Best/Worst Albums of 2005


Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
Lets try and sort out's albums of the year :D Post your opinions here. Strangely, all my favourite albums are debuts...

Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
A mature debut album mixing fusion, art-rock, post-punk and indie perfectly. With it's mix of romantic and subtle political lyrics, Kele's emotional and energetic vocals, and fantastic riffs will blow you away. Based on a 20-year old's view of the "Western World", the album combines frantic anti-Bush/Iraq War songs with beautiful, mellow relationship songs. Over-rated? No way. My album of the year.

Stand-out tracks:
  • Helicopter
  • She's Hearing Voices
  • Banquet
  • Luno
  • This Modern Love
  • So Here We Are

Maximo Park - A Certain Trigger
A much calmer album than others on this list, but is stunning. Every song is a sing-along with fantastic smooth vocals (complete with Geordie accent :p) and thoughtful lyrics. Catchy riffs and keyboards combine with the charisma of the vocals and create a truly unique sound.

Stand-out tracks:
  • Apply Some Pressure
  • Grafitti
  • Postcard of a Painting
  • Going Missing
  • The Coast is Always Changing

The Rakes - Capture/Release
A refreshingly British album with some very catchy tunes. A must-have for any indie fan.

Stand-out tracks:
  • Strasbourg
  • 22 Grand Job
  • Retreat
  • Open Book
  • We Are All Animals
  • Work, Work, Work (Pub, Club, Sleep)

Nine Black Alps - Everything Is
A simple mixture of tuneful punk and grunge. Bears much of a resemblance to some Nirvana, but don't be put off. Great lyrics, vocals, riffs and structures to each song. Song of the album is Cosmopolitan.

Stand-out tracks:
  • Get Your Guns
  • Cosmopolitan
  • Unsatisfied
  • Shot Down

Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock 'n' Roll
A brilliant and funny art-rock band. Lyrics are both hilarious and genius, this unique sound is easy to fall in love with. "I want to be the boy, the man, who writes the song that makes Israel and Palestine get along"

Stand-out tracks:
  • Emily Kane
  • Formed A Band
  • Moving to LA
  • Rusted Guns
  • Bad Weekend


Hard-Fi - Stars of CCTV
What the hell is this? Awful vocals and shocking lyrics. Tracks are bland and repetitive, and unbeliavably over-rated.

Arcade Fire - Funeral
People will hurt me for saying this but this did nothing for me. Although I can see why they appeal to many people, they are hugely over-rated by NME, their vocals are whiney and the band seem arrogant. Only track which stands-out is Rebellion (Lies).

Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
It really is unbeliavable how many people fall for the hype surrounding the KCs, people are comparing them to Blur FFS! This album will bore you to tears. The songs are samey, predictable, corny and unimaginative. After the singles the album is just fillers, a total waste of money and space in the music industry. Terrible, just terrible. Go buy Bloc Party instead.

Coldplay - X&Y
Yes people, this is one of the worst albums of the year. I was a Coldplay fan until this arrived, and wasn't everyone expecting something phenomenal seeing as Chris Martin has been sitting on his rich ass for 18 months? Instead we got a bland third album with no identity whatsoever. Only redeeming feature is the energetic Speed Of Sound, after that the songs are unimaginative, boring and an utter waste of time. The riffs are dreary and sound the same all the way through the album. Avoid at all costs, DON'T believe the hype on this one.

One's to Watch
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not - Out January 30th (UK Release)
A genuine bunch of lads producing genuine British sounds. This WILL be the album of 2006, a mixture of catchy riffs, rough yet great vocals and bloody amazing lyrics. With the combination of beautiful tracks like Mardy Bum to the fantastic energy of Sun Goes Down, this is a brilliant, genius first album. Features two of what will be THE anthems of 2006; When The Sun Goes Down and A Certain Romance.

Stand-out tracks:
  • I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
  • When The Sun Goes Down (Scummy)
  • From The Ritz To The Rubble
  • A Certain Romance
  • Fake Tales of San Francisco
  • Still Take You Home
  • Mardy Bum

The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth - Out January 2nd (UK Release)
After the disappointment of Room On Fire, we will be expecting something fresh from The Strokes. This new album has been said to have the genius of the debut Is This It? with new funky riffs, such as the fantastic single Juicebox. Out tomorrow, go check it out.

Dirty Pretty Things
Lastly, Carl Barat of the Libertines has a new band reported to be bringing back their unique indie-rock sound. Carl is a genius songwriter and musician, and as well as covering Libertines classics, this will be a band to watch in 2006.

Well that's my list! Make your own lists and comment on each others!
A bit late for 2005...
But w/e.

Best : 10,000 Fists - Disturbed & Transgression - Fear Factory
Worst : In The End - Kittie

... meh I didn't buy many albums this year...
Sprite said:


Coldplay - X&Y
Yes people, this is one of the worst albums of the year. I was a Coldplay fan until this arrived, and wasn't everyone expecting something phenomenal seeing as Chris Martin has been sitting on his rich ass for 18 months? Instead we got a bland third album with no identity whatsoever. Only redeeming feature is the energetic Speed Of Sound, after that the songs are unimaginative, boring and an utter waste of time. The riffs are dreary and sound the same all the way through the album. Avoid at all costs, DON'T believe the hype on this one.
I appreciate that's your opinion, but that's my best album of 2005. Although there were a few songs that were pretty crap, it's a damn good album and Coldplay continue to improve. Fix You, White Shadows and Twisted Logic to name a few are fantastic.

Worst album? Oasis - Don't beleive the truth. I felt let down by this one. :(
Cormeh said:
I appreciate that's your opinion, but that's my best album of 2005. Although there were a few songs that were pretty crap, it's a damn good album and Coldplay continue to improve. Fix You, White Shadows and Twisted Logic to name a few are fantastic.
QFT, coldplay haters jump in and label it shit, without listening, X&Y owns your mother****ing cat. Fix you, Talk, A message, Swallowed in the Sea, Hardest Part, Speed of Sound, Till kingdom Come? Songs that are brilliant in every respect. I do not understand you people...

edit: My Mrs loves Bloc Party's album, personally i find it bland, their songs sound similar to my ear. Seem to be a bunch of random, almost geeky looking individuals who can play instruments...just.
I definitely found Bloc Party's "Silent Alarm" overrated. A good album, but hey, I'd rather listen to Arcade Fire's Funeral which I thought was an average album as well.

Let's see albums of the year...

Sigur Ros-Takk-Beauty.
Architecture in Helsinki-A fun, thrilling, and a joy to listen to.
Devendra Banhart-Cripple Crow-Banhart's folk pop is always a joy and this is no exception.

And last...BUT NOT LEAST!


I'm kidding on so many levels :|.
The Best

Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock & Roll

:D (I agree with Sprite)

Maximo Park - A Certain Trigger

Again, agreement :eek:

The Rakes - Capture/Release

Mmmmm :E

Right, on the original section of my list

Death Cab For Cutie - Plans

Smooth, inspired indie from the USA. Essentially a follow-up to Tranatlanicism, and improves upon it. Gentle sweet music, if slightly on a down note.

Stand out tracks:
  • Soul Meets Body
  • Summer Skin
  • I Will Follow You Into The Dark
  • Someday You Will Be Loved
  • Crooked Teeth

The Paddingtons - First Comes First

Don't listen to the demos they produced, listen to the album, the difference is staggering. Very punky, energetic 'grot n roll', very catchy tunes. Despite a slightly disappointing opening in Some Old Girl, the album picks up from there, and keeps going on until the end of the fantastic, sarcastic Sorry. Bonus points for coming from Hull and being decent :E

Stand Out Tracks:
  • First Comes First
  • 50 to a £
  • Panic Attack
  • 21
  • Sorry

Honourable Mentions

Babyshambles - Down In Albion
I like it, and wish Pete luck in cleaning up his act (I still have a flame for the Libertines ;( ) and continuing with this sideproject.
The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
It's odd, it's intense, it's pretty and it's good.
The Subways - Young For Eternity
Anthemic, energetic and above all fun teenage music.

The Worst

Coldplay - X&Y
Having been a fan of Coldplay since they were on the Blue Room, and Paracutes being one of the first CD albums I bought, I was mightily disappointed with X&Y. Utterly forgettable, dull dull dull.

Interpol - Antics
Another album that actually feels like a chore to listen to. The singles have been interesting (Slow Hands and the one I forget with the lyric 'people are fragile things you should know by now' ) but the rest of the album is frankly disappointing. A waste of a good voice and some good ideas.

The Bravery - The Bravery
The album's mostly filler, you're cocks. Please stop.

Nirvana - Silver: The Best Of The Box
I think we're scraping away the floor beneath the barrel now. Such a shame.

Runner up:

The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
This is what happens when people don't buy De Stij :p but seriously, a disappointing album from one of my favourite bands.

Ones To Watch

Aside from the previously mentioned forthcoming releases from the Arctic Monkeys, Dirty Pretty Things and The Strokes I'd point you in the direction of The Spinto Band, who's bizzare, folksy indie has me interested so far :)

Oh, and the band I'm forming (joking joking... :D )

Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth (was 2005 i think?!) - simply awe inspiring
Iron Maiden - Death on the Road - one of the best live albums ever
Prodigy - Greatest Hits - pretty cool
Roadrunner United -brilliant tracks by artists on an awesome label

Worst/Should've been better

SOAD - both albums, while cool, were over hyped for what they were. Miss thier glory days of debut and Toxicity
QOTSA - Lullabyse to Paralyse - bit meh really
ComradeBadger said:
The Best

The Paddingtons - First Comes First

Don't listen to the demos they produced, listen to the album, the difference is staggering. Very punky, energetic 'grot n roll', very catchy tunes. Despite a slightly disappointing opening in Some Old Girl, the album picks up from there, and keeps going on until the end of the fantastic, sarcastic Sorry. Bonus points for coming from Hull and being decent :E

Stand Out Tracks:
  • First Comes First
  • 50 to a £
  • Panic Attack
  • 21
  • Sorry

Yep, agreed. Forgot about the Paddingtons, nice fresh energetic post-punk which will have you on ya feet.

ComradeBadger said:
Honourable Mentions

Babyshambles - Down In Albion
I like it, and wish Pete luck in cleaning up his act (I still have a flame for the Libertines ;( ) and continuing with this sideproject.

The Subways - Young For Eternity
Anthemic, energetic and above all fun teenage music.

Down In Albion never came close to the brilliance of Up The Bracket :(
I'm sure Pete could do much better if he wasn't such a mess, although Kilamangiro, F*ck Forever and some other tracks are great.

Also an interesting debut from the Subways. Produced some massive fun hits and I'll be looking forward to seeing what's ahead of them.

The Worst

The Bravery - The Bravery
The album's mostly filler, you're cocks. Please stop.

Runner up:

The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
This is what happens when people don't buy De Stij :p but seriously, a disappointing album from one of my favourite bands.

Haha, so true about the Bravery... shocking album from well... a bunch of complete morons.

I was undecided over Get Behind Me Satan... it seemed like the rock tunes of Elephant and Red Blood Cells were growing a bit distant and they needed to come more mainstream and that's where they went wrong. Apart from the sublime Blue Orchid, My Doorbell and The Nurse, the album ultimately sucked...

Overall, while both SOAD albums are great (and provided some great numbers for the New Year's party :p), Evo is right. They should stop pissing around and bring out an album to rival Toxicity.
Hmm, not been a vintage year for new music, IMO, but my favourite 2005 releases are:

Mylo: Destroy Rock and Roll

Adam Green: Gemstones

Gorillaz: Demon Days: Only just started listening to it this week, is surprisingly good, cos the first couple of singles didn't do much for me, and Gorillaz never did before.

M.I.A.: Arular: Something a bit different. I liked it a lot, massively varied and tuneful. Quite retro in places too, but fresh at the same time.

Basement Jaxx: The Singles: Okay this doesn't technically qualify as it's a compilation of older stuff, but the remixes and pre-Remedy stuff is brilliant.

Disapointments/Let Downs:

Weezer: Make Believe. Nothing massively compelling, really.

Girls Aloud: Chemistry. Almost all the decent tunes were released as singles before the album came out. There's a lot of filler otherwise. ("Models" rocks though). Ditto for Rachel Stevens' new album.

Goldfrapp: Supernature: More or less a watered down version of the previous album, Black Cherry. Irritates me that this got more hype than the previous albums. I really hope the next release is closer to the experiments of the first album, Felt Mountain, which was a total different kettle of fish.

Fischerspooner: Odyssey: Dull, dull, dull. Then again I only ever really liked two songs from the first album...

Royksopp: The Understanding: Boring. Nothing as interesting or pretty as on the previous album.

Stuff I've bought but not gotten round to listening to properly yet:
Kate Bush - Aerial
Beck - Guero
Queens of the Stone Age last album

Looking forward to: Jeffrey and Jack Lewis' new album. Already out but am waiting for it to be posted.
Sprite said:
Down In Albion never came close to the brilliance of Up The Bracket :(
I'm sure Pete could do much better if he wasn't such a mess, although Kilamangiro, F*ck Forever and some other tracks are great.

Oh god no, nothing close to Up The Bracket, I just rather like it :p , it's nice to see Albion as a full track (although I miss the 'give over' and harmonica intro :E )

Sprite said:
Also an interesting debut from the Subways. Produced some massive fun hits and I'll be looking forward to seeing what's ahead of them.

Oh Yeah in the indie club is bloody genius! :D A dancable-fave of mine.

Sprite said:
I was undecided over Get Behind Me Satan... it seemed like the rock tunes of Elephant and Red Blood Cells were growing a bit distant and they needed to come more mainstream and that's where they went wrong. Apart from the sublime Blue Orchid, My Doorbell and The Nurse, the album ultimately sucked...

Yes. It's a shame, since I really liked the Detroit-garage-rock era of music (The Strokes' emergance, The Dirtbombs' infectious double-bassage, the magnificant Datsuns and the D4 ), and yes I'm aware they're not all from Detroit, but it's that sort of garage-rocknroll style!

I forgot to mention Franz Ferdinand's You Could Have It So Much Better, manages to be better than the first album, and very very good :D
Sprite said:
Lets try and sort out's albums of the year :D Post your opinions here. Strangely, all my favourite albums are debuts...

Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
A mature debut album mixing fusion, art-rock, post-punk and indie perfectly. With it's mix of romantic and subtle political lyrics, Kele's emotional and energetic vocals, and fantastic riffs will blow you away. Based on a 20-year old's view of the "Western World", the album combines frantic anti-Bush/Iraq War songs with beautiful, mellow relationship songs. Over-rated? No way. My album of the year.

Haha shit me, I agree 100% percent on that...beautiful.
god the bravery's album sucked ass alright, loved bloc party's album, most of the tracks anyway, some were a bit :/, disappointed i missed their gig in the olympia :(
K-Fed's music. I could care less what the album name, but his music sucks and should burn in a lake for releasing music like that. He's bringing down the rap game by doing so.
jimbo118 said:
god the bravery's album sucked ass alright, loved bloc party's album, most of the tracks anyway, some were a bit :/, disappointed i missed their gig in the olympia :(

Caught them at the Birmingham Academy, awesome stuff, and they have such a strong set for only one album.

Hectic Glenn said:
without listening, X&Y owns your mother****ing cat.

Haha, so true.

Destruction - Inventor of Evil
Kreator - Enemy of God
Municipal Waste - Hazardous Mutation
The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute
Porcupine Tree - Deadwing
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Dream Theater - Octavarium
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
Meshuggah - Catch 33
Opeth - Ghost Reveries

I can't think of a worst. I can think of an album that doesn't deserve all the hype that it does get, and its that Trivium one. Boringblandgenericbleh.
Cormeh said:
I appreciate that's your opinion, but that's my best album of 2005. Although there were a few songs that were pretty crap, it's a damn good album and Coldplay continue to improve. Fix You, White Shadows and Twisted Logic to name a few are fantastic.

Worst album? Oasis - Don't beleive the truth. I felt let down by this one. :(

Heh, I feel the exact opposite to you:-


Oasis - Don`t Believe The Truth

The boys back to their glory days, with songs that, while not having the same agression of their early albums, resembles a mature, calmer band without so much something to say anymore, but still with the power to write some amazing songs.

Standout tracks:-

The Importance Of Being Idle
Turn Up The Sun
Let There Be Love
Part Of The Queue
Keep The Dream Alive
Meaning Of Soul


Coldplay X&Y

This isn`t the worst album released this year by any stretch (that would fall to numerous r&b acts, in my opinion), but it`s by far the worst album this year from a band I used to think were amazing.
The whole thing, apart from Fix You, has bad lryics throughout, then when you put Chris Martin over the top with his high pitched whines and "woos" and "ahhhsss" all the way through, it amounts to nothing more than a band who didn`t want to risk changing to much, but in doing so, produced nothing more than a forgetable, and over-hyped album release.

But Fix You is a good song. :LOL:
MY two favourites were (Oceansize -- Everyone Into Position) and (The Mars Volta -- Frances the Mute). I'd probably rate Oceansize higher because it doesn't require having to sit through a few tracks at a time to appreciate it fully, but both are pretty much equals from my pov. :)
Desk clark of music store : " Will you just buy the damn CD so I can make a living instead of you writing down the names of albums?! "

Me: *Hands over paper with my msn* " Got a point, msn the names to me next time "
Evo said:

Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth (was 2005 i think?!) - simply awe inspiring

yeah, its really amazing how Trent can change his sound and still make amazing music..something most other bands can't do IMHO.
as always, i want more from Trent...he supposedly has some content for an album in hes been writing while on tour.. i can't wait :D

Audioslave: i think the new album was better than the past one but i do like them both.. wonder what they do for the next album
Oh yeah Audioslave, an amazing album coupled with an amazing live show
room on fire was a disappointment? I loved it; but then again, I'm a Strokes fan. I've listened to the third album, and while I didn't like it at first, every song grew on me (except a few parts here and there) but let's wait for a proper thread to discuss what's good and bad about it.

I like the Arcade Fire but I may have to agree with Sprite's post.
I'll have a 3 best and 3 worst, I think. And then 3 I couldn't decide on.

Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman

More stuff I just genuinely enjoyed from one of my favourite musicians. Also, doesn't sound anything like any of the other music I heard all year, which is genuinely good, considering how samey a lot of it was.

Arcade Fire - Funeral

It's been overrated, I know, but I don't buy a lot of that shite, I just went out on a suggestion from a mate and bought it, and it's pretty fantastic stuff. I've played it an awful lot since I got it.

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams

Mmm, this one was very good for bus journeys and the like.


The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan

I liked some of it, but a good portion left me sitting there, thinking "what the ****?" Could be worse, but I'd hoped for a lot better.

Antony & The Johnsons - I Am a Bird Now

He's got a stunning voice, but I only got this album last week, and I think it needs listening to with my earphones in rather than on my shitty speakers in order to properly rate.


Kaiser Chiefs - Employment

Tailor made "indie" or "alternative" or whatever the **** they were posing as. Get the **** out.

Coldplay - X&Y

Huge letdown, despite one or two good tracks. Rest of it was uninspired shit that felt like they were just reliving the past. Again.

Oasis - Don't Believe The Truth

Boring as hell.
evil^milk said:
room on fire was a disappointment? I loved it; but then again, I'm a Strokes fan. I've listened to the third album, and while I didn't like it at first, every song grew on me (except a few parts here and there) but let's wait for a proper thread to discuss what's good and bad about it.

Yeh, Is This It? is undoubtedly one of the best albums of the last 5-10 years... I felt that direction they took with Room On Fire was interesting but a bit mediocre. Sure it gave us 12:51 and Reptilia, but a lot of the album was just a lot of electronic fillers, which ultimately was a let down.

I got the third album today, and in a way the Strokes have really evolved. You are right, although to begin with it is hard to like, it grew on me after a while and is not bad at all.

Still... it's not Is This It? 2 :p
Friend of mine got the new Strokes album today too, she really likes it, I think I'm gonna check it out :)

Gorillaz - Demon Days : This album is almost unbelievable. The beats are catchy, the sound is wonderful, and all the songs are great. Some say that Albarn phoned in his performance, to which I say..... well, I agree, but only on a couple songs, most noticeably Kids With Guns.

Standout tracks:
Feel Good Inc.
O Green World
Dirty Harry
Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head
El Manana
All Alone

And I don't care to list worst albums. I prefer not to think about them :p
stemot said:

Coldplay X&Y

This isn`t the worst album released this year by any stretch (that would fall to numerous r&b acts, in my opinion), but it`s by far the worst album this year from a band I used to think were amazing.
The whole thing, apart from Fix You, has bad lryics throughout, then when you put Chris Martin over the top with his high pitched whines and "woos" and "ahhhsss" all the way through, it amounts to nothing more than a band who didn`t want to risk changing to much, but in doing so, produced nothing more than a forgetable, and over-hyped album release.

But Fix You is a good song. :LOL:

i agree there. i saw an interview where they actually apologised about being too 'emotional' in the new album....i must say its a good slit-my-wrists CD..ahem...
Best: Killswitch Engage - End Of Heartache 2005 ?
Worst: dunno, since im not bored of KSE yet :D
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Just... absolutely amazing album. Only Sufjan can write a song about a serial killer and show that he's human.

The Arcade Fire - Funeral
This is definitely a polarizing band, so I understand how someone can hate them. But I love 'em.

Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary
Again, a polarizing band. But absolutely eeexcellent. "I'll Believe in Anything" is an amazing song.

Iron and Wine - Woman King
Beautiful, soft folk rock with really good lyrics and general awesomeness.

Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
Absolutely wonderful. Sweeping soundscapes, a rush of audio all clashing yet working together perfectly.

Runners Up:

Deerhoof - The Runners Four
Wiiicked cool rock. Sounds a lot like Led Zep, amazingly.

Interpol - Antics
Not nearly as good as their first album, but still quite good in my opinion.


No idea. Why would I spend time thinking about something I hate? I haven't heard any really bad albums this year, anyway.
Oh god.. you just reminded me.

Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene.

MY GOD. It was rubbish. Literally unlistenable - in my opinion anyway :p

But hey, if you like it, it's cool :)
Stigmata said:

Gorillaz - Demon Days : This album is almost unbelievable. The beats are catchy, the sound is wonderful, and all the songs are great. Some say that Albarn phoned in his performance, to which I say..... well, I agree, but only on a couple songs, most noticeably Kids With Guns.

Standout tracks:
Feel Good Inc.
O Green World
Dirty Harry
Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head
El Manana
All Alone

And I don't care to list worst albums. I prefer not to think about them :p

thats an album i wanted but never got...maybe when i have extra cash i'll get it :)
As of right now I only have a few of my favorites.


The Decemberists - Picaresque

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

Oasis - Don't Beleive The Truth

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Howl

I'm also excited to go out and buy the new strokes album. I get paid on Thursday.
I've just realised a track I mistakenly credited Interpol with was in fact Editors - Munich.

I apologise to Editors, and this just seals Antics' placing :p
Absolute Best

Death Cab for Cutie - Plans

Quite simply, I could listen to this album completely on repeat until the day I die. There are no bad tracks, even if there are some that are my favorites. This is an incredible work, even if it can be very depressing. If you've never heard of Death Cab before definitely give this a try. If you have an open mind and love music you won't be disappointed.

Favorite Tracks -
"What Sarah Said" (My Most Favorite)
"Brothers on a Hotel Bed"
"Stable Song"
"Someday You Will be Loved"
"Summer Skin"
"Marching Bands of Manhattan"

Second Best

Buck 65 - This Right Here is Buck 65 (Best Of)

I actually just found this today, but it was released in 2005. The vocals remind me so much of Tom Waits, and the music is nice and mellow for most of it. Somehow it all just works together so well. Even though I just found this, it easily tops any other CD I heard in 2005, besides Plans.

Favorite tracks

"Cries a Girl" (Most Favorite)
"Wicked and Wierd"
"Roses and Bluejays"
"Talkin Fishing Blues"
Oh, I'd like to add Okkervil River's Black Sheep Boy. I listened to that album so many times in the past few weeks, the intensity in the singer's voice is wonderful
Oh, and Cuff The Duke's self titled was great
- Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
*Amazing guitar work, Jeff Loomis is a machine. Warrells vocals add a lot to the songs.

- Opeth - Ghost Reveries
*Good riffs, good acoustic parts. Brilliant brutal parts and soft parts. And of course michaels incredable vocal work.
Propagandhi - Potemkin City Limits Awesome, amazing, politically fuelled progressive-thrash-hardcore-punk GENIUS. If you like your music intelligent, melodic, fast, heavy(ish) check it out. Also, lyrically one of the best albums ive heard in a looooong time.

Certainly not the worst album of the year, but I found Dropkick Murphys - The Warrior's Code to be the most disappointing. 4 or 5 excellent tracks on there, but lots of filler and even an example of poppy soft rock crap (Sunshine Highway).