Best thing for a cough?


Nov 17, 2004
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Title says it all, been ill recently.

Although its getting better the only thing im left with is a very sore throat (from too much coughing) and the sniffles.

My usual remedy of fruit and juice drinks seems to have failed me this time.

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Dunno really, cough sweets work quite well, but only temporarily.

I had a cough for like over a month where you throat is really irritable (tingley) and forces you to cough, so annoying. Thank god it's gone now.
I had a cough for 3 weeks a while ago, they're bastards to get rid of. You should probably just ride it out.
Gargling salt water is the only thing that does anything at all and all it's effects are temporary.

I had a real bad cough last month, I praticaly spewd out flemah(spelt wrong).
I had a bad cough/cold throughout the entire length of spring break D:

I took over the counter medicine.
Camel Filters and whiskey. Cocaine is also supposed to help.
A bit of whiskey doesnt sound too bad, worked last time if i recall. Although not fully...
If you smoke, stop it, or itll never go away
(Just guessing.. your name is smoke..)
I had several different replies to this thread I could have chosen from...

"a big, hard **** down your throat should help"
"well, I bet it's like hangovers... if you never stop drinking, you won't get one."

it would've been that last one, but I couldn't figure out how to make it relate.... well, I did, but irritating your throat till it explodes wouldn't help :/
drinking coke or pepsi usually helps my throat, the thick syrup coats the throat me thinks
Hot mint-flavored tea, with as much sugar as it takes. Also, expectorant, the occasional coughdrop, and lots of rest.
I have the real solution, and because I like you people i'll tell you.

My first post held the secret: whiskey. Wrap yourself in several jumpers, consume a fair few glasses of preferred brand, drink some cheap supermarket cough medicine then get in bed and sweat the bugger out. The whiskey shall make you sleepy and not care about the inferno you inhabit the center of.
Rupertvdb said:
I have the real solution, and because I like you people i'll tell you.

My first post held the secret: whiskey. Wrap yourself in several jumpers, consume a fair few glasses of preferred brand, drink some cheap supermarket cough medicine then get in bed and sweat the bugger out. The whiskey shall make you sleepy and not care about the inferno you inhabit the center of.

Alcoholic soloution ftw, I LOVE YOU!

dont smoke! :p

just ride it out, drink hot drinks. as in uber hot. cos the act of the heat going down ur throat helps to kill of germs, they dont like heat.

and u can get this numbing spray, whihc means u dont feel the pain
Garlic, ginger crushed and mixed well into some whiskey /vodka.......gargle it, it will feel like it's burning your throat out but it will certainly kill any bacteria in your throat and also numb the nerve endings so it dosn't tickle (and therefore no coughing)
short recoil eats razor wire for breakfast and pisses napalm
I once coughed for ten minutes straight during a test. I went out and drank water twice, but nothing helped :(
short recoil said:
Garlic, ginger crushed and mixed well into some whiskey /vodka.......gargle it, it will feel like it's burning your throat out but it will certainly kill any bacteria in your throat and also numb the nerve endings so it dosn't tickle (and therefore no coughing)
I love you.
Teta_Bonita said:
I love you.

You're the guy whose mum thought you were gay because you were slapping your friend with a phallic plant clasped between your legs.

Am I right?
lemon or pepsi will only make it worse because of the acid in lemon and the caffein in pepsi. Getting rid of a sore throat in my opinion is less about removing the bacteria and more about removing the swelling usually caused by to much moisture in the throat. Salt water ftw. never fails. But you can still drink the whiskey,that will cure just about anything.
I have the same thing! It bites so bad. Drink ass loads of cold water. You will have to piss a lot but it helps.
theSteven said:
Gargling salt water is the only thing that does anything at all and all it's effects are temporary.

Gargling salt water can be very helpful.

I also always keep ricola in my bagpack.
The best thing for a cough is a kick in the junk.