Best prank ever.


Very old, very funny
My friend even made a powerbook and uses it as his binder
Hehe, that was awesome. I wouldn't have the balls to do that.
I remember reading about this sometime last year. I got a kick out of it. :laugh:
I remember that story :)

Gotta love the binder he makes.

"Haxor the planet"
I am suprised how so many people give up so easily. Oh noes! Teh oil is gone, lets all kill ourselves! There are many other things to use in place of oil, but there is such in incredible abundance of oil and it is so cheap there is no need to use anything else until that runs out. When oil starts to run low and gas pirces skyrocket, people will switch to electric.
Foxtrot said:
I am suprised how so many people give up so easily. Oh noes! Teh oil is gone, lets all kill ourselves! There are many other things to use in place of oil, but there is such in incredible abundance of oil and it is so cheap there is no need to use anything else until that runs out. When oil starts to run low and gas pirces skyrocket, people will switch to electric.
Wrong thread. :laugh:
Foxtrot said:
I am suprised how so many people give up so easily. Oh noes! Teh oil is gone, lets all kill ourselves! There are many other things to use in place of oil, but there is such in incredible abundance of oil and it is so cheap there is no need to use anything else until that runs out. When oil starts to run low and gas pirces skyrocket, people will switch to electric.

Well, that's all very nice but what's that got to do with the prank?

EDIT: Damn, beaten to it.
For some reason, I was kinda feeling bad cause I was thinking maybe the 'scammer' was indeed not a scammer, but a foreigner who didn't know much about the escrow site he was using. I dunno. I guess at the end with the denial of service attacks, etc he was deemed not to be an innocent.

But. as for the Jeff guy. Did you know he was actually murdered? That's why he was never heard from again. It was on the news.
Raziaar said:
But. as for the Jeff guy. Did you know he was actually murdered? That's why he was never heard from again. It was on the news.

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTt no wayyyyyyyyyy it cant be
Raziaar said:
But. as for the Jeff guy. Did you know he was actually murdered? That's why he was never heard from again. It was on the news.
Are you sure?! :O
Raziaar said:
But. as for the Jeff guy. Did you know he was actually murdered? That's why he was never heard from again. It was on the news.

No! Who killed him? The scammer?
lol. I have no idea guys. Just thought i'd get you all riled up. I was joking. I should have put it in that very same post. I'm sorry.

But the fact of the matter is, it is a little odd that this guy, after being SO enthusiastic about what he did, was suddenly unable to be contacted in any way, shape or form. It certainly would be a long stretch that he was murdered, but perhaps something else had happened to him. Who knows really.

3) Finally, and most disturbingly, Jeff was not heard from again. I personally e-mailed him for permission to run his story on ZUG, but after an initial response, I never heard from him again. All of his Web sites have come down, and he is nowhere to be found.

Jeff, wherever you are, this P-P-P-Powerbook's for you.

And I appologize again for not sounding like I was joking when I said what I said.
MaxiKana said:
Haha that was funny.

It wasn't meant to be funny. Kind of a morbid joke. I can smell your sarcasm :-P
Farrowlesparrow said:
Maybe he just got tired of people emailing him about it.

Or the feds busted him and he's serving time for mail fraud!
Holy shit! The prank is hilarious, but now I'm a bit worried about Jeff. I hope nothing bad happened to him, but it's hard to believe that, since he gives no signs of life. :(
Woah that was so cool. Too bad we never got a proper response from the scammer. I've seen this before but never bothered to read it. The site has some cool pranks in it. check out the credit card one.
Don't talk to me about credit cards. My brother booked a holiday over the phone and paid the deposit using my credit card. Payment was authorised and taken. All well and good.

However, when I turned up at the ticket broker to pay the remaining balance with the same credit card I was refused because "This signature isn't quite the same".

Dumb ****ers would accept payment from an annonymous person over the phone but not from the genuine holder.

Back on topic: That's a great little sting he setup, though it is a little worrying that he wasn't heard from again. I tried looking him up at the something awful forums but the want $10 joining fee. I'm not that interested.
I hate scammers
scammers<commerical spammers

Scammers usually go for the people who can't resist such as old people I hope they all get what they deserve