.: The Matrix beta 2 Available! The "Connect to server crash" is fixed :.

What's this?

I found it when I was flying around as spectator. Looks cool :)
I have no clue what is that The Brick! ;)

BTW people, I'll be away for the next week.
Don't expect fast email/forums answers or even anything at all for the next 7 days.
My brain needs a little vacation, but hey, you can be sure I'll be taking notes and thinking about beta 3 on the beach! :)

I'll have one large glass of sangrila for all of you guys!

Until then, play beta 2 and find bugs if you will! :)

More people need to join this server


it's the only server left who's still hosting this map and there are only 4 bots playing... and that's no fun. PLEASE
The Brick said:
More people need to join this server


it's the only server left who's still hosting this map and there are only 4 bots playing... and that's no fun. PLEASE

I play on there. Very nice gameplay even though i'm UK based.
Awesome map. Been playing it on a few servers (richmondgamers and {ngs}).
Once you get the hang of the phones and the general layout, its a great map.

Because other people seem to get confused, and I am a bored person with
too much time on my hands, I took an overview shot with the intention of doing
a little guide. I'll update it to show which phones link where once I've checked
them all out. I know there's stuff missing, give it a few hours and it'll be done.
Hope it helps! I'm aware that it's still only a beta, but final is still a few weeks
away I'm guessing ;)

What time (UK time if you can) does everyone play? I wana get on a big game, so far I've only played with up to 5 people on richmond...

spazbob : that's nice! Your overview map will help a lot of noobs lost in the level. Don't spend too much time on beta 2 tough, because beta 3 is coming and might change some rooms.

I'll see you guys tonight I guess because I'll play beta 2! I'll join the server with the most players on it. :)

I'll be working on beta 3 this week and I should have something before the week-end.

Hey MoonQuake...

Me and Spazbob are at

24 man server...

People need to join! This map is cool :D
Devvo who were you? The RichmondGamers server seems to be the one of choice for us lot :p

Moonquake: good to play with you :p Absolutely love the map. Can we have more of the "glitch in the matrix" type things? There's the bit in the stairs that keeps coming back, and the randomly bricked up walls...


I thought I was going mad at first :p Anyway, stuff like that is really cool, and a few more things would be awesome.

Can't wait for beta 3!
spaz : I'll be adding stuff in beta 3. Nothing drastic, but a few more additions. The kind people already like in the map.

Don't forget to make the skybox higher :) I banged my head and fell down twice yesterday. :p
about the dodgy elevator physics...maybe you could set up a teleport, which just transports the contents of the elevator to an identical one on the other side? teleporting works fine (as shown by the phones). ive not tried anything like that before, because i've never tried cool advanced maps :) but it might be worth a try. admittedly bulletholes in the back of one wouldnt be shown on the other, but if its seamless it might be worht it.
spaz : I thought about that in the first place. Easier and more reliable way of moving stuff from point A to point B. But elevators have their very own moments and being teleported would actually change things gameplay-wise and technically. I don't want to go into details but even though it's kinda shaky the way it is right now, people are having fun using them. I also noticed the reason why it's all shaky is because of collision between network objects. Players on players, or player on moving objects.

It definitively is a matter of fixing it on the developper side.

In other words:Valve need to fix it.

Otherwise, mod developpers won't be able to do shit when it comes to moving objects online. Kinda amputates a mod team when you're restricted to CS-like kinda gameplay because of that. Vehicles play an important role in today's online games and players not being able to properly interract with vehicles or elevators really is a bad thing.

Still working on beta 3 BTW, I'll be away this week-end but I should have something for ya'll next week!

MoonQuake said:
I also noticed the reason why it's all shaky is because of collision between network objects. Players on players, or player on moving objects.

Fair enough. Valve never were any good at netcode :\ I don't get why they don't improve it...it's the main reason they lose out to the Doom3 or Unreal engines. Anyway, cya next week :stare:
spazbob said:
Devvo who were you? The RichmondGamers server seems to be the one of choice for us lot :p

Moonquake: good to play with you :p Absolutely love the map. Can we have more of the "glitch in the matrix" type things? There's the bit in the stairs that keeps coming back, and the randomly bricked up walls...


I thought I was going mad at first :p Anyway, stuff like that is really cool, and a few more things would be awesome.

Can't wait for beta 3!

I was GSW if I remember rightly.

When you playing beta 2 next?
Wow MoonQuake. I just played your map tonight on ###Mad Seumas: CS 64-player on OC3### at IP : . And I'm totally in love :). It seriously is my new favorite custom map. I did some mapping and I suck totally compared to you :). Plus I have too much ADD to work through an entire map. :D
AtheisticGod: oh, I'm glad you like my map! It'll be even better for the next version! Stay tuned! :)

I played on many 24-32 players servers and yeah, It's crazy! :)

Beta 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beta 3 will be out friday august the 19th!

Be ready!!!!!!!!

unfortunately i got my exam results yesterday so i am morally bound to drink myself unconscious for the next few days. ill catch up tho :D