Best scifi ever.

What is the best sci-fi ever

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • Star Trek (Any)

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Battlestar Galactica (2003 or 1978)

    Votes: 6 8.0%
  • Firefly/Serenity

    Votes: 20 26.7%
  • Stargate

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Other (please say)

    Votes: 13 17.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
That's right, this is a poll to find out what this forum thinks is the best sci-fi EVER!

For me it would have to be Firefly, unfortunatly they only ever did 13 episodes, the FOX cut them. If only some other network would by the rights. :(
Stargate for so long was easily the best thing on TV scifi wise
People will hunt you down for forgetting to include the Xfiles in that list
Argh....not quite sure what to mark on this one. The old Star Wars carries with it such inspiration and a massive amount of nostalgia. Its likely most of the others on that list wouldn't exist if not for those films.

But at this point I enjoy Firefly/Serenity so much more. Tough as heck call.
Firefly is quite easily the best sci-fi I've ever seen. I just love the way it blends styles and the world is so believable.
Stargate and Battlestar Galactica are at the second place for me.
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Seen it more than 5 times, awesome movie.
Star Wars - The new trilogy raped my childhood, so no.
Star Trek - Original series was watchable for comedy value, Next Gen was watchable for Patrick Stewart, otherwise, hell no.
Battlestar Galactica - Old one was shite, havent seen the new one.
Serenity/Firefly - Ive seen the film and it was seriously ****ing good, I need to get hold of the series somehow. How is it in comparison?
Stargate - Loved the film, HATED the series.

I voted for Serenity, on the basis of the film.
2001/2010 were great.

But I have 2 favorite sci-fi movies. Blade Runner and the original and unchanged Star Wars.

Blade Runner was one of Harrison Ford and Rutger Huer's first films and it was really tight. The original Star Wars of course changed what was possible in a movie, and there is no equal. The Empire Strikes back was one of my next favorite Star Wars episode.

These movies were way ahead of their time and if you disregard the lower film quality at the time, they still look incredible 20 years later.

The evil cylons from Battlestar Gallactica were wicked though. Those were the days.
gick said:
Serenity/Firefly - Ive seen the film and it was seriously ****ing good, I need to get hold of the series somehow. How is it in comparison?
If you liked the movie then you need to see the series. Simple as that. While its not usually as dark as the movie sometimes is, and obviously the special effects pale in comparison, its just a damn good show.
In my opinion, the Serenity movie missed the original western-type of setting, which made the series so original. Also the serie is more easy-going action with the major story slowly developing in the background. While the movie kind of rushed to answers.
I am not saying the movie is bad. It might be one of the best sci-fi movies I've seen, but compared to the series it's not much. :)
anyone remember Space: Above & Beyond? i used to love that when i was younger...
The cylon from Battlestar Gallactica - almost 30 years ago this was the coolest ****ing thing ever. They still are really. Pretty sick, especially the way their eyes scanned back and forth.

(click for larger images)
This box art shows just how old this movie really is:
star trek is the only show on that list that could be accurately be called science fiction (not familiar with firefly)

star trek hands down ..oh and star wars shouldnt be there cuz it's the only theatrical release of the bunch

if we're talking film then my vote goes to Bladerunner followed by a close Alien (the original) ...also 2001 a space oddesy
As much as I honestly love firefly, star wars takes the cake here. It created a huge cult following and actually created its own massive universe. Firefly/serenity is in second.
Anyone who has paid attention to anything I've said in 'What are your favorite TV shows' threads knows I'm a huge Buffy fan. So Serenity and Firefly, totally. Joss Whedon is the ****ing man.
CptStern said:
star trek is the only show on that list that could be accurately be called science fiction (not familiar with firefly)

star trek hands down ..oh and star wars shouldnt be there cuz it's the only theatrical release of the bunch

if we're talking film then my vote goes to Bladerunner followed by a close Alien (the original) ...also 2001 a space oddesy
Well Star Trek and Firefly both had movies as well as a TV show, and it seems that Star Wars is going to add the TV show now, so a comparison isn't ridiculous.

While its mostly arguing semantics, Firefly/Serenity is at least as eligible as Star Trek for the tag "science fiction." It contains the usual additions like artificial gravity and other necessary things for the sake of entertainment. However it takes it one step farther than Star Trek in that it features neither faster-than-light travel (it all takes place in a single large solar system), nor any sound in space.
Battlestar Galatica, X-files and Star Trek.
Direwolf said:
Well Star Trek and Firefly both had movies as well as a TV show, and it seems that Star Wars is going to add the TV show now, so a comparison isn't ridiculous.

While its mostly arguing semantics, Firefly/Serenity is at least as eligible as Star Trek for the tag "science fiction." It contains the usual additions like artificial gravity and other necessary things for the sake of entertainment. However it takes it one step farther than Star Trek in that it features neither faster-than-light travel (it all takes place in a single large solar system), nor any sound in space.

yes but it could use sci-fi conventions like warp drive, black holes whathaveyou but the basic premise is a a seperate genre all together ...what I was referring to is a science fiction theme, not just tech: there's an old episode of ST:next gen called the Tin Man ..the living spaceship storyline had all the traditional elements of science fiction that's usually only found in written form: a sense of discovery of something unknown it an abstract vision of what I believe to be sciecne fiction but most tv sci-fi shows follow a sort of genre formula. For example: x-files is a detective show with a supernatural twist ..Star trek (original show) was a western in space (kirk and his posse) etc

I think the tv show that comes closest to being true science fiction is Dr Who ...maybe red dwarf (havent seen enough, but it's also a comedy so....)
I've always taken the title of "science fiction" literally. As in fictional stories with a scientific bent. They use science and logic to support their fictions.

Definitions of a genre should be allowed to change as the genre change.
You people fail for having Stern the only one that mentions the Alien series.

For shame.

As for TV, I don't really watch that much SciFi.
French Ninja said:
You people fail for having Stern the only one that mentions the Alien series.

For shame.

As for TV, I don't really watch that much SciFi.
Well the series has gone so steadily downhill that it doesn't seem to put up much of a fight against the other entries.
Direwolf said:
I've always taken the title of "science fiction" literally. As in fictional stories with a scientific bent. They use science and logic to support their fictions.

Definitions of a genre should be allowed to change as the genre change.

and I agree the world of print, not tv. Sci-fi on tv is for the most part completely 1 dimensional whereas there are many sub genres of sci-fiction in print ..unfortunately tv being the medium that is would never produce a work of science fiction like the Martian Chronicles, Do androids dream of Electric sheep, Player Piano, Brave new world, Fahrenheit 451, Cat's Cradle, or Foundation. It just doesnt have the same broad appeal of say an action movie set in space
Firefly is a far better "western in space" than Star Trek.

Then again, I never understood people's liking of Star Trek anyway. I found the show pretty dull.

And let's not call everything that has space/lasers/future timelines "sci-fi." Most people involved in Science Fiction find the word "Sci-Fi" insulting as it usually pertains to no-brains pulp action with some soft science thrown in once in a while.
Direwolf said:
Well the series has gone so steadily downhill that it doesn't seem to put up much of a fight against the other entries.

Alien is one of the greatest horror movies ever made (science fiction as well). Aliens is one of the greatest action movies ever made (science fiction as well).

Yes, Alien 3 and Ressurection were shit (AvP doesn't doesn't even deserve a mention) but the first 2 are incredibly well made movies, and I think worthy of being on that list.

Star Wars is my favourite, just sheer kickass (Endor Space Battle = Most awesome thing ever).
Doctor Who! 'Don't worry! I just reversed the polarity of the neutron flow!'

Actually, apart from the fact that the daleks scared the heck out of me, Doctor Who was pretty shite.
Unfortunately I haven't watched Firefly properly yet...
I've seen bits and pieces of episodes, because Sci-Fi chooses such idiotic timeframes to show it... I'm either in school, or sleeping.

Stargate was a decent movie, but the show is really great... I enjoy watching it whenever I decide to turn it on...

Buuuuuuut... I'm Star Wars fanboy so... yeah.
SW ftw.
Babylon 5 - best characters, best stories/plot, and so epic it makes Star Wars look tiny. The only sci-fi that even comes close is BSG imo (although I am a big Star Trek fan too)

Shame on you guys for not mentioning it :p
Harryz said:
How can you not put Blade Runner on that list!?

Lol, sorry. The first one's that I put up (what you see there) were all ones taht I have seen a lot of or seen recently. I put the poll up then went 'Oh poo, I forgot Alien and Bladerunner'

Sorry :p

I'm sorry again, but the 2003 scylons are so much cooler then 1978.

I mean lets compare

or this

And then:


or this?

And that's npt mentioning the raiders! :p
ewwww ..babylon 5 and stargate (tv show) :x ..some of the episodes of babylon 5 were written by Peter David (comic book writer/hack) who I've met ...weird boistrous obese guy

god I forgot how much I hate sci-fi on tv

oh and as someone who's watched the original battlestar galatica tv show (80's) I hate to say that it was absolutely awful was a cross between the dukes of hazzard and lost in space but more rediculous
Don't really watch many sci fi shows. The last I watched was ohhh....Farscape. And quite frankly, it stinks. I voted Firefly anyhow.
Comparing B5 to Stargate should be a crime of some sort :/

I think the reason many don't appreciate Babylon 5 is because it isn't at all episodic, many of the plot lines running through entire series (some begin in series one and don't finish into the 5th, many years later). It's quite possible to watch 5 shows and not really know what's going on, or at least understand any of the motives/implications. Another reason being the first series (out of five) wasn't that great - like a cheap Deep Space 9 - and on occasion could be a little cheesey.

Once series two kicks in everything falls into place perfectly. In terms of scope and character development there isn't another sci-fi show (film or tv series) that comes close.

So there :p

Oh, for anyone who cares, the actor who played G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas) died recently. He was also the one armed man in The Fugitive. From various interviews i've seen he was a lovely chap, and one of the two greatest sci-fi character ever (the other being Londo, of course ;))

It seems i've become a sci-fi geek in my old age.
I could never get beyond Babylon 5's lackluster production values ..sure they had some spiffy costumes but most of the sets looked cobbled together from other tv shows ...also the acting wasnt the best and some of the characters were a bit silly ..but I could probably say the same about star trek TNG which I've always been a big fan of
Well I would have to say that Star Wars is probably the best sci-fi series, but Stargate needed some love so I voted for it. Stargate loses points for that stupid Atlantis show, though. I hope the director for that show gets a Wraith hand stuck in his chest.

By the way Darkwolf, the new Cylons may be pointy, but the old Cylons win for being very shiny. (It was almost like they were made out of diamond).