best gameplay ever! nintendo ds


Aug 6, 2003
Reaction score
whoever said the DS had better gameplay than the PSP was completely and 100% correct!!

omfg i cant wait...hl2 is nothing now.
omfg!! ^^^this is the best one! mario cheats like neverbefore and ownz the whole level!

watch them all!! And that, my friends, is why the DS rocks your face.
:eek: Yes Yes, that two-screen feature is a marvelous addition... this is gonna change aspects of handheld gaming(watch when others jock).
I don't think it's the two screens so much as the touch screen control thats so cool.
oh yes, revolutionizing handheld gaming with a touch of a finger! the double screens is going to change our lives. did you see the way that top screen map map on metroid looked??!??!?!1 ...simply amazing...

WarioWare > Metal Gear: Acid
WarioWare > Grand Turismo 4: compact
WarioWare > Need For Speed Underground
WarioWare > *

:naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
:hmph: I think this hit against Sony's PSP pretty hard, although their screen is probably equal to the 2 screens of the DS put together, still though it probably wont take advantage of what the DS does. Is it too late for changes too?
The funny thing is that the DS isn't even made to fight against the PSP. But the DS is still the best IMO.
I remember when people were whining about it's two screens, now everyone is cheering it.
x84D80Yx said:
on all comparisons...the psp wins hands down. the only way i see the DS being better, is the price. :eek:
Hmmm... :)

And it's too bad that the bottom screen isn't big enough to be used as a keyboard... :p
I didn't realise how powerful these new handhelds where going to be... The PSP will probably just get lumped with 100 playstation ports.
jesus christ...did anybody notice i was being sarcastic the WHOLE time???

this is sad. i give up lol. :stare:
I hope your joking. The PSP will own the DS Im sure, in terms of sales and amount of games. I know lots of ports will be coming to the PSP but is that really bad? I myself would rather play Gran Turismo 4 with insane gfx for a handheld(or PS2 for that matter) then another mario side scroller, even with 2 screens. I KNOW the PSP will own the DS hands down.
The Terminator said:
I KNOW the PSP will own the DS hands down.

Probably so - but will it deserve to, or be the better machine??

I believe that the DS will be a far better mobile gaming machine - purely because of the games. Gran Turismo is a great game, but not one to play on the train (imo of course)

The PSP will certainly have more power but, like with the PS2, I seriously doubt the quality of the software. For a portable multimedia system it will definatley be better. But if we're comparing both soley on gaming then the DS will be the better choice imo.
Well IMO games like Gran Turismo 4 and THPSU 2 etc. are better than most nintendo games. Its definitly smaller, more portable, can play music, movies, sexier and will appeal to many more people. PSP pwns j00.
What is the world coming to when ppl would prefer to play Tony Hawks than the latest Zelda game?

I weep for the Playstation Generation :'(
Warbie said:
What is the world coming to when ppl would prefer to play Tony Hawks than the latest Zelda game?
it is going to hell my friend.... to hell... ;(
*Calls thehunter1320 over with the rest of the sad guys* It will be okay... we can just k... *Begins whispering plans to everyone*
*Shuzer agrees and requests to be in the Nintendo group

I got my GC the midnight it was released :)
*Gives Shuzer a pass.* I got mine like a day after it was released... Good times... *Begins to let Shuzer in on the plan*
I'm reserving judgement on this subject (though, if I were going to decide right now I'd go with the PSP. I can already play my favorite Nintendo games on my GC) until Nintendo unveils its competitor to the PSP... the GBA2 or "Game Boy Evolution" (as I've heard on some sites). Last I heard it was rumored to have better graphics than a Dreamcast.

I think Sony might have fallen into a trap. Even if Sony can release the PSP (in the state they demonstrated at E3) within a year they will be giving Nintendo plenty of time to decide on what specs they need to handily beat the PSP. Beating the competition to market helped Sony with the PS2 but it might seriously hurt them if the gap between the PSP and the next Game Boy (not the DS) is not large enough to gain a strong following (especially since Nintendo has been dominating the handheld market for years).

I don't know how or where the DS fits into the handheld market or Nintendo's plan, but it is supposedly "not in direct competition" with the PSP... whatever that means.
i still dont see how you guys dont see that the psp is clearly better. the games on the ds look lacking, simply because the processor of the DS doesnt have the power to do something intensive to improve gameplay alot.

i could see if you guys were comparing the next gameboy (gba2 or w/e) to the psp, but not the DS.

did you even see the metroid vid for the DS? i dont see how people actually see that fun... he shot the guy like 200 times, didnt die. and there wasnt much to the game.

id rather play metal gear acid or tony hawk on the psp, than play zelda on the ds that looks no better than the same zelda we played in 1997 :\

Warbie said:
Gran Turismo is a great game, but not one to play on the train (imo of course)

err wtf?? on the train? does it matter where your playing? its portable for god sakes.

...ok now i give up.
x84D80Yx said:
err wtf?? on the train? does it matter where your playing? its portable for god sakes.

...ok now i give up.

some games just need to stay in the TV where they belong.... like DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball... that'd be interesting portable :naughty:
thehunter1320 said:
some games just need to stay in the TV where they belong....

how so?
i can only see this logic applied to button mashers type games
x84D80Yx said:
how so?
i can only see this logic applied to button mashers type games
you just don't get the atmosphere on a portable u do on a console/PC... it's all about where you are.... you really think ur gonna get ur solid snake on in a car? no! you need ur camoflauge gear and a knife to hunt snakes! can't do that in a car

plus buttons and screen = teh tiny
... but is your TV a foot away from your face? I hope not.

The size proportionate to the distance from the eye is about the same as how games look on my 51" TV when I'm sitting on the couch.

Also, the buttons don't look much smaller than they would on a PS2 controller (with the exception of the analog stick, though I always thought they were oversized on the PS2 controllers anyway).

You're just trying to rationalize your prejudice against the PSP.
Yeah.. the DS looks pretty weak to me. I'm with x84D80Yx on this one. PSP will rock DS's socks off.

As for people rather playing the newest Tony Hawk game over the latest Zelda game...I say this:

Both series are going downhill.

Tony Hawk is the same gameplay just with a few things added each sequel...while this is fine with me for some games...for a sports

The last Zelda I liked was Link to the Past on SNES and now GBA. I wasn't a huge fan of the two N64 Zelda's and I didn't like the GC one at all.

MGS:Acid is where I'm keeping my attention when it comes to these handhelds (even though I won't be buying any of them).
i had a PS2 for ages, then i decided to get a GC. so i did. and the games looked shit at first, but over time i gradually came to appreciate gameplay over graphics- and now i play zelda loads! im replaying the WW right now, and im going through the OOT on my GC (its taken me ages coz i have to take my GC down to the front room, and i can never be bothered).

nintendo ownz
Nintendo does own, but the new handheld doesnt please me
Suicide42 said:
i had a PS2 for ages, then i decided to get a GC. so i did. and the games looked shit at first, but over time i gradually came to appreciate gameplay over graphics- and now i play zelda loads! im replaying the WW right now, and im going through the OOT on my GC (its taken me ages coz i have to take my GC down to the front room, and i can never be bothered).

nintendo ownz

consoles and handhelds are pretty different compared to what you can do with them, the processing power, and the gameplay.

say the difference between the console and handheld was a arbitrary number. the psp's number would be alot smaller than the DS, but still retaining the fact that its a handheld.

like i said before, i dont see how you kids can compare the psp and the DS. it wouldnt have any problem say if you compared the GBA2 (or w/e) to the psp.
x84D80Yx said:
i still dont see how you guys dont see that the psp is clearly better. the games on the ds look lacking, simply because the processor of the DS doesnt have the power to do something intensive to improve gameplay alot.

i could see if you guys were comparing the next gameboy (gba2 or w/e) to the psp, but not the DS.

did you even see the metroid vid for the DS? i dont see how people actually see that fun... he shot the guy like 200 times, didnt die. and there wasnt much to the game.

id rather play metal gear acid or tony hawk on the psp, than play zelda on the ds that looks no better than the same zelda we played in 1997 :\

err wtf?? on the train? does it matter where your playing? its portable for god sakes.

...ok now i give up.

So you're saying there wasn't much to the metroid game and then go on to say you'd rather play Metal Gear Acid, of which they showed next to nothing in terms of gameplay? Doesn't make sense to me?

Plus it's hardly like these games are the final versions, they'll no doubt be tweaked until they are good enough. That goes for both psp and ds games, so you can't really compare them. I was interested in Metal Gear Acid, myself but in some of the screenshots it looks like it has some sort of card game element to it, which knocked my enthusiasm for it down a notch. I'll still wait to see how it turns out before judging it though.

So why is everyone comparing the psp and ds, you included? It's obvious that the ds was not made to compete with the psp. Don't you think that if nintendo wanted to compete in terms of graphics they would? That's what I believe the GBA2 is for. I believe nintendo are doing what sony are doing in the console market. Sony aren't in any rush to bring out their next console, because they have an insurmountable lead in the market. Same with nintendo and the handheld market, they don't have to rush the direct successor to the GBA just yet.
x84D80Yx said:
consoles and handhelds are pretty different compared to what you can do with them, the processing power, and the gameplay.

I agree - with handhelds it's far more about gameplay. Comparing the DS and PSP spec for spec doesn't convince me in the slightest. I prefer my GBA to my PS2, it doesn't matter that the gfx are worse. The chances are i'd take a GBA over a PSP.

The gfx on the DS will be fine :) - and the games will be fantastic (if Nintendos track record is anything to go by :) ) If that's not your cup of tea, then that's fair enough.
Animal Crossing DS... woo. :|

The games look badass but I hope thats not what the final thing is going to look like becuase that is ugly! And HUGE! Its a gameboy its supposed to be easy to travel with and it should fit nicely into your pocket. said:
A software-based keyboard might even allow the screen to be used as an input center for games and messaging.

Looks like I was wrong!
Didn't anyone notice that the sounds pretty much sucks ass? I think it's time to move on from the Arcade hall *bleep bleep* sounds...

The DS looks promising, I think the PSP is becoming what the GBA is, a platform for easy porting of (relatively) old games. A lot of games on the PSP are also on the PS2.
That first video was plain weird...but still the rest looked quite nice. However, i would rather have my trusty PC for now :D
did anybody see the ign psp video displaying some games for it? if you didnt you should check it out, the gameplay looks better than anything ive seen from the DS.

and yes Zapp$ter id rather play metal gear acid than that weird metroid wannabe. (the GC's metroid was so much more intense and really one of the few games i really liked for the GC), MG:A has tactics, shooting, story, missions. while the metroid game looks like you just shoot a guy about 200 times, then turn into a ball, go into another room, and shoot another guy 200 times. and repeat.

i guess im just speaking out of my ass again ;)