BETA RELEASE: de_trainyard (based on de_train)

It looks good, but the best thing to do to your map is add daylight, and a sun, like from the original de_train.
Looks good. I like the darkness. We need more maps like that.

Maybe make two versions? Daylight and Darkness Trainyards.
Way too dark for my liking, also the area in the 1st screenshot looks too bland, maby some grass or somthing could be cool. In the 2nd screenshot the pile of concrete or what ever it is looks a little bland too (and has a weird sand texture).

Though, I havnt played this map, over all it looks great, I realy enjoyed train for cs.
Very dark, and some of the textures look really stretched out. But it looks very promising :)
needs a sun, and urm...better textures
yeah i have to agree with the rest of these guys you could do with some more lighting whether it be spotlight type sources but i think its way too dark to be enjoyed