BF2 PLAYABLE on ti4200, ti4600 - here's how:


Jul 22, 2003
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It works, except that it's not just missing textures. I've also noticed a ton of missing models and particle effects as well, as well as a weird glitch where blue fills up half the screen when you're looking at a certain angle. I wouldn't recommend downloading this to actually play the game, as it's still pretty unplayable. But if you want to drive some vehicles and check out how it plays then it works decently for that.

This is definitely a step in the right direction though. It also shows just how easily the Ti series can handle this game. It also shows that there's pretty much no way this slipped past the dev team, it must have been deliberate.
I can understand why there are no particle effects though, isnt that pretty much based entirely on DX9?
This isn't technically a fix. Theya re still working on it. It's more of a proof of concept.
Yeah I know, but as a proof of concept, it's pretty .. .erm proofy! :p
the simple fact of the matter is the Ti 4600 or 4200 dont draw 1.4 shaders. i have a Ti 4600 sparkle platinum and its agood card, i benc tested it against a Radeon 8500 which can run the game and is only a 64 meg card, and the Ti wipes the floor with it, just a shame it cant draw all the shaders for the textures as it wud be more than capable of runnin the game. :|
Prototyp3^ said:
the simple fact of the matter is the Ti 4600 or 4200 dont draw 1.4 shaders. i have a Ti 4600 sparkle platinum and its agood card, i benc tested it against a Radeon 8500 which can run the game and is only a 64 meg card, and the Ti wipes the floor with it, just a shame it cant draw all the shaders for the textures as it wud be more than capable of runnin the game. :|

Indeed the Ti4600 is a fine card, it was even faster than mid/low range cards of the next and floppy generation of nvidia cards, the FX`s series. the problem with the cards is not speed though, it has to do with some features that the cards don’t have, and are required as a minimum, at the other hand we have cards like the FX5200 and FX5600 that have the required shaders to run the game, but aren’t fast enough to run it, thus are not supported either...
Yup, because your and my card would have made them add three lines of extra code to make it work perfectly, EA and Dice decided to screw us.
rAdIOhEaD said:
Indeed the Ti4600 is a fine card, it was even faster than mid/low range cards of the next and floppy generation of nvidia cards, the FX`s series. the problem with the cards is not speed though, it has to do with some features that the cards don’t have, and are required as a minimum, at the other hand we have cards like the FX5200 and FX5600 that have the required shaders to run the game, but aren’t fast enough to run it, thus are not supported either...
i have an FX5200 (will be upgrading very soon) and my game runs perfect. i was suprised to see that it even works. it doesent look amazing, but it runs smooth as butter.