Best Shootout In A Movie


Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
Whats your favorite shootout in a movie ever? Mine is the bank robbery shoot out in Heat with al pacino and robert deniro . Greatest shootout, i loved it, perfect directing, great sense of action, you feel like your in the middle of it. And the sound of the gunfire is just soo great. I loved the movie and really loved the shootout, beats the matrix with its own dvd cover.
The military base breaking in the Matrix!

Obviously! :D
John Woo's Hard-Boiled. I'm not sure what my favourite scene would be... the beginning, probably.
saving private ryan,
am i the only 1?

i just like how real they made it look, a lot of good work imo
pffft you guys are amatuers :E , although Spartan has the right Idea

bar none best shootout is clint eastwood in A Fistfull of Dollars. 6 guys with 6 bullets and he didnt even break a sweat! Clint is uber-cool
Spartan said:
John Woo's Hard-Boiled. I'm not sure what my favourite scene would be... the beginning, probably.

Damn you got there first. That movie totally owned, so bloody and realistic. The unrelentlessness of it was like game. Too many movies know try to fob you off with matrix style bullet time, that however is the real deal.
Also worth mentioning the nightclub in collateral, that is totally bitchin.
Agreed with Heat *rhyme* best rifle-shootout btw... I loved the Hel's Club pistol-shootout in Matrix 3.

Clint is uber-cool

Indeed, he is. Leone movies belong to the best.
The shootouts in Equalibreum(I cant spell). That movie freaking rocks! :cheers:
great shootouts

its a toss up 4 me between The replacement killers, the killer,( i believe both are j.woo flicks) and red dawn(not j.woo flick).....wolverines!!!!!!also check out "Black Cat" Japanese version of La Femme Nikita. And also "The long kiss goodnight", sleeper hit...Young guns (1) chavez is out there doin it with his horse. Last man standing, starship troopers vs. bugs....oh yeah :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
KoreBolteR said:
saving private ryan,
am i the only 1?

i just like how real they made it look, a lot of good work imo

i agree, also the last shootout in the way of the gun.
Saving Private Ryan, there's a good take on a 'shoot-out'.
I personally cant think of one, i guess the Matrix as some neat gun fights...
All the gunfights in Collateral. I wish more directors would take the direction of realistic gunfights, I cant stand watching some of the crap in action movies now days.
One of The Naked Gun movies where leslie neelson is having a gun fight with a guy that was bout 3 or 4 feet away from him lol
i do enjoy the scene in bookdock saints when they come out of the house after killing the mobsters, it is so uniquely great how they work in willem dafoe
Homer said:
All the gunfights in Collateral. I wish more directors would take the direction of realistic gunfights, I cant stand watching some of the crap in action movies now days.

As i said. Collateral did do something the hide the blood and gore (people got stabbed with there other sides to the camera). I dont think we will ever see the brutality of some of the older actions flicks for a while now, everyone wants to get a below R age restiction.
In "once upon a time in the west" at the very beginning the shoot out at the rail road station. Its actually very quick, but all the tension before building up , makes it a movie classic
Answers obvious. The big gunfight scene in Heat. :)

Fieth said:
The shootouts in Equalibreum(I cant spell). That movie freaking rocks! :cheers:

Actually, yeah!. This film has the seond best gunfight(sword fights more), its the film Matrix wanted to be tbh. I love the end, the bit that sticks in my head the most is when he runs over a colt, flips it up around his back while still running and kicks ass. Stylish :D
Recoil said:
The Killer < Hard-Boiled

Depends on what you're looking for, The Killer has story, Hard-Boiled is pure action, both are excellent films and should be treated as such
And for my favorite, well, either the entire hospital scene from Hard-Boiled or the shootout in the church in The Killer, both are absolutely stunning and beautiful, can't beat a guy firing from a moving gurney or a shotgun blast blowing away a statue of the virgin mary
All the gunfights in Collateral. I wish more directors would take the direction of realistic gunfights, I cant stand watching some of the crap in action movies now days.

Are you talking about collateral that just came out with tom cruise?

It was kinda cool how he would just be 2 shots in the head and one in the chest (or something like that) and it would be over in 1 second. None of the shit where you are 3 feet away from each other and you still miss and then you have time to go run behind a car and the car explodes...............................................

I dont know if blackhawk down counts but if it does that would be my pick.
Depends on what you're looking for, The Killer has story, Hard-Boiled is pure action, both are excellent films and should be treated as such
And for my favorite, well, either the entire hospital scene from Hard-Boiled or the shootout in the church in The Killer, both are absolutely stunning and beautiful, can't beat a guy firing from a moving gurney or a shotgun blast blowing away a statue of the virgin mary

Well... the church of course rocked... but I liked the sceneries in HB somehow better than in TK, the teahouse etc. while the hospital is an extreme cult-scene I don't like the idea of the location that much... ;)

I dont know if blackhawk down counts but if it does that would be my pick.

Meehh... BHD was a great movie imo, but the shootouts aren't that impressive... more like... fast & realistic. While Heat is realistic but very calm. I hate fast cuts in shootouts.
Recoil said:
Well... the church of course rocked... but I liked the sceneries in HB somehow better than in TK, the teahouse etc. while the hospital is an extreme cult-scene I don't like the idea of the location that much... ;)
True, having it in a hospital full of innocent people, but still, the scenes in there were excellent, and the teahouse, ahhhh.... him sliding down the rail, rolling over the table and just winding up with his pistol right on the shooter's head, brilliant
The lobby scene in the Matrix and the storming of the beach in Saving Private Ryan.
yeah i gotta give props to saving private ryan, some awesome shootouts, I have never seen nor heard of hard boiled until now, gotta check that one out. I like fast cuts, makes you feel the insanity of the shootout, the craziness, no style, just hardcore shootout.
Westerns: The Quick and the Dead duels, The Long Riders final shootout, The Wild Bunch final shootout

Action/Sci-Fi: The Matrix Morpheus rescue, Equilibrium end gunkata duel, Commando end raid

Crime shows: Reservoir Dogs Mexican standoff, The Professional hotel room battle

War movies: Saving Private Ryan (I like the sniper duel better than Omaha beach though)
Nowadays, no one makes action movies like John Woo did. Not even in Hong Kong, it seems. I really can't understand why.
There's a trailer for Hard-Boiled here (Quicktime, ~3 megabytes). The (long) trailer alone has more action than most action films.
Nowadays, no one makes action movies like John Woo did. Not even in Hong Kong, it seems. I really can't understand why.

They wouldn't sell :| today people always say 'uuuh, this flick is too low for me... they're shooting all the time... how primitive'
Spartan said:
There's a trailer for Hard-Boiled here (Quicktime, ~3 megabytes). The (long) trailer alone has more action than most action films.

Damn, nice trailer, really does a good job of showing off a lot of action without showing all the cool scenes and none of the hospital, that movie really is one of the best, if not the best, action movies ever made
Give him a gun and he's superman; give him two and he's god!
Omaha Beach in "Saving Private Ryan"
The lobby in "The Matrix"