'Beta' amnesty

Have you?

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May 15, 2003
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Well, with the hopfully impending release of HL2... I'm just wondering how many people have actually downloaded and played the Stolen files. Don't worry, you won't be banned or anything, I'm just wondering.


Be Honest :D
I wish it could have, but alas. Morals and Lazyness took told :(
I did try and look for it, but I just wanted a signed poster.
Im a poster wanting whore...OHH Yess
Would you mods be willing to bring back the beta Forum? Its was cool but it dissappeard after a day or something.
wouldn't wanna ruin the semen festival when hl2 comes out, so no
QProtocol said:
Would you mods be willing to bring back the beta Forum? Its was cool but it dissappeard after a day or something.
Not really happy to do that. It was removed after a few members of staff (including myself) pointed out it was a bit stupid to have a forum devoted to illegally stolen files, on a site visited by the owner of the stolen files :)
No though I looked at screenshots and read detailed accounts. I have no compunctions about taking a sneak look at third party leaked 'builds', but when a hacker actually breaks into a dev's network and steals their source code and releases that together with an ad-hock compile of assets and starts a crusade against Valve for being satanist liars etc - I draw a thick line in the sand... If it isn't actually compiled into the state it is by the developer themselves then I'm not going to touch it, and I certainly aren't going to legitimise the actions of a crimminal by adding bandwidth to a bittorrent download and widening the proliferation...
I did and im not ashamed of it.

Yet i wish i didn't :afro:
I have yet to play the stolen build, but everyday I am fighting with myself on weither download it or not... If I can find it, I will probably download it. Thought I am not sure if I could bring myself to play it...

and uhmmm Nope.... (stupid 10 char limit)
I did, mostly to try my new radeon card, but i somehow managed to listen to all the sounds, ruining bits of the storyline... :(
Well i've admitted to downloading it, what can i say, i'm weak. I thought we'd only be banned if we talked about content.

Though I do wish i wouldn't have downloaded it. Though it was beautiful, it did have a lot of bugs that sort of killed my inital "new toy" excitement. :(

Oh yea, and like chipmunk said, I had just gotten my 9800 Pro when the leak happened, and i wanted to see how my card would fair on it.
BTW- I really wish people would stop using the misnomer beta here - whether it is in quotations or not.

Alpha and Beta builds must actually be put together by the developer in question to earn that label... It would only be appropriate if Valve had compiled a test QA/Press/Tech/Private Beta HL2 build that that was then leaked. Obviously that isn't the case here - unlike the D3, Stalker and Painkiller Alphas, and the Far Cry MP and WoW Betas...
I downloaded it, I wish I didn't, I'm not proud/happy at all about it.....;(.
I have gone out of my way to avoid it, im not getting anywhere near it!
I did, no regrets about it here. You can really only ruin things for yourself by listening to the wav files that come with it.

All the leaked build did was make me desire the game 10x more :)
qckbeam said:
I did, no regrets about it here. You can really only ruin things for yourself by listening to the wav files that come with it.

All the leaked build did was make me desire the game 10x more :)

Yeah, but someone I knew sent me 2 sound files without any warning at all about what they were :(. Not major spoilers, but spoilers nonetheless ;(.
I did. The game had just been delayed, and I couldn't resist. I'm not exactly proud of it though.

qckbeam said:
All the leaked build did was make me desire the game 10x more :)

Same here.
nope didnt download it. wouldnt wanna spoil the game. i want the excitement of seeing the engine in action the first time i play, not before.
Well I did download it but I only played for the first 5-12 min then I trash it.

I heared it's a crappy beta version with only 9 levels, a not totally working engine, missing sounds, textures and models, no AI etc... Is that true?
sharp said:

I heared it's a crappy beta version with only 9 levels, a not totally working engine, missing sounds, textures and models, no AI etc... Is that true?

partially true

There are many levels actually, the engine works fine, I didn't notice any sounds missing except the reloading ones, there are missing models, the levels are incomplete and covered in orange textures (some of the levels anyway, others are near finished). There is great AI.
I downloaded it, yes, but it never worked for me, so I deleted it.
Is their a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. beta?

Anyway, no I didn't. Mostly because I didn't want to ruin the game but also because of all the virus's that people were packaging with it.

Plus I didn't really want to *steal* from Valve, stealings baaaaaaaaaaad.
sharp said:

I heared it's a crappy beta version with only 9 levels, a not totally working engine, missing sounds, textures and models, no AI etc... Is that true?

There are more than 9 levels, haven't listened to sounds other than in the levels I played (mainly the e3 levels besides 1 or 2), which had no (I could be wrong) missing sounds, yes there are missing textures and models, yes, there is AI. Just wanted to clear that up for you.

Edit- qckbeam already covered this, (http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=339168&postcount=29) but I'll leave it up anyway.
I downloaded it but mainly to play with hammer and get a jump on hl2 mapping, I used it to experiment with the physics engine but avoided looking at any of the included maps with the exception of the techdemos that had already been seen in the videos.
Yeah I downloaded it. I dont feel guilty about it, I mean, I fail to see how me playing the beta (and I will continue calling it a beta, if you dont like it, you can suck my fattie) hurts Valve in any way. And playing with the tech levels (coz I didnt play any game levels, didnt wanna ruin the game) was alot of fun. The physics are amazing, much cooler than they look in the vids.
sharp said:

I heared it's a crappy beta version with only 9 levels, a not totally working engine, missing sounds, textures and models, no AI etc... Is that true?

not entirely true, there are over 15 or 20 maps, and there is AI, just not to the extent we thought. of course it is a pre-e3 build, so it most likely will be better many times over. im amazed how good of framerates (50-180[Avg. 70]) we were able to get on such an early build. but when u toss a nade at some wood, u can almost expect a crash or a very large slow down. i have friends that have played the 'beta' if thats wut u want to call it and have played it myself. however i do not support the thieft of software. think of it like this, i may own a gun but i do not support violence. im sure there are many thinks wrong with that statement but its in the same ballpark.

i let my curiousity get the better of me. but i will buy the game because i do very much support valve.
I wanted to...but im glad i didnt....

and now i really dont have any desire to.
I downloaded it over the Christmas break (I was bored). Mainly to check out the physics because they looked amazing, and I wanted to compare them to those in Max Payne and DX:IW. I also poked around a few levels to check out the detailing, textures and the facial animations, etc but I've avoided the temptation to try and 'play' them, or go through the data with a fine tooth comb to uncover all the details.

The physics are far more realistic than anything else out there by a long way, and the facial animations are spookily emotive. The textures and details were very high, but I'd probably say Stalker has the edge on the environmental stuff by a narrow margin (stalker just looks a tad grittier and dirtier).

Regrets, well I did stumble across a spoiler ot two, but overall if anything I'm even more hyped about HL² and future Source powered Games/Mods than I was before. I'm also much more patient as a result, because I know that when it ships Valve are going to be delivering the ultimate ride.
Yes, one thing the beta did tell me, Half-Life 2 will kick ass.