Best Voice Acting EVER!

Jeesus.. Just saw the vid.. G-Man looks so damn realistic in the beginning, so awesome I can't find words to measure it.. And the way the citizens are oppressed.. And that video with the striders and the friends getting slaughtered, I even wanted to take control over the video and throw myself infront of the allies to take the killing beam shot and save them..


Im sure g-mans an alien, cant remember where I read it.
The G-Man is obviously William Shatner trying to disguise his voice.
the G-man talks wierd because he never got much love from G-mother :p
Nindoze said:
Yeah i was wondering why his voice was all funny, almost like it was computer generated.

I'd like to know the voice actor for gman.. hrm
same guy who does Dr. Kleiner... or at least it sounds like it to me.

thanks OCybrManO for the sig.
Estevan said:
Name another game that is better. And it can not be from a cut scene. It has to be in game

I don't really think there is an end all be all best voice acting game. Though if I was pressed I'd say Lucas Arts adventure games (COMI, Grim. Fan., etc) are also top notch. I'm also sure there are more than a few top notch voice acted games in Japanese.
I think the "oppressive appartment" scene was amazing. When the combine bust down that guys door and you hear them beating that guy up. valve definitly spent alot of time working on the combine's radio sound effects. They definitly seemed to have great sounds in that appartment scene. Like the sound effect when the combine stop talking on their radios and the distortion and modulation that they do on their voices, ahh sounds so bad ass to me. The voice acting was good but I think what really impressed me in the videos was the mood and emotions that the scenes evoked. For example in the scene where the citizens are fighting the stryders, It gave me a feeling of militia type people coming together to fight against some huge force. For some reason it reminded me of black hawk down.
one of my favorite sound moments is when gordon walks into the stairwell after seeing the couple on the couch and you hear a combine say something and then an echoey PA voice. just feels like a loudspeaker outside a REAL apartment building - no sense that the level is just three floors of a building, this feels like the whole goddamn thing.
PvtRyan said:
According to Gamespy the voice of Eli is done by Robert Guillaume, apparently he is quite well know, never heard of this guy.
Cool! He starred in an 80's sitcom called Benson where he played an aid to some government official like a mayor or governor. For past 15 or so years, he's done bit parts in and semi-major roles for television and film. He's not a superstar but he's not a nobody either.

Folks have wondered how Half-Life 2 could have cost $40 million to produce. Well, good actors don't come cheap.
Estevan said:
Name another game that is better. And it can not be from a cut scene. It has to be in game
That's not really fair. Valve doesn't have traditional cutscenes but their expository in-game scenes serve the same purpose. That said, Knights of the Old Republic has excellent voice acting. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was also top notch, but they hired top Hollywood talent for that one so that's to be expected.

At any rate, Half-Life 2 is definitely in the top ten of best voice acting in a game.
Sideswiped said:
I don't really think there is an end all be all best voice acting game. Though if I was pressed I'd say Lucas Arts adventure games (COMI, Grim. Fan., etc) are also top notch. I'm also sure there are more than a few top notch voice acted games in Japanese.

Japanese games are known for having horrible voice acting. My neighbor from Japan even admits that after learning english, the Japanse stuff sounds silly.
Nindoze said:
Yeah i was wondering why his voice was all funny, almost like it was computer generated.

I'd like to know the voice actor for gman.. hrm

It reminds me of Agent Smith in The Matrix...

:borg: Mr.Anderson....
Mountain Man said:
That's not really fair. Valve doesn't have traditional cutscenes but their expository in-game scenes serve the same purpose. That said, Knights of the Old Republic has excellent voice acting. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was also top notch, but they hired top Hollywood talent for that one so that's to be expected.

At any rate, Half-Life 2 is definitely in the top ten of best voice acting in a game.

Personally, I think the thing that makes the HL2 voice acting stand out, is the fact that its ALL in game. You hear conversations between two NPC's and that even blows you away. Its the fact that all the characters will probably have tons of dialog, all extremely good. The intergration of the acting is now much much harder just because of the nature of the game. My thing is, the dialog is suppose to attach you to characters and give emotions, it seems to be done VERY well.
Spiffae said:
one of my favorite sound moments is when gordon walks into the stairwell after seeing the couple on the couch and you hear a combine say something and then an echoey PA voice. just feels like a loudspeaker outside a REAL apartment building - no sense that the level is just three floors of a building, this feels like the whole goddamn thing.

yeah I totally agree on that. It sounded like a real building (kinda like an airport). The Audio is so emersive in the game.
G-Man is a damn robot! You can see it in his eyes, the way his eye balls are looking in separate directions! AND! His sentences, he says "Hel, Hel, Hello Mr.Freeman" like his machine has glitches..! OR! bleh! :borg:

Lol, in one of the new vids when the combine dude said "Civilian, follow me!" I almost screamed, he sounded so damn cool, that combine soldier is my new hero.
Of course with Robert Guillame playing the voice of Eli we can expect Rene Auberjonois to come in through a door at any minute going "Bensssonnnnnnn...", before he melts into a puddle Odo-like and oozes off down a drain.

Gotta stop watching TV... gotta stop...
They might have used filters to get the voice to mutate a bit.
They wouldn't have to get the perfect person, they could get a certain voice, and play with it a little.
Like Chewbacca!
PvtRyan said:
Yeah, it's great, I don't think they could have any more suitable voices.

I LOVE how the G-Man speaks, so mysterious and sinister. "Wake up Mr Freeman, wake up and smell the ashes..."
It sends shivers down my spine. :eek:

Is it just me or does the G-Man's speech seem a little weird; his annunciation of some words seem very unnatural, like he's sticking on every syllable.
Ya, voices are well done. In fact, I'm surprised that the SOUND in general hasn't been discussed much before. It's all just awesome. How nearby gunfire is like, "BANG BANG BANG!" and off in the distance it's more of a muffled "pop pop pop"... or how bullets richocheting off metal are like "PING! TANG! ZING!". Well, you get my point. This game might actually be a reason to go out and get a decent sound card and a 5.1 speaker system!
the voices are good, but in some areas i think they are a bit weak when coupled with the acting. its like a b-grade grade movie. but most is very good.
The bit that impresses me the most is the guy looking out of the window, then says "oh, I thought you were a cop". His surprise isn't totally convincing, but it's pretty damn good.

I just hope dialog isnt triggered by you're position. For example, it would suck if the man/wife comforting each other is triggered because you got close to that room.
Hmmm, lets try to think of this in a...say...practical way?

Valve wanted a creepy sounding voice... So they got a CREEPY SOUNDING M*THAFU***!!! Period. Maybe the only reason he sounds so damn creepy is because...he is! Hes no robot, no alien, no turtle, whatever...hes just a creepy person, who understands that his creepyness is a form of power.
tmmccree said:
The bit that impresses me the most is the guy looking out of the window, then says "oh, I thought you were a cop". His surprise isn't totally convincing, but it's pretty damn good.

I just hope dialog isnt triggered by you're position. For example, it would suck if the man/wife comforting each other is triggered because you got close to that room.

Well I know people who would have made more of a reaction, and I notice they seem to live a pretty happy life. If your life is like these people, it probably takes alot to get them too ruffled up. So his suprise to me just sounded like someone who was genuinly (<e?) startled, but just doesnt wear his emotions on his sleeve.
amneziac85 said:
Then when I noticed he lost his leg, my first instant emotion was sadness quickly followed by the desire for revenge! Without thinking, I mumbled to myself, "Point me to the basterd", referring to whoever took the leg.

Um, wasn't GORDON the one that took his leg. He injured his leg from the resonance cascade. I believe that Eli is the black guy form HL1 who is on the floor clutching his leg just after you wake up.

Did it really get damaged enough for amputation though?
patto said:
Um, wasn't GORDON the one that took his leg. He injured his leg from the resonance cascade. I believe that Eli is the black guy form HL1 who is on the floor clutching his leg just after you wake up.

Nope, because that guy is an "Einstein" model. You "use" the black scientist to open the door, so he can definately walk just after the accident. And he's meant to be Eli Vance as far as I know.
WaterMelon34 said:
Lol, in one of the new vids when the combine dude said "Civilian, follow me!" I almost screamed, he sounded so damn cool, that combine soldier is my new hero.
;) si he ohw tuo dnif ouy llitnu tiaw tsuj
OMG that is benson from Soap :D thats awesome, that show is funny as. My dad has the first season on DVD, its great.
anyway, my 2 most favorite quotes where the dude @ the trainstation "Don't drink the water! They put something in it to make us forget! ... I dont even remember how I got here" and the one at the appartment "Was that you knocking? I didnt knew we still had a door" those are classics already
Well, I've only got the short, crappy, compressed version... BUT I STILL LOVE IT!

The characters are just so real. The sounds are just right. The G-Man is just cool.

Oh, yeah, the G-Man is...

The ghost of the Amiga 500's "Say" program...
amneziac85 said:
Japanese games are known for having horrible voice acting. My neighbor from Japan even admits that after learning english, the Japanse stuff sounds silly.

I'm sure there are a bunch of awful voice acting in Japanese games but it suprises me that there aren't any good ones being that the Japanese seem to relish voice actors(maybe just a anime thing?)
EVIL said:
anyway, my 2 most favorite quotes where the dude @ the trainstation "Don't drink the water! They put something in it to make us forget! ... I dont even remember how I got here" and the one at the appartment "Was that you knocking? I didnt knew we still had a door" those are classics already

haha the second one is awsome! too bad my version's audio is out of sync with the rest...
Orange said:
They might have used filters to get the voice to mutate a bit.
They wouldn't have to get the perfect person, they could get a certain voice, and play with it a little.
Like Chewbacca!

Chewbacca's voice was a black bear. Not a human.