'Beta' amnesty

Have you?

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Yes, I did download the beta, and played it as well. It didn't really ruin anything for me, infact it made me want to play the finished product even more. I've only played it a little though because if you play any game too much you'll grow bored with it and quit. I didn't want to be bored with HL2 when it came out, so I deleted it. I must say I was very impressed by what I saw, though.
i haven't downloaded it but im really tempted to i'd like to use it as a test [like some said before] for my 9800 xt that i got yesterday

if i did get it i'd only play with the manipulator

is the e3 tech demo included with it? [the part where he was throwing matresses in the water and shooting watermelons?]
I did but I wish I didnt, it totally killed my want of the finished product, hl2 is a 'meh' now.
I unfortunately did :(
The temptation of me being able to fight striders and ride the buggy and kill antlions and soldiers was overwhelming.. i actually was watching one of the videos and someon on irc told me it got leaked and i was like :O

im definetely not proud of it but I love the game more and want it soo bad :O
i did as well. it was extremely exciting at first (which was a good thing with the sadness of the hl2 delay still close to my heart 8 ), but it got pretty old after a couple of weeks because it just felt like hl2 should have been a bit cooler with all the hype (don't yell, its obviously just a stolen build). that kind of killed my interest in hl2 (which was another good thing because it helped to dull the wait). i'm sure when hl2 actually comes out i'll be creaming my pants.
man this post got the non-posters...to post....nice topic..u got here...
lol. i just relalised that ... new names.. :)

ive got a 2 meg connection, thought of downloading it, but I know i would ruin it. plus ive got alot of patience which helps the wait for the offical release

Much of the AI in the E3 videos was scripted and not really revolutionary

I heard it was scripted because it was early stuff, and valve wanted to show off there engine early , why would they claim its not scripted ,otherwise? that would be lieing, and a downright dissapointment ;(
I hate it when people make statements that VALVe claimed the traptown scene wasn't scripted. The ONLY time VALVe mentioned something was completely unscripted was in the barricade video, that was IT.
nope. NOt due to my good mind. But my pc could not run it. Now i got a new pc which can run it and guess what? I CAN"T FIND THE DAMN FILE ! LOL! dont worry i gave up.
Subz said:
nope. NOt due to my good mind. But my pc could not run it. Now i got a new pc which can run it and guess what? I CAN"T FIND THE DAMN FILE ! LOL! dont worry i gave up.

I can run it easily with a Gef2MX and Cel1000
i haven't downloaded it but im really tempted to i'd like to use it as a test [like some said before] for my 9800 xt that i got yesterday

The stolen build didn't/doesn't have a lot of the more advanced graphical features, so downloading it to test a 9800xt isn't very useful.
I haven't dl/played it. But if it doesnt ship in april I don't know if I'm still this reluctant :flame:
mrBadger said:
Well, with the hopfully impending release of HL2... I'm just wondering how many people have actually downloaded and played the Stolen files. Don't worry, you won't be banned or anything, I'm just wondering.


Be Honest :D

never felt like getting it.. even now simply because i do not want to spoil anything.. and i intend to keep it that way til the game is released..

i don't know personally since i haven't touched the stolen build.. but i think the pple that have, will be less impressed with the game since some things are spoiled for them.. and they only have themselves to blame.. :p
nicely said, I dont know why other people arnt as sensible as Dr Freeman, who truely has the right state of mind to go off and enjoy the store bought game :)
I played and could not stop playing it for days - all the annoyances could ot overshadow the fun.:D To be honest, it did not make me feel any different nor did it change my mind about the final version of the game. I've always stated that, i would buy HL2 even if it comes out in 2006. All this people saying that, they won't play it because of the spoilers or, because they won't "support the hackers" -most ridiculous statement yet, i may add- i'd tell them all, get a life! Life isn't just about PC games - as fun as they may be. What's done is done, its not your fault.
Just a quick question, if it's not breaking any rules. Anyone know why the stolen version slowed/crashed when any wood got blown up? Judging from other peoples posts, it wasn't just my computer. I may not have the best computer but a 2.6Ghz should be able to handle some wood. I would like a more detailed answer than 'it's an early build, dumbass' if possible. :)
jabberwock95 said:
Just a quick question, if it's not breaking any rules. Anyone know why the stolen version slowed/crashed when any wood got blown up? Judging from other peoples posts, it wasn't just my computer. I may not have the best computer but a 2.6Ghz should be able to handle some wood. I would like a more detailed answer than 'it's an early build, dumbass' if possible. :)

Maybe an unsolved memory leak? I don't know, but those things happen often in early releases.
Possibly the fact that the code to deal with so many wood fragments wasn't there... also, I'd say that the stolen build was probably chock full of debugging code, which tends to slow things down anyway... so many instances of the debug code for all the different wood fragments running at once might exceed the code's capabilities...

I think I confused myself...

EDIT: Yeah, the kind of thing PvtRyan said...
clarky003 said:
nicely said, I dont know why other people arnt as sensible as Dr Freeman, who truely has the right state of mind to go off and enjoy the store bought game :)

lets start our own mutual admiration society :) :) :) :) :)

Yes, I have the beta but have only "explored" 2 of the E3 demo levels simply to get a feel for how the game will run on my PC. It runs fine, even in beta form.

Here's some twisted logic for the forum:

I've already received my "Free HL2 Bundle" confirmation from ATI. So technically, I have a license for the finished game. Does this in any way detract from the ethical aspect of downloading and running only a portion of the stolen code out of technical curiosity?

Keep in mind that I had every intention of purchasing the title BEFORE I received it free with my Radeon. The manner in which the code was lifted is beyond reproach, I have no feeling of sympathy for those who may suffer the serious consequences for the crime. But I only snagged the beta out of a burning curiosity for what I assume will be one the best games ever published.

While it's nice to see so many avoiding the temptation of grabbing the stolen code, I think that actually purchasing the game, via bundle or retail, is a much stronger way of supporting Valve.
Didn't download it. My sense of ethics and my desire to not spoil the game and avoid possible malacious code imbedded in the "beta" by hackers was enough motivation to not seek it out.
I've pre-ordered HL2... I did back in May of last year.

Haven't downloaded the stolen files, I might consider it, but I will buy the game regardless.
Couldn't find it. I never managed to figure out that irc crap. Why does it have to be so complicated.
I prefer my first experience playing a game to be on finished and polished code the way the developers want their games to be played. I don't even download those 'test' demos that have become so popular with developers.
Oh maaaan, I accidentally pressed 'Yes', when in fact I have not DLed the Beta. I thought it was some random post, and I thought they might have been talking about sex or something..... :o
Mountain Man said:
Didn't download it. My sense of ethics and my desire to not spoil the game and avoid possible malacious code imbedded in the "beta" by hackers was enough motivation to not seek it out.

I though you were a Linux user..... I guess you just like the pinguin avatar. :)
i don't know personally since i haven't touched the stolen build.. but i think the pple that have, will be less impressed with the game since some things are spoiled for them.. and they only have themselves to blame..

No, the beta wanted me to play the finished product even more. The beta didn't spoil anything, it just made me more excited. :naughty:
I just hope that Gave himself be fallowig the progress of this thread, so he could be pleasanty surprice to know that the leaked Beta did not change people's opinions in any way. I'd say that, most hardcore gamers roughly 80% - i'm reffering to those who buy the game upon released- usually join the favourite game's boards because, they care enough to spend sometime on the boards. As for the rest regular gamers, they could be sold basically anything.
I'm glad to say i didn't dl it,you ppl who did i pity u for i think the game won't be as good for u.
nope. i downloaded doom3 by accident (on kazaa), well, i think it was doom3, it was like a million files (unzipped), but it didn't work nor did i care enought to try to get it working.

i wouldn't want to ruin the hl2 experience, personally.
edit: ^ so much so that i even avoid watching the bink videos and stuff.
Brian Damage said:
How do you accidentally download that many files? Woah.

Great av BTW.
lol, no it was like one zipped file or something (rar maybe).. i was trying to dl a movie or something (this was a while back), and it was this avi that wouldn't play.. did some hexing and found out it was a zip, changed the extension, and it unzipped like 5000 files or something crazy, all in a folder called "doom_iii" and there where a dickload of .cfg files somewhere.. anyway, i ran the .exe but it didn't do anything, and i decided that i didn't care.

update: whoa, in the course of typing this i found out that i still have the archive in my dowloads folder, though i deleted all that crap i had uncompressed. maybe i should delete it in case the FBI raids!

edit: glad you liked the av :)
so much so that i even avoid watching the bink videos and stuff.

hmm, so ive ruined it by watching the bink video's?,, lol they didnt seem to spoil anything, infact they just make you want to play it more. theres no spoilers or anything that ruins the game in the bink vids.
My av owns yours lil timmy!! :P

And yeah, the bink vids spoil nothing at all. Nothing that wasnt in the 600mb vid anyway. And there wasnt much in that..
clarky003 said:
hmm, so ive ruined it by watching the bink video's?,, lol they didnt seem to spoil anything, infact they just make you want to play it more. theres no spoilers or anything that ruins the game in the bink vids.
different things are spoilers for different ppl, but i liked being as new to the experience as possible, i watched one of the videos and thought to myself, "man, it'd be cooler to see that stuff for the first time in-game". personal preference.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
My av owns yours lil timmy!! :P

And yeah, the bink vids spoil nothing at all. Nothing that wasnt in the 600mb vid anyway. And there wasnt much in that..
your avatar promotes violence and destruction :devil: ;(
my avatar promotes peace, love, and all things good :angel: :)

you are owned by goodness.