Best Martial Arts?

Which art of discipline is t3h Pwn!?!?!?

  • Kung...FU!

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Karate

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Judo

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Penis fighting...

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Drunk Boxing...

    Votes: 8 28.6%

  • Total voters
do you mean cock fighting? cause thats totally different
depends on who the penis fight is with....... female...yes.
What the hell happened to Jiu-Jitsu?! That rocks man! I don't mean the Japanese version either. I'm talking about the Brazilian style. Anyway, I take Hapkido, and would have to say that I can take any Tae Kwon Do fighter. Hapkido is a combination of Judo and Tae Kwon Do. I looove Hapkido too. I just beleive that Jiu-Jitsu is almost unbeatable if performed correctly. Royce Gracie rocks too! Whoo!
Tredoslop said:
OMG! Everyone is gonna start talking about their penises

you opened the door my friend

3124 posts and you still haven't learned that saying "penis" on these boards is enough to hijack any thread :)
qckbeam said:
you opened the door my friend

3124 posts and you still haven't learned that saying "penis" on these boards is enough to hijack any thread :)
I'm a member of TJI-Thread Jackers Incorporated, even it it is "my thread"... :rolleyes:
I refuse to vote because you didn't include Wu Shu.
been in kung fu for 3 years now, booyah. Wu Shu is pretty bad ass too, its alot like kung fu only more for show i guess.
Well Im in Jeet Kune Do (going on 4 years) and I dont see that on the damn i didnt vote... oh and this has nothing to do with anything but Im training to go into NHB in about 2 years :cheese:

Night all :sleep:
Honestly, the drunken style is really awsome. Ther are some different forms of it.........but I like the way Spike from Cowboy Bebop fights. Just super loose and fast.
Combato? I think thats what its called. Its what they taught to British and Canadian troops in WW2, as a rival to Judo that the Japs all learnt.

Anyway, that would win :D

Shorinji Kempo all the way!!

I practice it myself, so obviously, I'm not biased... :rolleyes:
qckbeam said:
you opened the door my friend

3124 posts and you still haven't learned that saying "penis" on these boards is enough to hijack any thread :)

hahahahaa :LOL:

That is the best post so far.

Where is the option Others. Winshu is a mix of KungFo and Boxing, the best modern Art.
Shaolin's Ying Qi Gong enables a person to punch through concrete walls and wreck a car with his bare hands. Combine that with Tai-Chi (meaning "the Ultimate form") practice, and you're pretty much invincible in close combat.
It's called KUNG FOO'...I demand someone to edit that poll!!!
Shaolin's Ying Qi Gong enables a person to punch through concrete walls and wreck a car with his bare hands. Combine that with Tai-Chi (meaning "the Ultimate form") practice, and you're pretty much invincible in close combat.

And katanas can slice through cars!!1!111!

Did you mean that Tai-Chi means the Ultimate Form or what? Because "tai" means body and "chi" means wisdom ;)

I hope you were joking :)
Invincible eh? Remarkable, although if someone hits you first your pretty buggered, and if they bring a knife, well you might as well just drop your pants right there and then.
Thai boxing is pretty lethal. But greatly underestemated by most because it doesn't contain many fancy flying kicks....
Trust me though, it will kick the ass of most martial arts because its simpler in some ways. Anyway, it helps when your trained by a former world champ..... :D

I have also done a bit of ju jit su, judo, and tae kwon do. Oh and my brother has tought me aspects of wing chun, jeet kun do, western kick boxing and erm even eskrima. And some other stuff like kapowera. Which I can't spell....

Anyway. Yeah. I like martial arts....... (I also weight train and do fitness crap.)

You wana fight? :rolling:

Edit: Can you add Thai Boxing to the list, its my favourite style. :)
Karate is for whimps. All it is, is a system of quick blocks and the like.

Though I enjoyed taking Kung Fu, I find the art of Ninjitsu(Ninjutsu) much more satisfying. Then again, I really don't like anything to do with China. Other than my Chinese friends...
So, I prefer the Japanese Martial Arts, in general. Along with the fact; Ninjas kick ass!
From what is in the list I would choose judo. It requires much less training than all other mentioned disciplines.
westernized karate is shit. however, japanese forms of karate are second only to chinese arts. btw, i'm a shaolin student :) (yes the shaolin grandmaster opened up some schools in the US, and 3 here in colorado :)) ...btw if you don't believe me, go to the fukkien shaolin temple in china, there's a huge stone tablet out by the front gate dedicated to my masters. oh and if you go to the main temple in honan, there's another one dedicated to my grandmaster (Sin Kwang The... look him up :)) and my masters. so i'm not talking out my ass. when you say "drunk boxing" or "kung fu" you're really talking about things that are just parts of shaolin. btw... add shaolin to the poll. the guy talking about tai chi... actually tai chi is just meditation in motion(although YES it is a fighting art) but tai chi chuan means "grand ultimate fist" ... yang tai chi is basically unbeatable fyi... and WAS a big secret till... shit i don't remember my history that well, but some dude went to the yang family, learned the tai chi form, when his master died, he spread it around china. and he never ever lost a fight. but outside of monastaries and stuff... yang tai chi (and tai chi in general) became a form of exercise. there are higher forms within shaolin though. like the tai chi guy mentioned... the form that allows you to punch though shit(and have shit broken over you) is called iron training in english... iron shirt, iron fist, etc... it's just basic shaolin learning :) ... hmm with the drunken boxing ... that's just another shaolin form. it comes from the 8 immortals. each immortal had his/her own form, one of them was drunken. watch the movies "drunken master" or "legend of drunken master" all it is is the guy doing drunken form.... pretty well i might add. onto wu shu. wu shu has two meanings... one is that it means "kung fu" they're basically the same meaning in chinese... if you look at the characters to write them, they're the same (couple differences). however, wu shu is also the.. "national art" in china, and it's bereft of any martial spirit or power. it's speed and acrobatics for show. trust me on this, learn some tai chi sparring, you'll see what i mean. hmm what else oh yeah... those pussies in the UFC... yeah the reason things like brazilian jiu jitsu and shit are big ... are because it's submission stuff... basically wrestling. do some wrestling in highschool and then in college, you'll know most of what the UFC guys are capable of as far as holds and crap, they're very very close. you'll notice that in UFC ... REAL fighting forms and masters have no desire to compete, (karate masters in japan, kung fu masters in china) because their arts are waaay too deadly. every single thing i've learned in shaolin has some kind of fatal and/or crippling movement. a lot of you guys who are taking some good martial arts will know what i'm talking about. btw i voted for kung fu blah. it means "mastery through time and effort" and i'm spent :x
Jackal Hit always knows everything!!
Do you want to marry me?
Thai boxing is pretty lethal. But greatly underestemated by most because it doesn't contain many fancy flying kicks....
Trust me though, it will kick the ass of most martial arts because its simpler in some ways. Anyway, it helps when your trained by a former world champ.....

I have also done a bit of ju jit su, judo, and tae kwon do. Oh and my brother has tought me aspects of wing chun, jeet kun do, western kick boxing and erm even eskrima. And some other stuff like kapowera. Which I can't spell....

Anyway. Yeah. I like martial arts....... (I also weight train and do fitness crap.)

You wana fight?

Edit: Can you add Thai Boxing to the list, its my favourite style.

Yeah thaiboxing is pretty efficient..

And it's spelled "Capoeira" and is from Brazil. The slaves weren't allowed to fight, so they kind of made it a dance, so they could practice.

Invincible eh? Remarkable, although if someone hits you first your pretty buggered, and if they bring a knife, well you might as well just drop your pants right there and then.

If someone hits first you're at the advantage, if your "kung fu is strong enough" ... ;D It's better to not attack, tactically speaking.

If someone brings a knife and meet someone who is a capable fighter... I pity the guy with the knife, because noone is going easy on that guy... :x

Shorinji Kempo:
The thinking mans martial art

Edit: "Fyi", NO disciplin is unbeatable by itself. I don't mean any disrespect jackal, you seem to know your Sh!t, but it all depends on the person.
Kaiso, the founder of Shorinji Kempo was also never beaten, and that doesn't really say anything, eventhough he did encounter lots of people who challenged him during his lifetime.

Btw... I gotta say though, Shaolin monks are so damn cool it's not even funny...
Judo is excelent. But you only trully see how great when you do another martial art with it. Have any of you lot seen a fight with a judo guy (A good one) and any other guy. Assuming both guys can punch.....

I have. Its over so damn quick! The judo guy just moves out of the way and then just puts the guy on the floor and walks off!

Judo after all means "Gentil way" I think....

What I fail to mention is that he didn't really put hin down all that gently...... :cheers:

Edit: Thanks for the spelling mate. I knew how to say it... ;)
And yeah, its a great story. About the dancing and everything.

My god. The time. I have to work. Like NOW! :O :rolling: :|

I'll come bk when I am done!

But Judo isnt the best martial art for self defence. I mean it doesn't have ANY punches or kicks or elbos or knees or any strikeing at all. Its all locks strangles and grappeling....

Come on people. I wan't more opinions on the subject lol. I mean this is a thread I can really take part in for a change. Instead of a giant whale that explodes. (doesn't interest me to be honest lol)
I did Tae Kwon Do for over 5 years... earned a second degree black belt... did some traveling to participate and tournaments and stuff... it was fun. Then I quit.
Shuriken-do is pretty cool, unless you mean martial arts without weapons.
yall make me laugh

theres 4 type of martial artists: spirtual, tournamnent, Recreational/fitness, and self defense/fighting.

each can shift into one of the other but they are primarly just one.

almost all kung fu is spirtual, or tournament, and when put into mixed martial arts competitons it generally fails to be an effective martial arts, of course a trained MAist is generally more capable than any untrained fighter. when people claim Kung Fu is the best MA just be kind a say "ok yea whatever" since its all about media hype.

to quote paraphrase Bruce Lee the best style of martial art is no style of martial art. Which means a martial art that is not a style, its not something you can train to defend against. because their no uniformity. Basically the Best Martial Art is a Mix of th martial arts and the person using it.
yeah i agree, it DOES depend on the person... i mean, you could have a guy that was a pussy in highschool, he'll still be a pussy if he works out and is a 200 lb monster of a guy. some people REALLY don't have the fighting instinct... heh fight or flight, ...they're fleet footed :p. btw, judo is an adaptation of a VERY old kung fu form called chin na. (eagle claw is devoloped off of this also.) chin na is all about holds and bone breaking/killing/whatever from in close, heh honestly i really do like all the martial arts that involve wrestling/in close tactics... i mean whatcha gonna do when someone gets inside you? (not sexually hahahaha... )...

...hahahaha oh man okay whew... what was i gonna say... oh yeah, if you bring a knife into a fight with someone who knows what the hell they're doing, you'd better know damn well what YOU're doing... hell even if you have a gun(if the person is within arm's length and they have a gun, i think their can move faster, and turn your vital organs out of the way before they can react to shoot you... the decision to shoot a person and kill them takes about 1/7 of a second, which is plenty of time for a good attack). (my masters always talk about never starting a fight 1, it's always better to walk away, but 2, if the issue gets forced, you want to be the "defender" (lol) for legal reasons. if the guy's got a knife, it's VERY easy to kill him with it (involves pressure points and making them slit their own neck...). i dunno about other states, but in colorado, you're allowed to kill the attacker in defense of your life. so eh... defense is good ;) oh and by the way, jeet kun do rules, but that also is adapted off of a shaolin form called Chei' Chien "Connecting Fist" okay time for lunch and then another class WOOOO!!

btw sprafa, i'm down, let's get hitched :p
johnshafft said:
yall make me laugh

theres 4 type of martial artists: spirtual, tournamnent, Recreational/fitness, and self defense/fighting.

each can shift into one of the other but they are primarly just one.

almost all kung fu is spirtual, or tournament, and when put into mixed martial arts competitons it generally fails to be an effective martial arts, of course a trained MAist is generally more capable than any untrained fighter. when people claim Kung Fu is the best MA just be kind a say "ok yea whatever" since its all about media hype.

to quote paraphrase Bruce Lee the best style of martial art is no style of martial art. Which means a martial art that is not a style, its not something you can train to defend against. because their no uniformity. Basically the Best Martial Art is a Mix of th martial arts and the person using it.

yes, agreed. however, people who are getting REAL kung fu training are in it for spiritual reason. self defense/fighting enter in as just a matter of fact type of thing. no true kung fu practitioner would ever enter a martial arts tournament. kung fu is NOT for sport, and should never be approached that way, it is much too lethal. hell everyone in my shaolin school are told strictly that they are not to enter tounaments because it is NOT a sport and half the things we learn would be instant death/crippling to the other participant in a sparring match. one guy did enter a tournament (first degree black) he swept weapons forms, open hand forms, and he actually DID compete in sparring and he swept everything and was titled "grand champion" ... well the masters weren't very pleased to say the least, but now a couple years later, they make fun of him calling him grand champion all the time hahaha... (that and the 2nd degree blackbelts always rag on him and beat him up in sparring in class lol) anywho, to paraphrase myself, no real kung fu practitioner should ever enter a tournament for reasons of safety to the other person. one thing ya gotta realize is that over the 1500 years of the developement of kung fu in the shaolin temples, things have been modified and improved upon, and, shaolin kung fu being the oldest of all in china... speaks volumes. with chinese culture, one must understand that NO martial art survives unless it is absolutely effective. ie, a master from one school would fight a master from another school... the losing master would lose face, and his disciples would leave because they're like "ooh this other guy's kung fu is stronger, imma join that one. so over the centuries, it's the weaker martial arts that get weeded out. so shaolin surviving for 1500 years is very remarkable.
Oh I agree, its all about what the martial artist in question knows and is capable of. Most martial arts are quite capable.

Anyway, about that gun thing.....

If you seriously think you would be able to disarm someone with a gun. Well, your insane. Not because you could'nt. I am quite sure its more than possible. But why in hells name would you take the risk?!

I would much rather them have my cash and a insured credit card than take the risk of them shooting me repeatedly.
I get the feeling you have seen too many films lol. (We all have tbh)

And actually, same with the knife. Most martial artists couldn't deal with a knife because you never know what they are going to do with it. People are unpredictable. Very unpredictable. Again, I would probably give them everything unless I thought I could break something streight off.

And if an unarmed person came and demanded something off me. Well, thats a different story. The law in Britain is that I have to tell him that I do martial arts and am capable of defending myself before I do anything therefore giveing him a chance to walk away. I know its stupid. Anyway, I would do that then I think I would just break a leg with a thai kick.... then just knock him clean out.

Oh and a little story about I guy I knew when I was still in Nottingham (Rough Place)
He was walking through a particularly routh area and got jumped by 6 guys. His friend ran off and left him with 5. Now this guy did thai boxing with me. And is also a fairly big guy. He isnt brilliantly co-ordinated and can't do any of the fancy stuff. But!

Within a short while he had one in a headlock and he had pulled the hoody over another ones head. The rest ran off. Thats after they had knocked a few lumps out of him and vise versa.

Just thought I'd share that because it shows that you don't need fancy kicks and shit to protect yourself. Alot of it is actually a waste of time in a real fight. You can do equaly devestateing moves without the risk of getting it wrong or them knowing something you don't.
Of cause it is handy to know it when fighting another MAist. But how many of those do you see on the streets mugging people?

Meh, me go sleep now :)
heh most people will run if they find that you're not an easy target. but with gun or knife, sure it's best to give your money first... just toss the wallet on the ground :) you a chance to run or attack or whatever. btw, it's not crazy to disarm someone with a gun or knife. (gun is bad if you're not within arm's reach of the person though) otherwise gun and knife are both easy(assuming you know what you're doing btw, as always). one of the guys at my school was burgalurized while at home. some guy came in his house and tried to run off with a vcr. my classmate chased him down, and the burgaler(sp? wtf..) dropped the vcr and produced a weapon(screwdriver, not as bad as a knife but still deadly). the burgaler was hospitalized. :) ...just a lil true story to illustrate the effectiveness of martial arts, and how it can be useful against an idiot with a weapon
Boo! Lightsaber fighting! You forgot teh Lightsaber fighting!
You SUCK TREDOSLOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: And no...I don't have schizophrenia.... :E :rolling: :rolleyes: :upstare: