.: The Matrix BETA 1: available! :.

From what little I've played of it, I think it really is a great map. I might even turn up my textures from low to high and see it in its full glory :D. But the one niggly thing was that the elevator transport sound was a little lacking in length. The sound itself is ok, but some kind of looping sound is needed so that it still sounds as though it is moving.
You Are A Maping God....
When This Whole Thing Is Done You Sude Email The Map To Valve.....really Good Job...
MQ, I don't know much about the whole idea of porting CS:Source maps to HL2DM ones, but I think (and I bet others will) that this map would also make one of THE best Deathmatch maps imaginable. When you get a final build of it done for CSS and have put your feet up for a bit, do you think you'd be able to make a conversion of it for Deathmatch?
If you don't play much DM yourself, I could give you some hints at how you could modify it slightly to make it play better.
This is a very high quality map! The atmosphere is great, but above all the layout is really fun. I was surprised that after a few rounds I could actually navigate the map without getting lost.

One error I found (it's really obvious so it may have been pointed out before)

In this one corner outside of the dojo, the metal shelves to the left aren't solid to the game world. What I meant by that is the player can walk right through the shelf model (only the one on the left) and sit 'inside it'

Standing in the model:

And as a final note, I thought these lights were well done for only two brushes and a light :)
that is some awesome work MQ, well done! and well done to whoever helped you (if there was anyone)
Ben : thanks for reporting. All these issues are known issues (lighting and lightmap problem) and the shelves collision is fixed for....

BETA 2! Check the new thread and download bets 2!

Dinkle : yeah, if it's not too problematic to convert to HL2DM. But we'll see then.

BTW if you want to play a cool HL2DM map, try Revolters 1.2 Double pack. It has 2 different versions of the map inside. I made this map for HL2DM because I love it and it has OBJECTIVES! Like blowup a truck to win, or save ALYX to win! :)

Give it a try, if I remember well, there's a bug where the 4 combine doors don't animate since Valve changed their animation but the rest is fine.