Best/Worst chapter?


May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Simple opinion question... what was your favorite and least favorite chapter?

For me it is hard to choose a favorite, but I'd have to say Route Canal was my favorite.

My least favorite is easy. Something didn't seem right about Highway 17 to me. The buggy wasn't as fun to drive as the airboat and I didn't like being rushed around by the ant lions. The crane sequence would have been great had it not been spoiled.
My favorite chapter had to be the "Point Insertion" at the very beginning of the game, it all reminded me of the book "1984". My least favorite chapter was Ravenholm; I felt disconnected from the whole oppressed society and half life 2 universe in that chapter. Other than that the game rocked my socks.
my fav was the beach chapter right before entering the prison. Reminded me of WW2. I also liked first chapter which also reminded me of WW2 (combines being the nazis)
Favorite: Anything in City 17
Least Favorite: Everything else. In particular, the airboat, buggy, nova prospekt prison.
Favorite: Chapters 1-14.

Least favorite: The monotonous marine base. ...oh wait, that was Doom 3.
I liked the whole game...I really don't have any point of the game I could put over the other...the part with dog and Dr. Kleiners lab was cool.
I have a hard time picking one favorite, but the "cinematic" scnenes where you are riding around that conveyor in the citadel were particularly memorable. My mouth was agape the whole time. Also, i really enjoyed the bridge, as well as ravenholm. Least favorite was the one battle with the sentries in the prison. Too many attempts to get thru it on hard mode my first time thru.
the only part i didnt like that much was the buggy ride .. it was too long and got old eventually .. you seem to either love it, or hate it.
Personally, my favourite part was entering the massive building. I really felt excited by that.

As for least favourite, the buggy ride/beach seemed to go on and on and on.
Definitely most blown away by entering the citadel, and the bridge crossing.

For gameplay, I think the parts of Nova Prospekt were my favorites.

There were parts scattered here and there that I didn't really dig. I guess one of the earlier levels would be my least favorite.
my favorite is probally the first chapter where you could throw sh1t at the combine and they dont try to kill you for it
I could care less about the long ass canal levels, got boring after awhile, any level that doesnt require a air boat is good with me.
I didn't like Ravenholm - it seemed like a long bore. I don't like headcrabs in general (maybe it's because they keep scaring me). I liked Fr. Gregori and fighting with him, though.

I really loved all the parts in City 17 - EXCEPT anything in a canal... ugh. I also really liked the "set up sentry guns" part of Nova Prospekt. If the airbot section was cut down by 45 minutes worth of gameplay, it would be awesome. That part was alot of fun. Sometimes I feel the gameplay is too repetitive - but most of the time it is perfect.
iNetter said:
My favorite chapter had to be the "Point Insertion" at the very beginning of the game, it all reminded me of the book "1984". My least favorite chapter was Ravenholm; I felt disconnected from the whole oppressed society and half life 2 universe in that chapter. Other than that the game rocked my socks.

Thank you for saving me the typing. My thoughts exactly!
The finale is probably my fav, or the ones with Kliener. Least fav was Nova Prospekt...just standard indoor fighting.
Dramatically speaking, the point where you enter and ride around the citadel was definitely the high point. You really get the sense of something massive entering the lower levels, and then you get to ride around inside. Freakin' amazing.

Gameplay wise it had to be Sandtraps. The whole "avoid the sand, stay on rocks" made me feel like I was in the movie Tremors (the good one..........not the 50 crappy sequels). Then using the ant lions to storm the base..........badass.

Least favorite on all counts-Route Canal. Some of the fights at the beginning were cool, but that chapter got old fast.
redpoints said:
I have a hard time picking one favorite, but the "cinematic" scnenes where you are riding around that conveyor in the citadel were particularly memorable. My mouth was agape the whole time. Also, i really enjoyed the bridge, as well as ravenholm. Least favorite was the one battle with the sentries in the prison. Too many attempts to get thru it on hard mode my first time thru.

I was just about to post EXACTLY the same thing as you.........I'm scared :) The battle with the sentries in prison was far too hard, the hardest bit in the game by far, and it sort of ruined Nova Prospekt. In the end I just hid in one of the small rooms which only had one entrance and killed any soldiers who walked up to the door with my trusty shotgun. Of course when the flying blade robots came whizzing in it made it a bit problematic :(
Follow Freeman was good times. :)

Water Hazard and Highway 17 got boring after about 15 minutes or so.

Not into driving that much.
I loved Ravenholm, had a scary end-of-the-world feel too it. Reminded me of 28 days later.

I also was a fan of the airboat part, but not so much the buggy part (that has been done before).

I don't have a least favourite chapter, but a lot of the time the freedom fighters that were following me became REALLY annoying, and I felt the whole last ending chapters at the citadel were too short and too easy.

And for those who have finished the game:
Any one else feel there should have been a final boss? HL1 style?
Water Hazard was too damn long. It was fun just very, very long....
Best: Either Ravenholm or the part where you kill the Striders (is it just me or is the sound they make when they die badass?)

Worst : Nova Prospekt
I can't remember what chapter it is, but I like the chapter after Nova Prospekt. The one where you are fighting along side humans. There's something about that co-operative feel which I love :)
I really can't think of anything I didn't like. The driving parts were long but very fun to me, Nova Prospect and Entanglement were challenging in a pleasant way, the Citadel was amazingly dramatic, other places were atmopsheric... hmm. Finally a game that I can replay without thinking that a certain chapter sucks, like it's been before. Even in HL1, the excellent game, I always hate Residue Processing and also Interloper chapters.
Fave: It's a toss-up between the Water Hazard stages or the Citadel stages.

Hate: Definitely Nova Prospekt. The second time you set up the turrets is really nerve wracking and it's mostly more of the same.
Worst was Route Canal and Best was Higway 17 and When you fight Striders and Gunships.
Best: Follow Freeman
Worst (worst as in still-a-whole-lot-better-than-any-other-FPS-out-there): Route Canal
Ravenholm was brilliant, it really, really fit and i loved it.

But my fave/worst:

Fave: Follow Freeman/Dark energy/highway 17

Worst: Anti Citizen 1
Favorite: Dark Energy, just loved those rides around the citadel
Worst: Follow freeman, anticitizen one, just didn't like the action it was to intense for me to think my way out of situations, I liked it more when you weren't rushed but has the time to surround enemies and so, and I just hated my squad, you people have no idea how much times I treid to kill them.
Oh yeah and I actually thought chapter 15 was a real chapter not the credits, Valve sucks for actually putting that in as an chapter, I thought because it only had that hl2 logo it was some special level wich they didn't want you to see until you were ready, but no it was just the credits.
I haven't finished the game yet (yes, I'm a n00b :P), but Nova Prospect would be my favourite. Ravenholm wasn't that good, in my opinion.
Best: Black Mesa East (when you get the grav gun) and the Citadel (it literally took my breath away).

Worst: Route Canal was great fun, but it *was* slightly too long. Some parts of Ravenholm weren't the greatest, but I loved the horror mood. That's the worst I can say about the game.

I enjoyed Nova Prospekt a lot, because of the challenge and the Antlions. I also liked the buggy levels. Hell, I loved all of it.
Oh yeah and i didn't like anticitizen one and follow freeman, because they had no puzzles, and I really enjoyed the puzzles in this game.
Samon said:
Not to be a jerk, but why?

I don't like scary game, really. And you've got to admit, Ravenholm was scary. It took me about 10 hours to finish it off.
Favourite: Highway 17 , Sandtraps
Last favourite: Water Hazard and for some reason Ravenholm.
don't like scary game, really. And you've got to admit, Ravenholm was scary. It took me about 10 hours to finish it off.

Ah, so it wasnt a case ofit bieng a bad section..just you dont like scary things...thats ok :)
Favorite- The end where u have to kill that bigass alien floating in that room.
Least Favorite- On a rail- def. too long and i always get scared that im going to get lost!!!
Best : the last chapter with the new manipulator gun
Worst : nova prospekt