BGG Inc, Help Wanted, Modelers, World Designers and Programmers for MMO Project



First of all I would like to thank the admins here at for a great community site.

Blackguard Games a new Virtual Company has been given the go-ahead to produce a live active mod demo to a well known online games publisher. This will give the opportunity of publishing and pushing the game into an MMO market for both the PC and PS3 in mid to late 2007.

You can view our game at are growing more in fanbase since the launch of the site and are in hopes once the mod demo is pushed, to be in production of the game by November.

We need voluntary mappers, modelers and programmers who want to get themselves into the gaming industry. Must have extensive experience with HL2 engine and mod exp. Must be willing to use voice chat software and maintain communications as much as possible during the production of the mod.

Also experience with unreal ed and CryTek FarCry Edit a plus.
Want to join us and help push this game into the MMO market? Have a mod company and would like to merger?
Send your work samples you have done to [email protected].

DevTeam Kaos War: Rise of the Fallen
Believe me, the HL2 engine isn't really the grandest choice for a MMO game.

Still, if you're planning to use the HL2 engine, why would UnrealEd experience be neccesary? I don't think the two are compatible.

Interesting to see how this turns out, though.

-Angry Lawyer
ur ideas seem pretty unique. reminds me of diablo2 only with hl2 graphics and physics. lol.
xC4RN4G3x said:
ur ideas seem pretty unique. reminds me of diablo2 only with hl2 graphics and physics. lol.

Let me start by saying this: CJkaoswar, please don't take this post as an attack on your mod, I'm merely responding to what xC4RN4G3x said.

Ok, that said... It really kind of steams me when people do what you just did xC4RN4G3x. People say "Oh, that idea sounds original/unique... it's like [game name] with [feature] from [other game name].

That's not original... that's taking what others have designed/developed, and then modifying it to be different/better/whatever.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with that... I'm not one of those people who are like "oh... all mods must be 100% original or they're crap"... it's just when people credit them with doing something original when they really arent.

except this game is in the year 7000 and diablo was like the dark ages. nice connection there. and i dont know if u know what i mean by "pretty" unique. lol.
EDIT: atleast u spelled my name right. :D
I'm glad I'm not the only one, Sidewinder. And also, people who claim that their mod is "groundbreaking" and "genre-changing". I see it all the time, they say "Our groundbreaking mod brings teamplay to Half-Life 2, including objectives. This will redefine the genre!". ARGH!


-Angry Lawyer
u guys must be pissed all the time or something. too much radiation from ur monitors. :| ok look at the god damn site. it combines the future, the bible, guns, angels, and demons. when the hell have u seen an angel with an automatic weapon? is there an exorcist mod out there with the main character going around slaying demons? oh yeah and if u guys didnt understand this:
ur ideas seem pretty unique. reminds me of diablo2 only with hl2 graphics and physics. lol.
it seems PRETTY unique. REMINDS me of diablo2. did i say it looks like diablo2? what the f*ck. why the hell do u have to flame/insult every single modder out there.
"Our groundbreaking mod brings teamplay to Half-Life 2, including objectives. This will redefine the genre!"
what does it matter what the f*ck they say? just download the mod and try it out for urself. if its bad then soon eveyrone will realize it sucks. and if ur tired of seeing that then go make ur own "groundbreaking" mod.
xC4RN4G3x said:
u guys must be pissed all the time

Me said:
-Angry Lawyer

xC4RN4G3x said:
what does it matter what the f*ck they say? just download the mod and try it out for urself. if its bad then soon eveyrone will realize it sucks.

It's false advertising. And most of those mods don't even get made, because coder's won't touch teams that are headed by people who don't have any sort of modding experience

xC4RN4G3x said:
and if ur tired of seeing that then go make ur own "groundbreaking" mod.

I wouldn't call either of my mods expecially 'groundbreaking' (well, they're different from the standard fare of "Realistic Team-Based Shooter"), but I'm working on them. Have patience.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
It's false advertising. And most of those mods don't even get made, because coder's won't touch teams that are headed by people who don't have any sort of modding experience

I wouldn't call either of my mods expecially 'groundbreaking' (well, they're different from the standard fare of "Realistic Team-Based Shooter"), but I'm working on them. Have patience.

-Angry Lawyer
I don't know, ZM is somewhat of an original idea, though there are things similar to it in different genres....
I'd like to re-iterate that my post had nothing to do specificly with this mod, but your statement. For all I know (I skimmed the site) this mod is groundbreaking, it's revolutionary, it is unique and original. I was just saying that I hate it when people call something original because they're combining two or more elements that aren't often combined.
ummm diablo2 and hl2 arnt often combined? there are like 1203120301 mods coming out that are like that. and i never said they were combined, i said it reminded me of it...........
Even though this is still off topic, I think it's safe to say few modders are experts at game design and leading projects, and that is why there have been so many "it's like cs but different. in the future. more guns. more (better) levels. and zombies." Because now that modding has become so popular, every naive hl2 player beleives that they can create an entirely new game without ever learning how to code, map, model, texture, or produce a sound.
I don't mean to insinuate that you, CJkaoswar, are one of these people because it's apparent that you have your 'stuff' together and I wish you good luck with your project.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Kindve a heated topic no? :farmer:

First of all I understand where the hostility comes from, and I understand that people are getting sick of others coming in a saying things along these lines. Our company is wanting to make a demo level mod, more of a "mock-up" of an actual area in the game.

In no way are we making a full blown mod and saying it is groundbreaking. We have issued the game to several publishers in the MMO industry and some are anxious to sign us on, but because of procedure we need an active level to show them.

Because BGG is always looking for new talent and fresh faces to the gaming industry ( some of the best game designers in the world started out as mod makers), we decided to extend this offer out to the gaming community.

As for the heads of Blackguard Games?. I myself am a marketing major and have had courses in program/analyst. Mostly Cobol and Visual Basic. No I am not a master, but I am a leader that knows what he wants and how to get the job done.

Will people work for me? no, I dont want them to. I want people to work for the team and make one of the most addictive MMOs known to date. Most new mod ideas come on here, with just the idea. We come here, with a site that is growing daily and a game in concept that is nearly completed. Not to mention some publishers ready to give us massive funding.
BlindTelepath said:
Am I the only one whose "Bullshit Alert" is going off the charts reading this thread?

That's a little blunt. But I have to say, there's something odd.

You're expecting a team to work for you for free to produce a proof-of-concept, to a publisher that's going to pay you? That's a bit...difficult.
There's also the added problem of you not doing your research. Source is probably not a good choice for a Massively Multiplayer Online game - it doesn't support enough players per server. UnrealEd and FarEdit aren't going to help you mod Source, either.
There's also the need to license the Source engine. Valve aren't going to let a game using their technology get published without a hefty payment of royalties. Finally, top it off with the fact that getting a Massively Multiplayer system coded in Source requires a large team of coders who have triple the IQ of me, and a thousand times the skill levels. Coders that good expect pay. And they don't expect deferred pay - they want it up front.

And true, many in the gaming industry DID start in modding, but they didn't get there by joining a team that set out to make money. They simply joined a group of like-minded modders, and made the best mod they could, and then either A) Applied for an actual, paid position, or B) Were actually singled out by a developer.

However, as much as I do doubt your mod, there's always a way to win me over/shut me up. If you can provide compelling evidence that you actually have backing from a well known online games publisher, then I'll take back every doubting comment I've made.

-Angry Lawyer