BFV draws near!

Yeah looks good, speaking of witch i just downloaded a new mod for bf1942 called Eve of Destruction, its a vietnam mod too.
I been loving desert combat, and iv heard some good reviews of this 2, I'll let you know tomorrow how it is.
here's the link to the site -
It's a fun mod. Not as addicting as DC but still a good mod seeing as it is beta and all.
BF:V yay!
I wonder why they rolled out that mod since BF:V is coming.
Well I'm sure if they could help it, there wouldn't be a decent Vietnam mod for BF:1942 out before they released BF:V. At least that's what I think the publisher EA would want, not DICE. I'm sure DICE loves the mod community's efforts.
The EOD mod has been out for a long time maybe about 6 months or more. I can't wait for BFV......I will stay away from planet battlefeild BFV forums theres to many inmature pricks there.
bfv looks awesome. especially the music feature in the vehicles :).

i cant wait to shoot a huey out of the sky with my rpg from a bush :-D
Im looking forward to it, Im just hoping it is more than it seems to be.
in terms of graphics and animation... I can hardly see (except some normal mapping and silly shiny effects) any improvements... in their new "from scratch graphics engine"

what really got me worried was seeing the same animations (player animations, like running and dieing) in the BF:V trailers... and the animations were the weakest part of Battlefield 1942.... well that and the poor troop combat..... and the ugly explosion effects.
... speaking of which, the same silly "childish" (flashy, yet weak) explosions from BF1942, make a return in BF:V :/
stuff like that makes the game look like a mod trying to be sold as a standalone product, simply because they added normal mapping and an undergrowth/overgrowth (vegitation and foliage) engine.

also one other thing that gets me is... Troop combat was the most "under-done" (crux) aspect of BF1942... even though its been fixed somewhat in the recent patches... if troop/ground combat is anything like it is now (version 1.6) in BF:V the game will fail.
BF:V is designed to be more unit conflict orientated, and less vehicular/arial combat, lets hope the renderer isnt the only thing that was rehauled.

Im still looking forward to it though, just hoping it doesnt turn out the way Im picturing it.
are people actually excited about this game? I for one am getting sick and tired of these mass produced war games. they're not even that entertaining. I bet desert combat is better anyway.
I'm not really excited about it. Especially if it's the same gameplay as BF1942...which it obviously will be.
Im looking forward to it, Im just hoping it is more than it seems to be.
in terms of graphics and animation... I can hardly see (except some normal mapping and silly shiny effects) any improvements... in their new "from scratch graphics engine"
errr, its not a new engine, its been modified from the bf1942 engine (refractor 2) ground combat isnt underdone in bf1942 at all, its what you make it. i know someone reviewing bf:V and he said its no really big jumps from bf1942 but still great fun runs smooth aswell, and apperntly takes some inspiration from dc, some maps look similar and the helos are kinda like dc but alot more polished.
Yeah, it looks like a lot of it will be similar to BF1942. Which makes sense, seeing as how its a sequel, and is the reason I want it so bad. I've never had any issue with the explosions and theres enough new gameplay here (movable spawns etc) to keep me coming back.
Basicly, it just looks like a whole heck of a lot of fun, which is the entire point. :D
Personally I just thing BFV seems like fancyfied BF engine... The animations are cooler, and that's about it. BF peeps looked extremely static in combat. I've found my perfect game in Savage anyway, you wont see 20 peep coordinated base assaults directed by a commander in BFV.
ukfilmer said:
errr, its not a new engine, its been modified from the bf1942 engine (refractor 2) ground combat isnt underdone in bf1942 at all, its what you make it. i know someone reviewing bf:V and he said its no really big jumps from bf1942 but still great fun runs smooth aswell, and apperntly takes some inspiration from dc, some maps look similar and the helos are kinda like dc but alot more polished.

you need to look again then

planetbattlefield said:
PBF: How does the new game engine compare to the ReFractor2? Are there any substantial improvements to the graphics or physics?

AJ: The physics system was already very robust and capable of a lot so we didn’t see much gained by redoing it. The graphics engine on the other hand was completely yanked out in favor of a completely new one. As I mentioned earlier, we have normal mapping, bump mapping, specular lighting, basically all the bells and whistle expected from a DX9 game. This new engine also gave us the freedom to add the dense vegetation that we needed to convey a convincing representation of sixties era Vietnam. When I say dense, I mean dense. There are map where you’re in the middle of the jungle and there’s nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. Thick grasses help as well. Its quite spectacular.

and ground combat is very weak, if you have ever played other fps like HL or Quake then you know the controls are tighter and more responsive.
The animations are very VERY weak in the Battlefield series, due to the way they chose to handle it (in some respect).
however thats my opinion, some people have lower standards.
i dont want it. i hated bf, and in pcz it got 82, as it said it feels more like a big expansion than a full on new game.
YAY it comes out on the same day as UT2004. AND I CAN ONLY AFFORD ONE!!! nooooooo!
Suicide42 said:
YAY it comes out on the same day as UT2004. AND I CAN ONLY AFFORD ONE!!! nooooooo!

Hehe, got a bit of a problem there, eh? ;)
I like BF quite a lot. Well, i havn't really been playing ordinary BF lately.. i've got the mod called Desert Combat. Hopefully BFV will be even more fun than DC so me and my mates will have something new to play on all the lan's we have =)
Hehe, that sucks.
And how in the hell did PCZ review the game when it hasn't been finished (or at the very least no one else has their hands on it or a gold copy)?
not sure, my friend told me, but he doesnt usually lie about these things. it wouldnt be the first time theyve had a game first though. cs:cz comes to mind.
Jammydodger said:
Yeah looks good, speaking of witch i just downloaded a new mod for bf1942 called Eve of Destruction, its a vietnam mod too.
I been loving desert combat, and iv heard some good reviews of this 2, I'll let you know tomorrow how it is.
here's the link to the site -
LOL new mod?? its been out for a LONGGGG time....the new version just came out.. 0.3 i think....the 0.21 has been out forever its not new...
crushenator 500 said:
not sure, my friend told me, but he doesnt usually lie about these things. it wouldnt be the first time theyve had a game first though. cs:cz comes to mind.

That seems a bit weird though seeing the game isn't even released yet :O
All I've heard out of the various publications invited to play it is that its fun, so to all of a sudden do an about face would be odd.
Aye.. I've been watching some of the trailers on the EA website, it looks quite good. Will give it a go once its released :)
Mr. Redundant said:
Im looking forward to it, Im just hoping it is more than it seems to be.
in terms of graphics and animation... I can hardly see (except some normal mapping and silly shiny effects) any improvements... in their new "from scratch graphics engine"

what really got me worried was seeing the same animations (player animations, like running and dieing) in the BF:V trailers... and the animations were the weakest part of Battlefield 1942.... well that and the poor troop combat..... and the ugly explosion effects.
... speaking of which, the same silly "childish" (flashy, yet weak) explosions from BF1942, make a return in BF:V :/
stuff like that makes the game look like a mod trying to be sold as a standalone product, simply because they added normal mapping and an undergrowth/overgrowth (vegitation and foliage) engine.

also one other thing that gets me is... Troop combat was the most "under-done" (crux) aspect of BF1942... even though its been fixed somewhat in the recent patches... if troop/ground combat is anything like it is now (version 1.6) in BF:V the game will fail.
BF:V is designed to be more unit conflict orientated, and less vehicular/arial combat, lets hope the renderer isnt the only thing that was rehauled.

Im still looking forward to it though, just hoping it doesnt turn out the way Im picturing it.

Yeah I agree, thats what made me kinda scared why buy this when I can wait a little longer for a game that doesnt make me think of the allready owned battlefield 1942(soldner secret wars) or anything else else out their original.
and ground combat is very weak, if you have ever played other fps like HL or Quake then you know the controls are tighter and more responsive.
The animations are very VERY weak in the Battlefield series, due to the way they chose to handle it (in some respect).
however thats my opinion, some people have lower standards.
didnt i just say its what you make it? yes i did i dont care if you think its weak, ALOT of people dont, dont compare it to quake its a deathmatch bag of crap. the game is played completely differntly, i feel sorry for you if you play bf1942 like you play quake. i have very high standards AND SHIT! its snowING OUTSIDE!!! :D :D yay! nothing else matters now, :)
...and now for something completely different. :farmer:
I did just go back and watch the vids that have been released, and I'm once again pumped.
Not quite sure about that. It doesn't say anything about it on shacknews :(
ukfilmer said:
didnt i just say its what you make it? yes i did i dont care if you think its weak, ALOT of people dont,

yes you did, therefore re-stating the same thing over is my job (redundant). However you selectively read what I wrote, I clearly refered to the way the game feels (responsiveness), not how it plays (gameplay). That was my opinon (as I stated) and you have every right to think otherwise, however why you chose to tell me my opinion is incorrect, is beyond me.

ukfilmer said:
dont compare it to quake its a deathmatch bag of crap.

Once again you fail to grasp what I was refering to, Quake/Half-Life/Unreal and every other FPS out there have a certain "Feel" to them, THIS DOES NOT PERTAIN TO GAMEPLAY. Something just feels wrong with the ground combat, (IMO = In my honest opinion) Control is a big aspect of immersion, usually in FPS its done right, however in BF, it feels odd. Another example of bad immersion in BF series, is the way they handle collision detection (falling through jeeps and choppers when you are in the back seat, walking down some stairs and dieing, etc)

ukfilmer said:
the game is played completely differntly, i feel sorry for you if you play bf1942 like you play quake.

You shouldnt feel sorry for anyone who posts on an internet forum, especially if you are one of them :), certainly not over a game.

ukfilmer said:
i have very high standards

I was refering to Graphics and Animation, being a modeler and animator I guess my standards are higher (that being the point), and if you like the static animations and explosions in BF1942, good for you, however compared to other next gen games (coming out around the same time) it lacks in both departments. (again IMO)
Battlefield has come a long way. You're not going to fall through the bottem of a chopper or anything like that (god forbid you sit down :D), and the ground combat has been tightened up quite a bit (DC does an even better job of it). Either way, as soon as you get into a game you forget all about it.
Static animations are a drag, but in a game like BF where the focus is upon scale theres not really any other option. You sacrifice a thing or too for playability.
Direwolf said:
Battlefield has come a long way. You're not going to fall through the bottem of a chopper or anything like that (god forbid you sit down :D), and the ground combat has been tightened up quite a bit (DC does an even better job of it). Either way, as soon as you get into a game you forget all about it.
Static animations are a drag, but in a game like BF where the focus is upon scale theres not really any other option. You sacrifice a thing or too for playability.

I agree, (I mean 100%, DICE have done THE best job of supporting their game, with free maps/patches/fixes etc see my rant on ( )
I love battlefield for what it is.

My point however was that it would be unfortunate if they dont clear up those nuances (when they can) for the sequel (and it doesnt appear that they have).

why settle? I understand liking a game, and getting excited about it's sequels release, but I cant fathom why someone wouldnt want something a little more polished for their 50 bucks.

oh and I fell through a chopper in DC yesterday ;), you also still take damage very easily from walking downstairs in nearly all stages... although you dont die (unless you have next to 0 hp), its just irritating.
I never got the first one so I might try and get this one... I wonder if general Killgore is in it?
mrchimp said:
I never got the first one so I might try and get this one... I wonder if general Killgore is in it?
you didnt?
then I heartily recommend picking up BF:vietnam, regardless if its better than BF1942 or not.

you missed out, it is a great game. (although the whole WW2 theme was overplayed and still is being) what I mean is, a lot of games focused on WW2 at the time, COD and BF being the best.
Will it be worth buying if I only play against bots?
chu said:
Will it be worth buying if I only play against bots?
no, the single player (bots) is horrendously bad...

I mean, stupid.

I cant say what BF:V's bots are like, but if they are even slightly like BF1942's you dont want it. Dice said they have made improvements on the bots, they follow commands and such.. but that doesnt mean much.
it doesnt take much effort to make a brainless bot an inanely stupid bot (but with a brain)... cant say.
the bots are better than bf1942, they can fly helocopters, and about the high standards bit, im a film student i study film quality special effects im learning CG i can animate and model, in my opinion bf's explosions look better than say farcry. id explain more but 3:49am sleepy sleepy :)
From the gameplay videos that are popping up on the net in large numbers now, I'm glad to say that the infantry combat looks to be a lot better than in 1942.
The reason I prefer Battlefield over newer and more impressive games is easy, nothing else has so far gotten the sense of scale and gameplay better than Battlefield. UT2004 (a great game in its own right) has tighter gameplay, but smaller teams and scale, while some have the scale but not enough variety in gameplay (an older example is WWIIOnline). And then you have to factor in community and popularity. If something else does it better, I'll be there in a second. Thats why I'm playing Battlefield now and not Tribes 2. :farmer: