Best/Worst Albums of 2005

I'm just going to list some.

The Good of 2005
Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary // just plain awesome

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Self Titled // strange name, strange vocals, strange music combine to form... fantastic album

The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema // as good as always, and more interesting than Electric Version

Spoon - Gimme Fiction // plain good

The Decemberists - Picaresque // everything they touch wins

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois // this is pretty orgasmic

The Bad of 2005
Everything from the UK (almost). I don't like this new brand of british indie rock at all. The Arctic Monkeys album I just listened to reminded me why (though I don't know if it's officially a 2005 album): Bland music, annoying punky vocals, inane lyrics (with the "I bet you look good on the dancefloor" track as the pinnacle). Gah. It's just not for me I guess.
I liked the Editors album at first, but it started to bore me after a week. Then I figured out they're really just an Interpol ripoff and listened to Turn On The Bright Lights instead.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! win my most over-rated award. Some good songs, but overall a big giant "meh" for me
I really liked the new Wolf Parade too, their 6 Song EP is my favourite of theirs
I will make love to the Decemberists. Some day.
xlucidx said:
A bit late for 2005...
But w/e.

Best : 10,000 Fists - Disturbed & Transgression - Fear Factory
Worst : In The End - Kittie

... meh I didn't buy many albums this year...

100% agreed on "Best"..and I havent heard your pick for worst album

so my pics for best are what lucid picked, 10k fists and transgression. For worst..hmm Im not sure yet
theGreenBunny said:
I'm just going to list some.

The Good of 2005
Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary // just plain awesome

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Self Titled // strange name, strange vocals, strange music combine to form... fantastic album

The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema // as good as always, and more interesting than Electric Version

Spoon - Gimme Fiction // plain good

The Decemberists - Picaresque // everything they touch wins

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois // this is pretty orgasmic

The Bad of 2005
Everything from the UK (almost). I don't like this new brand of british indie rock at all. The Arctic Monkeys album I just listened to reminded me why (though I don't know if it's officially a 2005 album): Bland music, annoying punky vocals, inane lyrics (with the "I bet you look good on the dancefloor" track as the pinnacle). Gah. It's just not for me I guess.
I liked the Editors album at first, but it started to bore me after a week. Then I figured out they're really just an Interpol ripoff and listened to Turn On The Bright Lights instead.

The reason I think the lyrics are inane to Arctic Monkeys songs is that the words are all about British culture and way of life, and if your not familiar with that then your not going to be able identify with them, as I`m from the UK, the lyrics remind me of my younger days and take me back to those days, that`s why there new album is, as far as I`m concerned, amazing.
Bon Jovi's "Have a Nice Day" - awesomeness in CD form.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Bon Jovi's "Have a Nice Day" - awesomeness in CD form.

-Angry Lawyer
I don;t listen to anything from Bon Jovi after "Slippery When Wet"
That's because you don't know how to ROCK OUT LIKE A LEGEND.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
That's because you don't know how to ROCK OUT LIKE A LEGEND.

-Angry Lawyer

Jovi lost my respect when he blatently ripped off an Oasis song (Stay Young) with "Captain Crush", and didn`t give them any credit whatsoever.

I know Oasis have been doing it for years, but they always put in the credits if they have used parts of anything else, and besides, I expected more from Bon Jovi considering he once said he was a fan.

His early stuff, like "Wanted, dead or alive" and "Always" will always be classics.
Mike Oldfield - Light and Shade - great album, fantastic music
stemot said:
Jovi lost my respect when he blatently ripped off an Oasis song (Stay Young) with "Captain Crush", and didn`t give them any credit whatsoever.

I know Oasis have been doing it for years, but they always put in the credits if they have used parts of anything else, and besides, I expected more from Bon Jovi considering he once said he was a fan.

His early stuff, like "Wanted, dead or alive" and "Always" will always be classics.

"Always" is pretty much a mid-career song D:

And it's "Captain Crash". Besides, they obviously didn't imitate the song enough to attract the attention of Oasis' lawyers, and therefore, they're not in the wrong.

And listening to Jovi makes women want to sleep with you. Proven fact.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
"Always" is pretty much a mid-career song D:

And it's "Captain Crash". Besides, they obviously didn't imitate the song enough to attract the attention of Oasis' lawyers, and therefore, they're not in the wrong.

And listening to Jovi makes women want to sleep with you. Proven fact.

-Angry Lawyer

No, Oasis, as Noel has said numerous times about other bands nicking their stuff (the flash in the pan group, Hearsay, for one), that it would be hypocritical of Oasis to sue bands for ripping off their songs, seeing as Oasis have done it in the past (but always given credit and payed royalties).
Listen to Stay Young, they are near identical.

That doesn`t make it right on Jovi`s part, a simple credit in the sleeve would have been enough, so yes, maybe not legally wrong, no, only for the fact of Noel`s decision not to push it, but morally, he is.
stemot said:
No, Oasis, as Noel has said numerous times about other bands nicking their stuff (the flash in the pan group, Hearsay, for one), that it would be hypocritical of Oasis to sue bands for ripping off their songs, seeing as Oasis have done it in the past (but always given credit and payed royalties).
Listen to Stay Young, they are near identical.

That doesn`t make it right on Jovi`s part, a simple credit in the sleeve would have been enough, so yes, maybe not legally wrong, no, only for the fact of Noel`s decision not to push it, but morally, he is.

Yeah, Noel Gallagher shows how thankful he is all the time!

When George Harrison accused Oasis of being little more than a passing fad Noel commented "George was always the quiet Beatle, maybe he should keep that up" (this however, was not as threatening as his brother's promise to play golf off of Harrison's head should they ever meet).
Kangy said:
Yeah, Noel Gallagher shows how thankful he is all the time!

And that has to do with stealing copyrighted material how?

The only song Beatles song Oasis ever have covered is "I Am The Walrus", which is a Lennon/McCartney song, nothing to do with Harrison, other than that Oasis have used a few of Lennons lyrics in a couple of songs, and used a sample of "Imagine" at the start of "Don`t Look Back In Anger" but that is it, the only thing to do with Harrison is he was in the same band, he never wrote any of the lyrics used, and they never try to hide their influences or pass them off as their own.

But I agree he should have more respect for Harrison, he was part of the best band the countrys ever produced.

Anyway, lets get this back on topic,

My other favourite album of 2005 is:-

Doves:- Some Cities

Standout tracks:-

Black And White Town
Walk In Fire
Some Cities
Sky Starts Falling
It's not about stealing, but Oasis take a lot of their work from The Beatles, and to go back and say that is kind of disrespectful and rude, really. That's all I'll say on the matter, though :)
Okay, after quite a few votes the current leaders with 3+ votes each are Bloc Party's Silent Alarm and Sufjan Steven's Illinois.

Although I myself am not a great fan of the singer/songwriter genre, Sufjan makes amazing music, and John Wayne Gacy, Jr. is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

Of course, the worst album with -4 votes is currently The Bravery, but keep those votes coming!!
IonizeMyAtoms said:
I was really disappointed in the new Propagandhi. I miss their old stuff


When you say 'old', are you thinking Less Talk More Rock era or Today's Empires, Tommorrow's Ashes?
hyptonize/mezermise technically 2 cds but they are ment to be together

worst didnt like x & Y
My best album of the year would be Architecture in Helsinki. This Australian band includes so many awesome, unique elements in each of their songs that it's rediculous. Plus, they're just so much fun, I find it impossible to not love their songs. Definately check it out if you're a fan of similiar bands like Need New Body or the Avanlanches. Actually, **** that. Even if you've never heard of any of those bands, check out Architecture in Helsinki. You'll love them.

Worst album of the year...way too easy: Weezer-Make Believe. This album is an absolute emberassment to Pinkerton.
gick said:

When you say 'old', are you thinking Less Talk More Rock era or Today's Empires, Tommorrow's Ashes?
Less Talk More Rock and How To Clean Everything
Today's Ashes was okay, but I only liked about a quarter of it
DeusExMachinia said:
In Case We Die is an amazing album.

Yeah, thanks for mentioning that. I gave my album of the year without even mentioning the actual name of the album. Oops.
I'm suprised no one has picked wolf parade's apologies the queen marry or MIA's Arulry, both are top notch albums.

But my pick goes to illonois, so so so so good:D
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Medulla - Bjork
Twin Cinema - The New Pornographers

X&Y - Coldplay :|
X&Y - Coldplay
None, I'm waiting for Lostprophets to release "Start Something", don't have a lot of bands I really watch for. Not a big music fan.
I hope I'm not too late to post on this thread, but here are my favorite.

Octavarium, by Dream Theater. It may not be as good as their older stuff, but it's still awesome.

Plans, by Death Cab for Cutie. I've just recently started listening to indie, and I instantly fell in love with this album.

I noticed X&Y isn't very popular. I haven't heard any of it yet except Speed of Sound, which in my opinion is alright.
I have gotta say Wolfmother takes the cake. This Aussie band is a releaving break from all the other usual jargon... LOVE THE HAIR GUYS ;)
Best Albums of 2005

Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise

No competition really. Its completely and utterly unique and awe-inspiring. A little weird at first, yeah, but after you get over that initial bump its one of the best albums out. Easily. And as previously mentioned anyone that can make a song about a notorious serial killer sound incredibly beautiful, is insanely talented.

Its a real shame he didn't even get nominated for a Grammy. Stupid awards are only handed out to popular artists and not those that deserve it.

Bloc Party - Silent Alarm

Kickass album, love "Like Eating Glass". Awesome awesome song. Great voice, good drumming and some really haunting tracks.

Most Overrated Albums of the Year

Coldplay - X & Y

Just more of the same stuff really. Liked Rush of Blood to the Head, but "Speed of Sound" is "Clocks" with different lyrics. And everything else on the album just feels recycled. They're not progressing anymore. It's boring and makes me sleepy.

Gorillaz - Demon Dayz

This was just pretentious and boring. Besides two or three songs, its just a waste of space.
Best of 2005
1) Dream Theater - Octavarium
Info: Yes call me a homer/fanboy, but I adore dream theater, so the mere fact that it was released makes my top 5. Not to mention, outside of maybe 1 track, it's also a really good album.

2) John Petrucci - Suspended Animation
Info: The guitarist for DT proves his virtuosity here with his solo album that I thuroughly enjoyed. Not to mention him teaming up with G3.

3) Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage
Info: Got this a little earlier then most, and I must say I really enjoyed it. Never heard Dragonforce until then. And while some may not enjoy the reptativeness or the constant fast-ass speed. I went out and bought there other 2 as soon as my ears were laid on this beauty.

4) The Mars Volta - Fances The Mute
Info: Definately an eye opener that got me into Mars Volta. I had heard about them before in the prog rock scene, but never payed much mind until recently and was glad I did.

5) Steve Vai - Real Illusions: Reflections
Info: Some people don't think it's Steve Vai's best. And it's not. But it's definately a great cd. I find myself listening to it more and more after an initial luke-warm reaction. With some interesting experimental tracks Steve Vai continues to evolve guitar playing.

6) Shadow Gallery - Room V
Info: I nice step for Shadow Gallery as they start to sound less power and more progressive in terms of metal. A solid album that should be picked up by any fans of the genres.

7) Black Label Society - Mafia
Info: More BLS? Not much needs to be said other then that. They are starting to run short on the creative side though.

8) Disturbed - Ten Thousand Fists
Info: Before when I didn't know much about music I used to listen to the top40 crap, and I liked Disturbed for there electronica/metal sound. They were one of the few bands that I still liked once my musical taste had evolved. When I found out they had a new album I was intrigued, and then heard they actually had solos, so I thought, why not? Picked it up, and I really like the CD. There are a couple filler songs. But overall it's more Disturbed with solos.

I I can't speak for worst, because I never buy albums of stuff I don't generally like so there's nothing that I own that would be put there
Nickelback - All The Right Reasons
Best of 2005 (in no particular order):

1. Elbow - Leaders of the Free World.
2. Editors - The Back Room.
3. Kaiser Chiefs - Employment.
Kangy said:
Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman

More stuff I just genuinely enjoyed from one of my favourite musicians. Also, doesn't sound anything like any of the other music I heard all year, which is genuinely good, considering how samey a lot of it was.

Huzzah! A fellow Ben Folds fan. Definitely one of my favorite albums, not just for this year, but EVER. Jesusland FTW.