Best secret stash locations!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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Inspired by Tarkus' weed thread, what's the best stash place?
Said stash could be anything, eg chocolate, porn, cigarettes etc.

My tin fits perfectly inside a gap in my guitar amp.
On the coffee table in a cigar box, not that I smoke anymore or anything.

But, back home when I kept it a secret in the house... there was a loose floor board under the carpeting that I stuffed my stash in: pipes, paper, joints, blunts, and my cigar box.
My special edition Return to Castle Wolfenstein tin; it just sits on my shelf and no one touches it but me. No one is any the wiser!
Let it be known I am not a drug user. However, I will continue.

Listen up, I will give you advice for the absolute best hiding place for your drugs. This is my idea, I didn't learn it from anywhere, but I'll tell you it's ingenious. It also works for things other than drugs, as long as they are relatively small in size.

Buy one of these... a portable hard drive rack for your computer. Install it in your computer. The tray that's in it will not contain a hard drive, and will instead contain your drugs, and it has a convenient little computer key for you to lock it into place. As long as it is your computer, and you don't have somebody else who operates on your computer to fix things, you have the absolute perfect hiding place that nobody will suspect. Your parents could ransack your entire room looking for drugs, and they would never in a million years think of looking in this thing.


I keep a secreat stash of junk food in the vent over the ceiling. I blocked over the air current, but kept a small air stream going so it wouldn't look suspicious.
For a while I kept my stuff in a little Wii-shaped tin, originally used to house an EB Games gift card as a Christmas gift.

Then I kept everything in my computer case. I have the Antec P180, which comes with two slide-out racks for hard drives, one of which also has a little plastic cubby hole for computer screws. The materials would stay in that screw cabinet, while the tools would be kept in the empty second hard drive rack. No one was the wiser
For a while I kept my stuff in a little Wii-shaped tin, originally used to house an EB Games gift card as a Christmas gift.

Then I kept everything in my computer case. I have the Antec P180, which comes with two slide-out racks for hard drives, one of which also has a little plastic cubby hole for computer screws. The materials would stay in that screw cabinet, while the tools would be kept in the empty second hard drive rack. No one was the wiser

Hey! Copycat! You be stealing my ideas! I call copyright infringement on that!
My dad gave me a small metal cigarette tin with a fastener on it to put 'things' in.
Earplugs container for small items. my Star Wars Lunch box has some stuff in it. its right out in the open but no one seems to touch it. also the vent in my room is a good hiding spot as well as in my paintball mask and in one my collector's knife box under a cardboard prop. when i'm cleaning my room sometimes i find the weirdest things. Also as a kid I used to hide change in my air vent, some were collectibles too
Keep your weed in an encrypted .rar renamed to
LOL raziaar.. it would be better if there wasn't a lock on it. and your advice only works for people who live with their parents

dogs are my biggest concern. i usually don't hide my stash indoors.. the harder it is to hide, the better
Let it be known I am not a drug user. However, I will continue.

Listen up, I will give you advice for the absolute best hiding place for your drugs. This is my idea, I didn't learn it from anywhere, but I'll tell you it's ingenious. It also works for things other than drugs, as long as they are relatively small in size.

Buy one of these... a portable hard drive rack for your computer. Install it in your computer. The tray that's in it will not contain a hard drive, and will instead contain your drugs, and it has a convenient little computer key for you to lock it into place. As long as it is your computer, and you don't have somebody else who operates on your computer to fix things, you have the absolute perfect hiding place that nobody will suspect. Your parents could ransack your entire room looking for drugs, and they would never in a million years think of looking in this thing.



I'm pretty sure your drugs would become toxic after putting them in a hot Computer with tons of toxic chemicals from all the wires and chips. ever smell a wire burning when your soldering??
Earplugs container for small items. my Star Wars Lunch box has some stuff in it. its right out in the open but no one seems to touch it. also the vent in my room is a good hiding spot as well as in my paintball mask and in one my collector's knife box under a cardboard prop. when i'm cleaning my room sometimes i find the weirdest things. Also as a kid I used to hide change in my air vent, some were collectibles too

Let me guess, you store this inside the vent:


I am aware of your Dexter connection but if you'll meet me for some drinks later I can show you my boat! and don't tell anyone where your going, I just got it cleaned last week
A beautiful 10,000th post, Harij :p

I'd hide my stuff outdoors but I live in an apartment and I really don't need to. Plus the weather is incredibly wet and windy lately, it would probably get lost to nature within a day.
LOL raziaar.. it would be better if there wasn't a lock on it. and your advice only works for people who live with their parents

dogs are my biggest concern. i usually don't hide my stash indoors.. the harder it is to hide, the better

It's the only really applicable situation, kids or adults living with their parents.

Who else are they going to hide it from? If it's the DEA breaking into your place they will find it... period. No scheme will hide it if they're determined, not even placing it in your walls!

I'm pretty sure your drugs would become toxic after putting them in a hot Computer with tons of toxic chemicals from all the wires and chips. ever smell a wire burning when your soldering??

When it's in that case, as long as there isn't an operating device directly near it, it should stay only a few degrees above room temperature outside. Maybe a dozen above. Nothing bad.

Certainly less severe than stashing it in your car or something which is often subjected to intense heat from cooking in the sun with windows down.

No toxic chemicals will be touching it... no dust even, if you keep it in a baggy or something. Toxins aren't leeching out into the air of your case... and if they are, your drugs being contaminated are the least of your worries.

Soldering and stuff is entirely different, and you obviously need good ventilation for those scenarios as sometimes the material used is toxic, and the fumes almost definitely are. Typical computer operation, there is no soldering(I would hope not) going on. It's just as safe in your computer as it is in a tin in your closet.
I like using the greenbox next to the campfire before the Red Forest loading zone.
I am aware of your Dexter connection but if you'll meet me for some drinks later I can show you my boat! and don't tell anyone where your going, I just got it cleaned last week

But I've been a good boy, I don't deserve to die :(
Let me guess, you store this inside the vent:



Mother****er beat me to it.



There is a first aid kit in every room of my house and mine is supposedly lost, but is actually under a case in my bed used to store stuff from my childhood. The first aid kit is holding many things of a different sort...

"First Place Cops Looked Was Inside AT-AT"

Me: “Okay, so what seems to be the problem?”

Caller: “Well, it’s my son’s computer, it’s… smoking.”

Me: “It’s smoking? Is it making a loud beeping sound or is it hot? Anything else that would indicate that it’s on fire?”

Caller: “No! It’s not hot or anything. In fact, it seems to work just fine, but after it being on for about two or three minutes it starts to smoke.”

Me: “Okay… well, shut the machine down, unplug it, and then hold down the power button for about ten seconds.”

Caller: “Ok. Got it. Now what?”

Me: “Ok, open the case and take a look inside. Does anything look melted or cracked or–”

Caller: “Oh…”

Me: “You found the problem?”

Caller: *angry* “Oooh yeah. There’s… uh… there’s a little plastic bag taped to the inside of the case… full of dried green stuff.”

Me: *trying not to laugh*

Caller: “Thanks for your help. I need to go have a talk with my son.” *click*
Lawl. Why would it be smoking though? I mean... unless the marijuana wanted to get high off itself.

Hah, Raz you think you're so smart. I thought of that way before you did. Only I used an external one so it didnt have to go into my computer.


I even cut out the led light there and stuck a glow in the dark sticker in there so it would sometimes look like its on at night. Then just plug in the power cord and usb cable and nobody will give it a second glance. I also put a lead paper weight in there so it would feel heavy enough just in case someone picked it up.
Hah, Raz you think you're so smart. I thought of that way before you did. Only I used an external one so it didnt have to go into my computer.

I even cut out the led light there and stuck a glow in the dark sticker in there so it would sometimes look like its on at night. Then just plug in the power cord and usb cable and nobody will give it a second glance.

ROFL you sly devil you.

But... nothing too bad about my idea... it slides in and out of hte front of my computer case really easily with a handle and everything. Don't have to mess with the side of the case or anything.

Also... with your external hard drive, I hope you taped some weights in there to make it feel heavier to be more like the real thing. Nothing would be worse than somebody picking it up and going... "why is this hard drive so ****ing light"? Because as we all know, they're fairly heavy things. heh
I wandered in here looking for good Vintar locations :(
ROFL you sly devil you.

But... nothing too bad about my idea... it slides in and out of hte front of my computer case really easily with a handle and everything. Don't have to mess with the side of the case or anything.

Also... with your external hard drive, I hope you taped some weights in there to make it feel heavier to be more like the real thing. Nothing would be worse than somebody picking it up and going... "why is this hard drive so ****ing light"? Because as we all know, they're fairly heavy things. heh

Yeah I forgot to mention the paper weight I put in it. I edited my post right before your reply. But yeah. I used to be a really paranoid person.
There's a spot under my desk that looks like regular wall, but you can unhinge it and there is a huge storage space where we put shit.

If I ever had to hide from bad guys in my house, it would be there.
Goddamn I just moved into a new house.
I need to search for stuff.
Hold on...
My Fallout3 collector's edition Lunchbox, as well as this old trumpet case that I have (I bought a new case so the old one is obsolete), I have it hollowed out and I use it to store things.
I stash my shit in my pants. Always in my crotch too. I'm going to design and manufacture pants that have pocket in the crotch.

I bet some of us will get robbed now that we exposed our secrets stashing spots
Nah, nothing in mine right now, and anyways, I'm living in the dorms right now so there's no real place to put anything besides my locking drawer.
There really is no real safe place to hide stuff... So I just put it in a drawer or in my night stand. All of the places you just listed whould be detected if anyone really looked.