

Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone still playing bf3 much and perhaps looking for some folk to play with?

We are currently looking at trying to boster the old numbers in our clan and thought it would be worth wile asking here as I remember a fair few where playing when the game was released.

So we are mature, casual gamers. We got 2 servers one large 64 and one smaller slot sever. We have TS for coms and tend to have a good laugh. More info

If you havnt played for a wile and want to play with some folk to get back into the game thats all good too.

Most folk are UK based but we have members from all over europe also :)
I play all the damn time: DogDashDash

I just got finished playing a few games, actually. I'm in Canada though.

You got premium?
Add Ren182

I play fairly regular, pretty much only on Hardcore mode though.
I play regularly, mostly Tuesdays and Sundays, with my clan (more of a community actually, you might remember the --256=- vs match a few years ago). I might suggest hopping on your server one night :)
Added you Ren, tho we do tend to just play vanilla rather then the hardcore. I'm not sure ive ever even played hardcore :P

You guys are all welcome to come play. With the server / clan being eu based I'm not sure how gooda ping you will end up if your in canada and then there are also the time zone issues but of course your welcome to come play!

I do believe your already on my friends list Unfocused! It would be great if you guys want to head over for a game, our sever is usally most busy on a tuseday / thursday when we do our clan nights.

The server has always been pretty good though but recently it has not been so busy with is very furstrating. Our old BC2 server used to be full every night and ended up having to queue to get on!
Haha think I'm the opposite where I've only played like 2 rounds on normal mode. It's just annoying you can get spotted so easily in normal. I like to be able to sneak around :) I'll probably pop on though if I see you guys playing!
I haven't played in months, mostly because I find the game lonely :(

I'd love to play with some other guys. I'm UK, though.
BF3 is okay, but once you get past its visuals its a mediocre shooter. No scratch that, the visuals cause my eyes to bleed. From that ugly blue tint, sun glare and dirty lens.

But by Battlefield standards, it's DICE's worst effort to date. Also DICE are huge dicks to its long time fans.
Post-BF2, DICE is officially objectively literally EA. It explains a lot.

Still, I reinstalled BF3 to test out my new rig, and it's enjoyable sometimes. I'm down to play on a hardcore server running either Kharg Island, Caspian Border, Strike at Karkand, and Sharqi Peninsula. Or I guess any map really. It's been a while, I'll be entertained by any map for at least 20 minutes or so.
After that thing surrounding the fix that makes the graphics not look like horse shit they can eat a dick and f*ck off.

For me it was a long time ago, back when Armoured Kill was shown at E3 and people criticized their decision for making on rails AC130. The condescending attitude towards any sort of criticism regarding the game.


Post-BF2, DICE is officially objectively literally EA. It explains a lot..

Funny thing about EA, recently they censored someones BattleLOL profile that said "I'm currently playing Planetside 2" and have been blocking youtube videos like crazy.
I haven't played any of the expansions since that was after I moved on to other games I wanted to play, but I enjoyed the **** out of BF3. Every goddamn day.
Funny thing about EA, recently they censored someones BattleLOL profile that said "I'm currently playing Planetside 2" and have been blocking youtube videos like crazy.
I'm almost tempted to put that on my battlelog just to see what happens lol
Good fun last night, you kepted getting me with that dam spas12!

We have another "clan night" again tonight on our server which I've just set up the map cycle for. Nice mix of rush and conquest with all the good maps. Kick off around 7.30/8.00 GMT

Love the crossbow, most people seem to hate it.

So far my favorite DLC aside from B2K, it's really good. Scavenger is fun too.
Yep, Scavenger is fun, makes you use the weapons you otherwise wouldn't have. The crossbow seems pretty satisfying; during one Scavenger round I picked it up and noscoped like 5 people with it (at close range) one after another - people were rounding corners just as I was finishing reloading after my previous kill, all while running around a wall covering me from gunfire.

BTW, it was nice to play on your server again Stormy!
Aftermath has successfully renewed my interest in BF3.

Anyone in NA still playing?
Add me: C0RR4D0
BTW, it was nice to play on your server again Stormy!

Yea man good to see you on! Hope you been having a good time :) Its been really good fun playing with you over the past cpl of months :)