Big Brother is watching your internet activities


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
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BBC said:
The European Parliament has approved rules forcing telephone companies to retain call and internet records for use in anti-terror investigations.

Records will be kept for up to two years under the new measures.


Okay, look, seriously. **** you. That's like opening up everyone's letters at the post office, just to check, and photocopying them to keep for a couple of years. We didn't need this shit during the IRA bombings and we don't need this shit now. It's ridiculous that they can use 'terrorism' as an excuse to do this. Even if it isn't yet at the level where they're allowed to read absolutely everything you do on the internet ever, it's one more (completely unjustified) step towards that level.

Wow, we did that and look at us now. A NIS inteligence officer commited suicide due to the uncovered wiretapping scandal.

edit: I think its a good idea though, except for the cost of money
Sulkdodds said:
That's like opening up everyone's letters at the post office, just to check, and photocopying them to keep for a couple of years.
Not really... I was always under the impression your ISP logged records of sites and use of the internet, incase of anything unsavoury - e.g. Gary Glitter. :x

The good thing is that doesn't = terrorism. \o/
Surprise sur-f*ckin-prise. It's an "anti-terror" measure. That makes me see angry smells. REALLY angry. What a dreadful pretense.

"This sends a powerful message that Europe is united against terrorism and organised crime," -Charles Clarke

Charles Clarke is one of the most loathsome schoolboys masquerading as an aging politician with comedy ears to ever have existed. He's such a c*nt; he seems extremely inept to the point where almost every restriction he wants to put on has something to do with "terrorism". Although of course that works with a frightening number of people.
Besides which, I doubt very much that there are a great deal of terrorists thinking "Oh blast, now they'll be able to log my daily visits to the forums of"

Sulkdodds said:
We didn't need this shit during the IRA bombings and we don't need this shit now. It's ridiculous that they can use 'terrorism' as an excuse to do this.
Precisely. The current government is talking about terrorism as if it'd never happened before. As if the British public had never endured any form of terrorist activity over... Oooh, I don't know, let's say - the past 40-odd years?
Would ID cards and wide-spread phone "detailing" have helped much then? Not overly likely. There's all this emphasis on terrorism being a completely spurious excuse to make any kind of infraction on civil liberties the government feels they can make. Grrrr.
Damn government pretending to be centre, this just shows how over reactionary Labour is nowadays. Facist bastards
LOL, they think they are going to get ANY useful information from teh internets!

Anyway, police state is inevitable much like i have said.
Cormeh said:
Not really... I was always under the impression your ISP logged records of sites and use of the internet, incase of anything unsavoury - e.g. Gary Glitter. :x

The good thing is that doesn't = terrorism. \o/
Wait 'til you accidentally click on a kiddie porn link and are nailed as a pedophile. :|

To think they'll stop at terrorism is foolish.
If the UK Government really really wants to know about my devient desires let them. I really see no problem.

Failing that, I'll move to a small island off the baltic coast.
Terrorist. Communist. Terrorist. Video Games. Aethiesm.

Now that i've taunted them... Bring it on!