Best Mapper In The Forums....

Mapped sence 6 years back.



Half-life and related mods

Half-life2 (source) and releated mods

Age of empire (who hasnt?)

Red Alert

Im not saying im the best, but i am one of the Greater ones i can tell ya!

I even wrote poetry about mapping, which im not going to post so its get stealed and people use it to enter mods....because its beautiful!
i think id be a decent all-around mapper if i had better concepts. but for some reason i always find myself making tight-spaced houses/condos.
I think I'm one of the few mappers who's first map was not of my school or my house.
lol, my first map was a room with a light and a gate :O if that
Deleter said:
lol, my first map was a room with a light and a gate :O if that

Mine was a brick cube :) I was so pleased :thumbs:
Ravioli said:
Mapped sence 6 years back.



Half-life and related mods

Half-life2 (source) and releated mods

Age of empire (who hasnt?)

Red Alert

Im not saying im the best, but i am one of the Greater ones i can tell ya!

I even wrote poetry about mapping, which im not going to post so its get stealed and people use it to enter mods....because its beautiful!

124 posts and you think we're going to believe that?

I have a hard time understanding what poetry you could ever write about mapping. "So... I stroke my hammer, and it spun. It was, indeed, compiling". Yes, good poetry indeed.
Well here's my upcoming remake of cs_mansion :)




*Note* Those screenies are 2 months old.
Dead-Inside said:
124 posts and you think we're going to believe that?

I have a hard time understanding what poetry you could ever write about mapping. "So... I stroke my hammer, and it spun. It was, indeed, compiling". Yes, good poetry indeed.

Postcounts doesnt tell who a person is, only geek are looking for high post counts.....

And you can write poetry about ANYTHING.....if you understand it.
Dead-Inside said:
"So... I stroke my hammer, and it spun. It was, indeed, compiling".
Hehe! Almost like a haiku. I like it.

And a 124 posts indeed, you spam-elitist. :P
Ravioli said:
Postcounts doesnt tell who a person is, only geek are looking for high post counts.....

And you can write poetry about ANYTHING.....if you understand it.

Don't even try to lecture me about poetry.

About the postcount, it tells me how long and how active he's been here. Coming in here with ONLY 124 posts and bragging your ass off, with no credentials, and he probably hasn't even compared himself to the masses, it just doesn't make for a good story (for him!).
When did i say i am bragging my ass off. I visit this form EVERY DAY, but that doesnt meen i have to post anything.

Also, why are you being so aggressive against me? Have i done something wrong? Jesus people, be nice in this community, i thought all hl fans where friends?

Guess im not welcome here, because i have a low post-count......which meen you are mean to new people here.....this is exackly why i dont post much, sence people attack you from everywhere.
I'm the best mapper in the entire world who hasn't released a map, nor got near finishing one.
StardogChampion said:
I'm the best mapper in the entire world who hasn't released a map, nor got near finishing one.

Ravioli said:
Also, why are you being so aggressive against me? Have i done something wrong? Jesus people, be nice in this community, i thought all hl fans where friends?

No, of course not. You just seriously believe you're one of the best mappers out there even though you haven't shown us any of your work nor have I seen it elsewhere.

That would be alright if you kept it to yourself, but oh god, why do you have to bring it up here? It makes me seriously doubt your credibility.

Also, posting on the forums means contributing, you should try it.
Well, each time i do post....these things happens.....