Best movie death or "Kill"?


Jul 17, 2003
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Apologies if this has been covered, a search turned up nothing. Just a General question really, whats your best/your favorite death or kill scene in a movie? For me, i would say in True Lies, when Arnie gets the truth serum and he tells the torturer how he is gonna kill him, then does so. Or just a bit after that where he uses 2 guys knifes to kill each other so they kneel down dead with each others knives in them with their arms around each others shoulders. Made me laugh.

Whats yours?
Kill Bill v2 with that guy that gets killed by the snake :D
Major Kong riding the nuke to the ground in 'Dr. Strangelove.'
That stupid asshole king running off the top of the castle while on fire in Return of the King was pretty crazy. :P
Letters said:
That stupid asshole king running off the top of the castle while on fire in Return of the King was pretty crazy. :P

That reminded me of the one bit in Max Payne 2 where you can shoot this guy off a ledge in the scaffolding and he goes really far, think there was a thread about who could get him the furthest. Anyway flamin kingy got pretty damn far.
1. In Terminator 2 when Arnold fires a grenade at the T-1000 and he gets blown in half, that was sweet :E

2. The Matrix, when Neo gets Agent Smith run over by the subway car "My name, is Neo!"

3. In Enter The Dragon when Bruce Lee sidekicks Mr. Han and he lands on a spearpoint, hah, didn't see that coming.
Steven Segal's death (that's right heard right..Steven Segal died) in Executive Decision.

His Death - Spoiler tags for those of you that actually care to be surprised how it happens.
His death is just so pointless...he dies like 30 minutes or less into the was great how he falls outta the plane linkup thingy.
that one was teh sad :(

my favorite death was probably the death of lucy lui in kill bill vol.1
We also can't forget Vincent Vega's pop-tart death.
trevelyens death in goldeneye was pretty good.
C'mon guys, spoiler tags from here on out! What if someone hasn't seen some of these movies?

Warning: Do not highlight if you haven't seen these movies!

Bricktop's death. "Give me my six!" "What, you mean this?" (May not be exact...) Also, Bullet tooth Tony living up to his name was great.
Fight Club:
Tyler Durden's death. "Whats that smell?"
Reservoir Dogs:
Mr. Blonde's death. Shot all the way to the other side of the room.
Life of Brian:
Brian's death.
"Always look on the bright side of death...
Life's a piece of shit. When you look at it..."
And all the people that should've saved him. Hehe.
The Big Lebowski:
Donny's death in The Big Lewbowski. Hah, he has a heart attack.
(My second favorite)

The Princess Bride:
The Greek guy's death (the one that kidnaps Princess Buttercup in the beginning). Where he dies of the poison by just falling over.
(My favorite)

Hehe, I was just looking at my movies and remembering... :)

Kill Bill Vol. 2
Bill's death... 5-point-palm-your-heart-go-boom-technique = pwnage

and there are others, yet i'm tired
When that evil bastard lion gets killed by his former hyena companions in, The Lion King.
Tredoslop said:
When that evil bastard lion gets killed by his former hyena companions in, The Lion King.
Can I get an "LOL?"


(Sorry, but that actually made me Laugh Out Loud, and I'm not sure why... ;))
In Jurassic Park 1:

The hunter guy, when he suddenly realises that the raptors are working together and he's like "Clever girl!" and gets et.
thehunter1320 said:

Kill Bill Vol. 2
Bill's death... 5-point-palm-your-heart-go-boom-technique = pwnage

and there are others, yet i'm tired

Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique :)
gh0st said:
trevelyens death in goldeneye was pretty good.
You mean boris, who gets frozen? I thought Trevelyn just fell off the platform or something.
spookymooky said:
You mean boris, who gets frozen? I thought Trevelyn just fell off the platform or something.

"I am Invincible!"

EDIT: How 'bought Mustafa's death in Austin Powers? :laugh:
fight club was flibin awesome, one of the best movies and movie ending of all time. sound track was great too, i dont think i need to tell u my friends and i started a club after that. :P

and cowboy bebop, "bang."

not that theres a death but i really loved the mood fooly cooly left me in. simply amazing.
One of the last kills from Ichi The Killer, the one on the roof

The guy with the broad smile gets chopped in two from the head down to the bottom, with the knife thingy on Ichi's feet
The Greek guy's death (the one that kidnaps Princess Buttercup in the beginning). Where he dies of the poison by just falling over.

He was sicilian! Not greek! :p
In Shaun of the Dead (i saw it yesterday)

when they are throwing things at the zombies, toasters and things and the girl zombie lands on the pole and gets back up... (alright, they are already dead, but still...)

and ....

When the accountant guy gets torn apart

But you can't beat the kills in any tarrantino film, they are the best. :naughty:
Erestheux said:
Bricktop's death. "Give me my six!" "What, you mean this?" (May not be exact...) Also, Bullet tooth Tony living up to his name was great.

Actually its
"Give me a shoota"

There are too many...l'l edit a death in when I think of one :D

Edit: Heres one. Ok, Pulp Fiction
Every death :P Actually, when Vince soots the black guy int he back of the car. They are just driving along, and they hit a bump so he sprays the guys brains all over the car.

Also, when vince gets killed :O

Its not a death, but when Marselus (Don't know the saying, but he is the big gang boss type person) and Bruce Willis get into a fight, but they get tied up by the shop rednecks:D
Dunno if these are the "best" but they're some of the strongest/coolest scenes ever.

When Dillon gets his arm shot off and assraped by the Predator.

Predator 2

When Harrigan (Glover) cuts the disk right into the stomach of the Predator.

Star Wars
When Vader dies.
FoB_Ed said:
He was sicilian! Not greek! :p
Heh. Yeah, right. But thanks for using spoiler tags. :| Everyone.

Yeah, thanks for fixing that up for me :)
Robocop when that guy gets acid on him and then gets over run by a car...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, when Vince soots the black guy int he back of the car.

"Oh shit I shot Marvin in the face!"

Best line ever :D

When you quote something, the spoiler tags loose their effect ;(
best death:


when Roy Batty saves Deckards life and then slowly dies, proving that android could exhibit human qualities such as compassion

most deserving death:

Aliens 2:

Paul reiser, trapping the marines on the base and trying to escape only to be ripped to shreds by an alien

most disturbing death:


toss up between pesci knifing the guy in the trunk and pesci knifing that guy in the neck in the bar

coolest death:

crappy shark movie with Samuel Jackson:

when samuel jackson's character get's his body cut in half while lecturing people on the dangers of sharks



when one of the prisoners activates a trap that cuts him into little squares

saddest death:

Roberto Benini's death at the hands of the nazi's in Life is beautiful ...still makes me choke up
Heh, that crappy shark movie was Deep Blue Sea and I rather liked it :P

He was also going on about
how if they stick together ;) they will make it out alive
hehhe ya that's it ...I just thought they wasted the 2 best characters: Samuel, and the rapper guy ...damn what's his name? ...he was funny ...I didnt like the hero (aaron eckhard?) or his girlfriend