Better then the HL2 characters?

Your not very informed either so the same could be said either way.

I disagree. While you are making assumptions about the games engine, I have acquired my knowledge from a reliable detailed source and there for in a better position to state what is false and what is correct. All you have proven is that you are a MOH hating HL2 fanboy.

That is NOT in-game. It just can't be. It's too much detail.

Yep. I Agree.:cheers:
Personally I don't care... since I probably won't be buying it anyway... but keep in mind that they still have 6 months left (if they go for the January release, 8 if they go for March... I have seen both on different sites).
Amazing... simply amazing...

Such a small, barely relevant issue, and it's got people arguing like their lives depend on them being right... people talking about things they have no knowlege about with the confidence in their statements an expert would have....

I have a little phrase I'd like everyone to think about for a second...

"Open the mind to every possibility."

Everyone, and I mean everyone, should accept the possibility that everything they believe to be true could, in an instant, be proven false. If people approached issues with a "to me it seems like this, here's why, but I could be wrong" type of attitude, there would be almost no flaming, no silly arguments, but instead a lot of productive discussion between people who want to learn the truth, rather than people who assume what they think is the truth.

This goes for everything, including the HL2 delay threads. People seem to think they have to pick a side to an argument, and force it on everyone else. You're all entitled to believe whatever you think is right, but at least accept the possibility that you might not be the one with all the answers.

Well, that's my little rant for today :cheese:
What is this is? eentornet?

Don't you guys know the internet was designed as a place to yell and scream where no one can hear you. I personally won't care about MOH till it comes out. The first one was mediocre enough with it's Q3 tech. It's not something to drool over like HL2.

HL2, the only game worth blowing your college loan on a computer to be able to run it. :)
big deal, the action shots still look like a fake jungle. Far Cry is were its at.
Originally posted by Logic
Amazing... simply amazing...

Such a small, barely relevant issue, and it's got people arguing like their lives depend on them being right... people talking about things they have no knowlege about with the confidence in their statements an expert would have....

I have a little phrase I'd like everyone to think about for a second...

"Open the mind to every possibility."

Everyone, and I mean everyone, should accept the possibility that everything they believe to be true could, in an instant, be proven false. If people approached issues with a "to me it seems like this, here's why, but I could be wrong" type of attitude, there would be almost no flaming, no silly arguments, but instead a lot of productive discussion between people who want to learn the truth, rather than people who assume what they think is the truth.

This goes for everything, including the HL2 delay threads. People seem to think they have to pick a side to an argument, and force it on everyone else. You're all entitled to believe whatever you think is right, but at least accept the possibility that you might not be the one with all the answers.

Well, that's my little rant for today :cheese:

Have you ever visited any kind of internet forum before? This is very common.
Yeah, yeah, I know.... can't expect miracles on these strange "eentornet" forums. I still think there could be a bit more respect for each other in general though, every now and again a thread will break into a flame war. I guess when I posted that, my tiredness induced delerium and wishful thinking got the better of me :cheese:
Wow, Half-Life 2's in-game graphics are approaching the level of detail we are seeing now pre-rendered, that's impressive. and I think the lipsyncing will just be so much more imersive.
Yeah, the characters look great.. Doom 3 is another game that's approaching pre-rendered quality.. and the lighting in the engine is fantastic. The only thing that spoils things for ID is carmack's attitute towards telling stories through games. The Doom 3 engine doesn't have all the impressive facial animation and lip synching of HL2 simply because Carmack doesn't want to tell stories through his games in the way that Valve are... it seems a waste to me. I'd love to see how Doom 3's lighting could be used in games like HL2, for example.
who gives a shit what the game looks like?
Gameplay people! GAMEPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by JimmyTheGent
who gives a shit what the game looks like?
Gameplay people! GAMEPLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do. I'm sure if HL2 had the best gameplay any game could ever have, but was displayed in software rendered 320x240, with horribly ugly contrasting EGA colours (with lots of purple) you wouldn't be terribly happy with your purchase.

Obviously gameplay is the most important thing, but the graphics are an important factor in creating a sense of immersion needed for the game to have the most impact on the player. The more immersed you are, the more you'll enjoy the game. In this sense, graphics are very important.

Of course, nit picking isn't really very productive in this case, since we've already seen that the level of graphics in HL2 is more than good enough to really draw us in to the world, so essentially I agree with you :)
Originally posted by Logic
You do. I'm sure if HL2 had the best gameplay any game could ever have, but was displayed in software rendered 320x240, with horribly ugly contrasting EGA colours (with lots of purple) you wouldn't be terribly happy with your purchase.

Obviously gameplay is the most important thing, but the graphics are an important factor in creating a sense of immersion needed for the game to have the most impact on the player. The more immersed you are, the more you'll enjoy the game. In this sense, graphics are very important.

Of course, nit picking isn't really very productive in this case, since we've already seen that the level of graphics in HL2 is more than good enough to really draw us in to the world, so essentially I agree with you :)
i agree with u to a point, in that it cant hurt to have nice gfx. however it has been my experience that the most addictive and best games dont have or need the best gfx of it's generation. the best games ive played are ones like civilization, championship manager, tetris, sensible soccer etc.

anyway the point is that it's not how good ure graphics are its what u do with them thats important, thats what my gf says anyway:eek:
The only thing that spoils things for ID is carmack's attitute towards telling stories through games.

Thats bullshit.

Carmack is a programmer. Sure hes got say on a lot of things that have to do with the story, but he doesnt have time to bother with EVERYHTING. Thats why they hired a professional writer to tell a story through a game. Thast why they have other guys dedicated to game design and such. Carmack isnt in complete control of Doom3. Infact, he isnt even in complete control over the coding of the engine. He said he didnt want ragdoll physics in the engine but another programmer thought it should be implimented, so he went ahead and did it without even discussing it with Carmack.
People always stress that iD is incapable of making a game with an engrossing story because none of their other games reflected a talent in that department. This leads people to belive that iD is more of a engine development company, and their games are no more than a showcase for their new engine. This is WRONG. Not many people were impressed with the story of their previous games because they never really devoted themselves to making a game with a truly engrossing story. They were only focused on the look, feel, and gameplay. With Doom3, this has changed. They are focues on the story more than ever, and im sur eit will be a great one.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
People always stress that iD is incapable of making a game with an engrossing story because none of their other games reflected a talent in that department. This leads people to belive that iD is more of a engine development company, and their games are no more than a showcase for their new engine. This is WRONG. Not many people were impressed with the story of their previous games because they never really devoted themselves to making a game with a truly engrossing story. They were only focused on the look, feel, and gameplay. With Doom3, this has changed. They are focues on the story more than ever, and im sur eit will be a great one.

Unfortunatelly I'm afraid it may be too little too late for them as everyone has already, like you said, labeled them an "engine development company." The fact that D3 will be comming out in 2004 will pit it directly against other heavyweights like HL2 and STALKER, something that will impact it in a more negative way then iD expected.
Unfortunatelly I'm afraid it may be too little too late for them as everyone has already, like you said, labeled them an "engine development company."

No, they havnt. Only people who are generally against iD for whatever reason(half-life and unreal fanbois) have labeled them as such. I dont know what you think hl2 and stalker will do to the sales of Doom3 though. Doom3 is the most anticipated game of our time, and it will do just fine in sales. Its not like gamers can only buy one game a year. Anyone who is a fan of the genra will most likley buy doom3.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
No, they havnt. Only people who are generally against iD for whatever reason(half-life and unreal fanbois) have labeled them as such. I dont know what you think hl2 and stalker will do to the sales of Doom3 though. Doom3 is the most anticipated game of our time, and it will do just fine in sales. Its not like gamers can only buy one game a year. Anyone who is a fan of the genra will most likley buy doom3.

Do you even know what a fan boy is? We're just countering your arguments. You are the being the fan boy who says that Doom 3 will be the best thing ever and nothing will come close and other developers may as well commit suicide lest they try to make a game, which will never, ever come close to the absolute perfection that is Doom 3.

Fans of the Genre will buy BOTH games because both have good qualities, different qualities.

I'm not against id. I never have been. But id has been labelled an engine developement company because that's the thing they are best at.

And please some contradicting yourself. It's embarrassing.

EDIT: Also, this is a Half Life 2 message board. Everything you say is off topic and remember: You started it.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
No, they havnt. Only people who are generally against iD for whatever reason(half-life and unreal fanbois) have labeled them as such. I dont know what you think hl2 and stalker will do to the sales of Doom3 though. Doom3 is the most anticipated game of our time, and it will do just fine in sales. Its not like gamers can only buy one game a year. Anyone who is a fan of the genra will most likley buy doom3.

Doesn't the fact that a Doom 3 fanboy has to go on the biggest HL2 forums and claim that Doom 3 is superior show a bit of insecurity, or maybe uncertainty? Do you guys loathe HL2 or something?
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Doesn't the fact that a Doom 3 fanboy has to go on the biggest HL2 forums and claim that Doom 3 is superior show a bit of insecurity, or maybe uncertainty? Do you guys loathe HL2 or something?
Lolz, that's like wearing an "America kicks ass" shirt in Canada.
Doom III and Half-Life 2 are both very different games. Most of ppl here just say Doom III is tech demo that's why HL2 will have better gameplay, but they're both different style of games. D3 is a scary, creepy shooter, with small dark areas, whereas HL2 it'll be more larger areas and more tactical play. As for the graphics, as far as i can tell, the graphics of Doom III are better then HL2 except for the water reflections
OMFG Brassmonkey you are the bigest peice of hypocrite **** I have ever seen. Just by running a search by all posts by Brassmonkey proves that all he is is a D3 fanboi (what a hypocrite) who makes statements based mainly on his own fanboi opinion. This is a ******* HL2 forum for christ sakes, are you a Cumswapped moron? Isn't there D3 forums somewhere? The only reason you came here was to try to somehow make everyone believe that HL2 is really crap. Yur thread about HL2 was closed because you had little argument for your opinions and they were stupidly compared, Omg the no bumpmap make teh HL2 look ****, D3 owns because depth of shadow..Ext ext..

May I ask WTF are you talking about? Oh wait don't tell me because odds are it will be mostly a comment about how Carmack works hard for D3 or something. Its better if you just STFU.
Originally posted by Brassmonkey
No, they havnt. Only people who are generally against iD for whatever reason(half-life and unreal fanbois) have labeled them as such. I dont know what you think hl2 and stalker will do to the sales of Doom3 though. Doom3 is the most anticipated game of our time, and it will do just fine in sales. Its not like gamers can only buy one game a year. Anyone who is a fan of the genra will most likley buy doom3.

wrong, halflife2 is the most anticiapted game of our time. A zillion poll's from a zillion game sites prove this.
Wow, I cant believe people are still holding on to thinking that guy is real time. The lack of background, weird lighting, and insanely good self shadowing makes it abysmally obvious that it was a prerender. Some people have absolutely NO common sense.
ID's focus has always been on gameplay rather than story. I have nothing against them, and own a lot of their games, and I'll certainly buy Doom 3. When I said that it's almost a waste of good technology that ID aren't making games like HL, I was really just putting forward my preference to games like HL which is merely an oppinion. I didn't mean to start a min flame war :)

Carmack has expressed his feelings that people use storylines as a "gimmick" and that obviously reflects ID's attitude, considering the games they have created. ID are concentrating on making "games", by definition, where companies like Valve are more interested in telling a story, and letting the player become a part of that story. The two approaches are very different, but both have the potential to give rise to great games.

All I was really saying is that it's a shame we won't see Doom 3 level dynamic lighting in HL2 :cheese:
Originally posted by Logic
ID's focus has always been on gameplay rather than story.

Graphics, not gameplay, gameplay in ID games dont go any further than the stereotypical FPS