BF2 Combat


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Are you sick and tired of smacktards and others that just don't do anything with teamwork? Well, bf2 combat is for you! It may cost to play...but 20 bucks for 6 months for 10 for 3...its not that bad. For experienced players, and mature ones at that, who play for fun, and are willing to give some helpful advice to anybody...this is a great place to go.
you have to pay a subscription??
edit:is that even legal?
It is a sad state the world is in when people can profit off of others desires for maturity.
unforetunately with these types of games it's needed ....probably the reason why I never got into counterstrike: too many kiddies/immature idiots

rtcw was really bad for awhile ..I couldnt believe the amount of racists that played that game ...thankfully I belonged to a clan and had server admin privileges ..just loved slapping/throwing smacktards
CptStern said:
unforetunately with these types of games it's needed ....probably the reason why I never got into counterstrike: too many kiddies/immature idiots

rtcw was really bad for awhile ..I couldnt believe the amount of racists that played that game ...thankfully I belonged to a clan and had server admin privileges ..just loved slapping/throwing smacktards
stern you fascist! :O

while i feel your pain you just go through xfire and play with friends - simple as
It seems pretty cool, but I'll stick to BF2 and SF.
I have nebver ran into any of these kiddies on the servers. U might have to try & look harder for some official RATED servers. Here try mine... =TBS=
Reaktor4 said:
you have to pay a subscription??
edit:is that even legal?
EA is appart of it...if i remember correctly..

and why wouldn't it be legal?

I say it's worth the $20 for 6 months..
john3571000 said:
stern you fascist! :O

while i feel your pain you just go through xfire and play with friends - simple as

yes but far more people want to kill me than hug me :O
CptStern said:
unforetunately with these types of games it's needed ....probably the reason why I never got into counterstrike: too many kiddies/immature idiots

rtcw was really bad for awhile ..I couldnt believe the amount of racists that played that game ...thankfully I belonged to a clan and had server admin privileges ..just loved slapping/throwing smacktards

i understand the aggrievation here...had to server hop for about 3 months straight before i found a server which had mature/nice people and admins who do not tolerate much stupidness...but there are servers out there with nice gamers.

just gotta look for em.

i can start playing BF2 again either tonight or tomorrow! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Dr. Freeman said:
i understand the aggrievation here...had to server hop for about 3 months straight before i found a server which had mature/nice people and admins who do not tolerate much stupidness...but there are servers out there with nice gamers.

just gotta look for em.

send me details NOW! :)
hey stern, what is your xfire name? i think that we should get a few people together and play :)
I hide my xfire name ...for political reasons ...too many CIA ninjas waiting to take me out when the opportunity arises

hehe no, I just havent gotten around to getting one yet
Yeah, we all need to hook up sometime, somewhere, somplace....

|: D!

If you want a European server, my clan server would be good. Otherwise one of you will need to find a US server
CptStern said:
I hide my xfire name ...for political reasons ...too many CIA ninjas waiting to take me out when the opportunity arises
hehe no, I just havent gotten around to getting one yet

Get one, dude. We should hook up for a couple of rounds of BF2 some time. We'll be the oldtimers squad!
we should be able to play tomorrow, man i would just love to have it like the demo days...
I don't think i've ever played with any of you guys...
when you get BF2 working tell us all so that we can all play together
Shakermaker said:
Get one, dude. We should hook up for a couple of rounds of BF2 some time. We'll be the oldtimers squad!

well...if i could ever get my copy old are we talkin here? :P
I've played once or twice with Cyberpitz, although in the middle of the game I had to leave the keyboard and miss a lot of things. :|