 2 to come out. I played this game for 3-4 years thats how addicted I was. Some people say its too complex but its really simple once you get used to it. The new version is user friendly and is easier to navigate. When I started there was no tutorial and it took me forever to find out what I was doing. In the end it was all worth it. Its a MMORTS game where you command a small group of units. Very fun, very addicting and still free. They've changed it a lot and the newer version isn't as fun as the older beta ones. The old versions have to rank up near the top of my most favorite games.

Golden Eye - Who can forget this game? This by far(besides Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart) has to be the best game for N64. Me and my friends spent countless hours playing each other in this. Fun times all around.

C&C Series in General - I feel that no other RTS's compare when it comes to C&C. I have always loved them and always will. I own every one to date and plan on buying all the new one. I like Red Alert the most and I have to say Generals comes next.

Max Payne 2 - Liked it a lot more than the first. The game play was awesome and was always action packed. The rag dolling and phsyics were a nice touch. By far one of the best recent games that I've played.

Grand Turismo 2/3 - This is a game I always played with my brother. We'd stay up late at night playing this and taking turns racing our car. This game was fun because you always wanted to make your car better and thats why you kept playing. I have spent hours and hours playing this game but the majority of the time I did it was with my brother. Great game, goes down as one of the best.

Note: The games are in no particular order

I'm getting sleepy. Its 1am and I got school tomorrow and I'm starting to blank out. I'll write the others tomorrow. Trust me I've got more :). Man writing about these bring back so many memories and it is so nostalgic. It makes me long to go back to those days because of how much fun I had. Video games are what really brought me and my brother together because normally were completely opposite and fight a lot but when we play games together we get together and just have fun.
Sparta said:
Ok How about this

Best Bad Guy in a Game

Mine goes to Shodan from the System Shock series. She's so cool and evil i just love it when she insults me or tries to scare me by calling names. Coolest Bad Guy ever
Hell yeah, Shodan was awesome. The G-Man is also a really awesome bad guy (assuming he's actually bad).

Edit: I forgot about Sirrus and Achenar (Myst). They were excellent evil guys.
Yeah the G-man is a great bad guy, reminds me of Agent Smith in the Matrix movies for some reason. G-man could be better then Shodan depending on how HL2 plays out
Half Life because it had absolutely everything i could ever want in a game ever.

The number of mods it spawned...i paid 30 quid for this thing and that was back about 5 weeks after it was released. I have since played about 10 multiplayer games and at least 40 single player games. No game i can think of can touch on that. It gives a grand total play time of like 6 years or something...details details... :devil:
Anyway, I would have to say that my favorite N64 game was either Mario 64 or The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... both of which were (IMO) the pinnacle of a great series of games and partially because I grew up with those characters. I've been playing that little plumber's games for my entire life. He was around before I was born (just by a few years, but he didn't have a name yet).

My favorite PC FPS game is Half-Life because it showed me that FPS games don't have to be shallow plot/gameplay-wise... and the controls just felt right (I don't know exactly what that means or how it was different from other games but that played a big role in my decision). If I was going purely by the PC game that had the most impact on me I would have to say DOOM because it was the first blockbuster title in an entirely new genre of gaming that promised so much more immersion than ever before... but in retrospect it was only a mediocre game.

My favorite PC RTS game would probably be Command & Conquer: Red Alert. I loved that game. It had great gameplay mechanics, a good sense of humor, awesome cut scenes, and a cool story. My next choice would have been StarCraft because of how well the game was balanced despite there being 3 races with completely different styles of play.

Speaking of humor... the funniest game I've ever played is, without a doubt, Conker's Bad Fur Day... and not only because it pushed the boundaries of what humor was acceptable for console games. It used MP3's (so it had tons of dialogue with *gasp* good voice work), the graphics were awesome for a N64 title, the singleplayer was extremely fun/original/addictive and was (suprisingly) also cinematic and emotional, it had lots of multiplayer modes... and, of course, you can't forget the level that made fun of the matrix. It's too bad that the audience was much smaller because it got pretty crude at some (who am I kidding... make that "many") parts.

On to the rants:

* Gah. I don't understand how people can say Mario Kart 64 is better than Super Mario Kart. It was a disaster compared to the original.

* How did Far Cry make it on to anyone's "best game ever" list? It has graphics on the lower end of the next-gen games, the enemy AI is riddled with bugs and just generally retarded, the story is trite, the characters/monsters look stupid, the movement/physics feel off... it just doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Far Cry is my nr.1 game as from now. I find the graphics mindblowing, the gameplay feels good, I didn't find it repetitive nor did I find the enemy AI retarded.
Finally this is a game that takes longer than 10 hours to finish, it has a great potential for mods, and an editor for the people who enjoy making their own maps.
It may or may not be your type of game, but to say that this is nothing special is ignorant imho.
I find Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow is better then Far Cry
Guys the story of Far Cry was great. Until the end....:| It is a matter of opinion so I won't get on your case. :D
ray_MAN said:
Guys the story of Far Cry was great. Until the end....:| It is a matter of opinion so I won't get on your case. :D

er.. lol, I have yet to beat it, at the end of boat, but, how exactly is it great?

Super mediocre, girl gets captured, save girl, kill genetically engineered monkies, find the guy that's been making them..
Farrowlesparrow said:
Of course, there were a lot of games on the Amiga 500 which were fantastic...but i couldnt list most of them, largely due to not remembering the names but also because its part of a different time now.

This man knows his stuff...

How about the 1200? That had some cool games, too. Honestly, I think that a lot of mediocre games would be a lot better if the makers had bought a second-hand Amiga and a few classic games, and found out what REAL gameplay was...
For me, today, UT2K4 is the only shooter in my life. If you don't have it you are either mad, have no taste, or just don't play shooters. Civ3 does the same for strategy - I could play that game for days non-stop it's just so perfect. I won't bother hyping them up because there are plenty of good reviews out there on the major websites. Read them instead!
Id have to say that my favorite game of all time is Giants: Citizen Kabuto. Nothing like good ol killing mixed with dry british humor. :monkee:
Giants Citizen is definatley up there for me as well /me forgot it

oh and possibly the second best game ever: Metal Gear: Solid
Pendragon said:
I don't know what the best game I've ever played would be, I've enjoyed far too many, and I'm far too not-picky to choose a single one, but Sid Meier's Colonization will always have a place in my heart, as it was the first true game that I ever played.

i've never heard of Colonization, what was it like?
OCybrManO said:
On to the rants:

* How did Far Cry make it on to anyone's "best game ever" list? It has graphics on the lower end of the next-gen games, the enemy AI is riddled with bugs and just generally retarded, the story is trite, the characters/monsters look stupid, the movement/physics feel off... it just doesn't bring anything new to the table.

graphics were amazing, AI was amazing, they did a good job of trying to flank me at times, sound was great, physics were cool, story was sufficient

one of the best single player games I've ever played hands down.
My top 5 would be:

1) Super Metroid
2) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3) Half-Life
4) Tie of Warcraft 3 + C&C: Generals
5) Final Fantasy 7

I am really, really, liking the new Ninja Gaiden and the new Prince of Persia. If I had to list my top 100 games about 95% would be console games, please don't kill me for that,lol. ;)

And yes, I have never, and probably never will play another game that will captivate me like Super Metroid did. I can hope though...
^ I agree.

The pc is home to 1000's of averge games :( ....... but every now and then a real corker comes out \o/
The island in Far Cry looked very good up close (I'll give you that) and in the distance it gets *blegh*... but the people/monsters blew monkey anus (and the weapons looked sub-next-gen-game quality as well).

Flanking does not good AI make. I would expect this AI quality in an early beta test (or even a later alpha stage) but definately not retail if they insist on praising it so much. I played HL singleplayer yesterday and the AI felt about the same level in terms of quality. If games haven't moved forward after 5+ years in AI then that makes me sad. If you want to hear my gripes about the AI in detail look at some of the older Far Cry threads, because I'm tired of repeating myself.

The sound was decent at the very least. It wasn't anything overly impressive but it definately wasn't bad enough to distract from the game.

The player movement felt like Battlefield 1942 and that's bad, IMO... but at least BF1942 had great vehicles to distract you from the crappy infantry physics. Other than vehicles what cool, advanced physics stuff is showcased in Far Cry? Ragdolls? Boxes that can be knocked over? Oooh. Ahhh.

IMO, it's nowhere near "Best Game You've Ever Played" quality even if it is the most technologically advanced game out at this exact moment. If Far Cry had graphics like Soldner I doubt that anyone would still be talking about it...
OCybrManO said:
The island in Far Cry looked very good up close (I'll give you that) and in the distance it gets *blegh*... but the people/monsters blew monkey anus (and the weapons looked sub-next-gen-game quality as well).

Flanking does not good AI make. I would expect this AI quality in an early beta test (or even a later alpha stage) but definately not retail if they insist on praising it so much. I played HL singleplayer yesterday and the AI felt about the same level in terms of quality. If games haven't moved forward after 5+ years in AI then that makes me sad. If you want to hear my gripes about the AI in detail look at some of the older Far Cry threads, because I'm tired of repeating myself.

The sound was decent at the very least. It wasn't anything overly impressive but it definately wasn't bad enough to distract from the game.

The player movement felt like Battlefield 1942 and that's bad, IMO... but at least BF1942 had great vehicles to distract you from the crappy infantry physics. Other than vehicles what cool, advanced physics stuff is showcased in Far Cry? Ragdolls? Boxes that can be knocked over? Oooh. Ahhh.

IMO, it's nowhere near "Best Game You've Ever Played" quality even if it is the most technologically advanced game out at this exact moment. If Far Cry had graphics like Soldner I doubt that anyone would still be talking about it...

I think when it comes to player 'movement' that is something you just get used to over time and isn't something to grade. I'd say your used to one way and can't get used to another way of player movement. because critiqueing something so basic seems unneccessary. Other than this your points are valid.

I think a game that is fun is all it takes to be on a 'best game list' if this game was not even that to you, i think you must set your standards wayy to high on games. Which is alright, you want games to be really good, but it can be defeating the point of the game if you expect so much more than is really there.

this game offers alot more than some of the games ive played recently and that my friend is why i place it high on the list.
There is a difference between bad control and just different control. Movement that is jerky/laggy and erratic is not something many players want to have to "get used to." Control should be responsive and at least moderately intuitive. A good control system should be a prerequisite for making a game. Gameplay is the core of a game... and gameplay is nonexistent if you can't control the game.

If I were just used to just HL's movement I would have had to get used to Splinter Cell's controls... but that was not the case. Same with Ninja Gaiden, Prince of Persia, Rise of Nations, Ski Stunt Simulator (j/k), etc. They all had intuitive control that felt good for the type of gameplay they had.

Maybe it's just my taste, but I know of quite a few people that agree with me on this subject...
OCybrManO said:
There is a difference between bad control and just different control. Movement that is jerky/laggy and erratic is not something many players want to have to "get used to." Control should be responsive and at least moderately intuitive. A good control system should be a prerequisite for making a game. Gameplay is the core of a game... and gameplay is nonexistent if you can't control the game.

If I were just used to just HL's movement I would have had to get used to Splinter Cell's controls... but that was not the case. Same with Ninja Gaiden, Prince of Persia, Rise of Nations, Ski Stunt Simulator (j/k), etc. They all had intuitive control that felt good for the type of gameplay they had.

Maybe it's just my taste, but I know of quite a few people that agree with me on this subject...

hmm i did not experience this erratic / laggy movement. movement seemed just as smooth as halflife, maybe it was your system that was laggy? maybe not. maybe its a bug for a certain type of hardware that you have.

oh well

btw i go to USF too
It's more to do with jumping and/or colliding with objects than the actual walking/running.
OCybrManO said:
Flanking does not good AI make. I would expect this AI quality in an early beta test (or even a later alpha stage) but definately not retail if they insist on praising it so much. I played HL singleplayer yesterday and the AI felt about the same level in terms of quality. If games haven't moved forward after 5+ years in AI then that makes me sad.

Me too man. I actually think the AI in HL1 is still the best I've ever played. The soldiers in HL have an "assuredness" to their movement that makes them seem realistic. It really seems like they know where they're going and why. They run somewhere, fire, run for cover, reload, repeat. Their tactics just seem realistic. They seem "grounded" in the world.

In games like Far Cry it seems like the AI is just running around randomly alot of the time. They sort of "float" around aimlessly, not really connected to the world.

Do you guys know what I mean?
DarkStar said:
Me too man. I actually think the AI in HL1 is still the best I've ever played. The soldiers in HL have an "assuredness" to their movement that makes them seem realistic. It really seems like they know where they're going and why. They run somewhere, fire, run for cover, reload, repeat. Their tactics just seem realistic. They seem "grounded" in the world.

In games like Far Cry it seems like the AI is just running around randomly alot of the time. They sort of "float" around aimlessly, not really connected to the world.

Do you guys know what I mean?

i can see that when theyre idle, but not once they've spotted you
What about Monkey Island? Especially nr 1 & 2! Best adventure games ever!

The best fps: Half Life

Best roleplaying: Morrowind

Best strategy: Civilization (or maybe AoE)

Best racinggame: Nfs Underground...
From all the games I've played.....



it's a close match between Max Payne & ONI
Paintballer said:
Without a doubt, half-life...

but I will never forget MY classic games, playing these on a LAN when they were new... at my friend's dad's computer shop:

Decent (sp?)
ROTT (Rise of the Triad)
then a little later we played some Hexen and Duke3d.
Old school PC FPS guy here :)

I also can't forget the good times with:
Battle Toads (NES and Genesis I think)
Bad Dudes (NES)
Kid Chameleon (Genesis)
Sonic Series (Genesis)
Mario Series of course
Mario 64 and Goldeneye (N64)
Toy Commander.. fun game (Dreamcast)

Now those were the good ole' days of gaming for me. ;(

ahhhh i love the old games too. descent and hexen were fun!! and commander keen and duke nukum and... jill of the jungle...... scorched earth (napalm and funky bombs!!!)... :D

but the best recent game i've played.... half-life.
Shenmue 1-2... (for dream cast/xbox) *ryo Im looking for sailors... *bar tender When you say sailors you dont mean just any sailors...
I don't think I could name a single favourite, so here are some I've liked most over the years:

Descent was my first PC game, and it managed to drag me away from console games. Good to see some others here have played it, no one else I know has ever heard of it :).

Commandos and Commandos 2, Sudden Strike and Civ 2 are my favourite strategy games.

Half Life of course, and out of the mods, TFC and DoD. Note: I know TFC is based on Quakeworld Team Fortress, but I never played TF so can't compare them. (I put that note because I've been flamed many times by QTF players for liking TFC :s)

On consoles and the GameBoy: Tetris, Super Mario World, Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Mario Brothers 3, Goldeneye, Super Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart.

Better stop there before this list gets too long.