Best of E3


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
IGN has put their Best of E3 feature online. Game of the Show is BioShock for the Xbox 360. Mine would be Assassin's Creed; I am getting a PS3 for that game (and I will buy a ticket to Canada so I can visit the Ubisoft studios and elope with Jade Raymond). Spore gathers a lot of honour as well: second runner-up for the all over ranking and it's the PC Game of the Show.
Shakermaker said:
IGN has put their Best of E3 feature online. Game of the Show is BioShock for the Xbox 360. Mine would be Assassin's Creed; I am getting a PS3 for that game (and I will buy a ticket to the US so I can visit the Ubisoft studios and elope with Jade Raymond). Spore gathers a lot of honour as well: second runner-up for the all over ranking and it's the PC Game of the Show.
i think the ubi studios are in Canada noob!!!:p

Assasin's Creed sounds awesome thugh, really like okami too and God of War 2 which won alot in the ps2 section, i agree with the biggest disappointment being the ps3 conference, that gt:hd demo was WAYYYYYYYY too long
Shakermaker said:
errr, you're right. Corrected. We'll elope to the US then ;)
why arent you on xfire? 2 places left at the 256 server, SQUAD UP!:sniper:
Why does it say "Bioshock (Xbox 360)" for best game without mentioning a PC version? Did they only play it on Xbox 360 or not like it as much on PC (please god no)? And if it was best console game and best in show, how come it's not best PC game? I just hope Bioshock isn't console-centric. And I find it appaling that Crysis is tied with some horribly dull 'tactical' console shooter that only offers 'repelling' (it's rappelling, dumbasses) and a few new gadgets over it's poorly rated predecessor. Crysis has the best graphics we've ever seen, not to mention the really cool stuff: almost fully interactive and destructable jungles where every tree can be knocked down and every plant bent, a massive island were everything you can see you can go to, and a suit and guns you can modify at any point in the battle.
All the systems are going to be getting some sweet games! I mean ****ing amazing.

Direct link to the ones I've looked at [IGN - Best of E3 Awards]

Best of the Best Awards:

Best of the PC Awards:

Best of the PS3 Awards:

Best of the Wii Awards:

Best of the Xbox 360 Awards:

ElFuhrer said:
Why does it say "Bioshock (Xbox 360)" for best game without mentioning a PC version? Did they only play it on Xbox 360 or not like it as much on PC (please god no)? And if it was best console game and best in show, how come it's not best PC game? I just hope Bioshock isn't console-centric. And I find it appaling that Crysis is tied with some horribly dull 'tactical' console shooter that only offers 'repelling' (it's rappelling, dumbasses) and a few new gadgets over it's poorly rated predecessor. Crysis has the best graphics we've ever seen, not to mention the really cool stuff: almost fully interactive and destructable jungles where every tree can be knocked down and every plant bent, a massive island were everything you can see you can go to, and a suit and guns you can modify at any point in the battle.
Rainbow Six: Decent graphics, but a surprising assortment of cool-looking gameplay mechanics.
Crysis: Absolutely amazing engine with breathtaking graphics, but the gameplay needs work. Sure it's pretty, but I don't want to play Shoot Ten Thousand Guys In A Jungle That Looks Real This Time We Swear.
I can't wait to spend $3000 on a new comp for Crysis :P
ElFuhrer said:
Why does it say "Bioshock (Xbox 360)" for best game without mentioning a PC version? Did they only play it on Xbox 360 or not like it as much on PC (please god no)? And if it was best console game and best in show, how come it's not best PC game?

I wouldn't worry about it. In fact they did the same thing for the PC:
Best Artistic Design
BioShock (PC)

Why didn't they just put both?

Game of the Show:
BioShock (PC/X360)

Why did they only include the X360? Maybe they didn't have a playable demo for the PC version. They didn't for some reason or another, but I wouldn't be concerned about it.
1. BioShock
2. Gears of War
3. Crysis.

I was hoping stalker would be on the list but no, where the f... was it?
Supreme Commander
PS3 Console

Bout the only things that got my attention.
cadaver said:
I was hoping stalker would be on the list but no, where the f... was it?

"'There isn't that much that's been cut … I've made some minor changes. There were some types of mutants that I pulled out. I took out sleeping and eating - a couple of the minor RPG elements. I also shortened the amount of dialog in the dialog trees - there [was a lot] of back and forth that wasn't needed.'

What was most surprising however was Sharpe revealing that 'I may or may not take out the vehicles - I haven't decided yet'. Vehicles were a big part of the game's original feature-set. If they were to be removed it would pose more than a few design problems, considering the size of the 30-square kilometre area covered in the game."

I mean wtf is this, THQ brings in a new freelance developer to GSC and suddenly he cuts a bunch of features because he doesn't like RPGs?

Anyway, I've lost almost all my faith in this game, it seems they're trying to turn it into a heavily scripted game wit merely a bunch of areas to run around in..
No more survival aspects aside from bleeding.-_-
Disappointed that UT2007 didnt get a first place anywhere :P
I'm surprised SPORE didn't get anything. However Crysis getting the PC award isn't so surprising.
Danimal said:
I'm surprised SPORE didn't get anything. However Crysis getting the PC award isn't so surprising.
Spore got several awards bro - iirc.
Assassin's Creed definately takes the cake as far as I am concerned. The game looks like everything I would want in a high-quality steath/assassination title. It looks like everything I could have wanted from a Thief title in the next generation and won't get for obvious reasons from the Thief devs.

Crysis is the graphic whore's cream dream and it should get top honors for what it does really well. The physics gameplay is nothing new, but the extent to which it is implemented is unprecedented.

Bioshock looks like one of the best atmospheres I have ever seen in a game. The art is gorgeous and the ambitious AI ecology they are working out looks to make this one one of the hottest titles on the PC/360.
youre all mad, MGS4 is going to pwn everything even looking like a video game.
and yes, even the playable demos of cool games dont come close to the sexy 15 minute trailer kojima released...

I'm glad Spore got the recognition it deserves. :)

But I'm disappointed that S2Games was a no-show. :(... I'm looking forward to Savage 2.
My winner is Metal Gear 4 but also BioShock looks nice....
Samon said:
Polaris my man, where have you been?!
Busy, busy....I bought Command and Conquer First Decade and I have no time for anything else :laugh: But I waiting for Episode One like anyone here ;)
Samon said:
I am most displeased with your inactivity. D:
Don't worry. Once I get Episode One in my hands everything be all right ;)