best gameplay ever! nintendo ds

x84D80Yx said:

and yes Zapp$ter id rather play metal gear acid than that weird metroid wannabe. (the GC's metroid was so much more intense and really one of the few games i really liked for the GC), MG:A has tactics, shooting, story, missions. while the metroid game looks like you just shoot a guy about 200 times, then turn into a ball, go into another room, and shoot another guy 200 times. and repeat.

You got all that info about the two sets of games from a minute or two of footage of both games? Wow, I wish I had deductive skills like you.
I wonder how much power that HUGE screen of the PSP will drain. Power usage is a big factor in how succesful it will be, the Sega Gamegear needed a nuclear power plant to power it, and it was a failure.
I also think that the storage device the PSP uses, a disc, will use more energy than a cartridge. The point in having a mobile game station is defeated when it stops working after 2 hours.
That's just the multiplayer element of Metroid (correct me if i'm wrong). Who will buy a DS for that? very few ppl imo. The single player is bound to be very special tho.

I've seen various shots/vids of the PSP and think it looks promising (has plenty of power). However, there arn't any games coming out for the platform that impress me yet (other than the sequal to Rez - which could possibly force me to buy a PSP on its own)

Time will tell, and the PSP is bound to sell extremely well. Hopefully the DS will do too - it'd be a masive shame for Nintendo to be pushed out of the handheld market (forcing the rest of us to but up with very pretty, but average, games that are 'adult' in a kind of 'teenage' way. Mario/Zelda may appear 'kiddy' to the less informed, but they entertain on so many more levels than say Tony Hawks or MGS that, infact, I consider them to be more adult orientated.)

*goes back to the Nintendo corner to complain about kids today*
PvtRyan said:
I wonder how much power that HUGE screen of the PSP will drain. Power usage is a big factor in how succesful it will be, the Sega Gamegear needed a nuclear power plant to power it, and it was a failure.
I also think that the storage device the PSP uses, a disc, will use more energy than a cartridge. The point in having a mobile game station is defeated when it stops working after 2 hours.

The Sony people have went of this. Due to advances in technology the large screen willl not drain the batteries any more then normal, also, the2 DS screens wont drain anything? Theve also adressed the battery draining effects the disc drive can have, there encouraging developers to try to keeps that data streaming to a minimum so as little battery as possible is used up. They say about a 20 hour battery life for the PSP, I think. Just get a few rechargeables and your set.

You got all that info about the two sets of games from a minute or two of footage of both games? Wow, I wish I had deductive skills like you.

Thats not an arguement. Stop insulting him when you realize your wrong.
20 hours? lol. ive heard 2.5-10 hours. (why the broad range you say?)

2.5 for movies (the disc is spinning constantly)
4-7 hours for games (disc only spins when loading something)
10 hours for music (lcd is off and the disc rarely spins)

but if developers can get 20 hrs of life out of this sucker that would be sweet.

i think that expansion battery pack will easily give 20 hr battery life. but we shall see.

even if it had just 2 hours of battery life for everything id still buy it, its an amazing peice of hardware. im still trying to figure out how they pretty much fit a ps2 in the palm of your hand. ;)
Woohoo - the ability to play slimmed down PS2 games when ever I want XD
The Nintendo DS does look really nice, but im looking forward to the PSP more.