BF2 Clans?



never really find any good ones that dont require tons of praectuce and stuff.

im not here to practice, jus tlookin for a laid back BF2 clan that likes to enjoy the game, uses TS or Vent.

any out there?
TCfromBN said:
Probably the clan :D

Well we're not a real clan, we're just laid back and play together whenever there's a bunch of us on. Although we tend to migrate from game to game frequently.
AiM said:
Well we're not a real clan, we're just laid back and play together whenever there's a bunch of us on. Although we tend to migrate from game to game frequently.
I played CSS with you guys a few days ago.....was fun.....
and some C&C generals to boot.....
One squad clearly stands above the rest:

AiM said:
Well we're not a real clan, we're just laid back and play together whenever there's a bunch of us on. Although we tend to migrate from game to game frequently.

CSS sucks, get your ass back to BF2.

Then again BF2 sucks too, I don't really know why I play it. Nades, Claymores, and Falling Vehicles 2 is what it should be called.
Hit me up dude! you can chill with my clan [MFK]

we are in tourney's but we just like to play all day and all night. we do use ts.

Get my xfire and come game with us: Ackron77
Hell_Rell said:
im not here to practice, jus tlookin for a laid back BF2 clan that likes to enjoy the game, uses TS or Vent.
That pretty much sums up our clan, if you could call it that. :D