[beta] css_de_kilo II

Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
Also known as de_waterbug :-P

Anyway a public beta release for this map with 2 goals:
- Does it run on linux servers
- Is the gameflow working out, the CT's spawn in the tunnel, but if the hotspot isn't
around the indoor area's I probebly have to move this to the outdoor dock.

Know issues:
- Waterbug
- Torpedo needs work (looks more like a rocket now)
- Black textures at trailers wheels.

All bugreports and feedback are welcome.

The download.
(extract to the couterstrike:source/cstrike/maps directory)


Hope this was worth your time.
Downloading, Looks good, Anything with a sub in it owns imo :D
Its very good, u need some clip zones so people dont run off the edge of the map at the sea, i really liked the faked shoreline.

Also, you should plant some invisible player clip ramps over the stairs, so movement up and down them is smoother, i hate the bobbing motion, esspeacialy on steps higher than 8 units.

Otherwise its lookin sweet.
ah good sugestion.

And i see i forgot to replace the trigger hurt, normally the water would give you a freezing damage so players would be more concerned getting out alive then to swim over ;)
All looks decent. I see what Lobster was saying about the stairs. My only problem is in pic "[...]0001" where there is barely any cover for advancing/retreating players. Try and throw a few boxes (I don't necessarily mean crates) in to make for some nice chokepoints. If you put the cover further back then it will encourage sniping, if you put it closer to the corner then it make for some fiercely contested shootouts.

Then again it's possible that the corridor is in a completely unimportant part of the map and doesn't need any cover. Still, it looks a bit bare. I want more screens (no d/l possible).
i got loads of errors in the console about models and the water texture was ****ed up :S
Model errors where harmless, it was saying the dockpole had no vhysics model, I placed clips instead so you would not walk trough it.
The channelmarkers have a bad prop setting, thought I fixed that, probebly in the version I lost because of a hammer crash when trying to get the water fixed.
the water wasn't actually water basically. the texture on the top was ****ed and when i jumped in it kinda made the water noise and then i just fell to the ground and i could walk around normally. It's a bit big too isn't it?! i kept finding more areas! :S

looked very nice though, good work.
I have never seen that water bug before, yet ive heard a couple of people with it, it doesnt really make sense, did u make a water entity, because you dont have to do that anymore, it just needs to be a large nodrawed cube with the water texture ontop, or maybe its a css issue, take a look at the sdk water example map, also for the dockpole, u can always change the collision data to Bounding box in the entity options.
I can 'fix' the water by removing all my railings (they are on one visgroup) but rebuilding them makes it come back again.

I spend 6 hours a night for more then a week just on that bug and I think I tried pretty mutch everything. (quick vis compile is enough to see if the water is ok or not and i did days with more then 40 compiles)

Another way to fix it in build 47 of the map was to mirror the map, Suddenly i had hope and made the map in this almost finished state, but when trying to mirror the map again the trick failed.
I can make the skybox water look good by moving it around in hammer until i found a place where it doesn't occur.

The railings are just part of the problem, there is something else also messing it up and i can;t locate it. ;(

Re Gonzo,

I forgot to lower the water again after i tried with making the water thin to see if that helped ;)