big bug in demo with control options


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
for those who use right mouse button as forward, the game will unbind move backward as soon as you mind forward and vice versa. its weird, anyone else notice this?

you can't have walk forward be right mouse button AND have S be walk backwards, it one or the other. its the most annoying bug ever. argh
I used to do that. When I first started playing PC games I thought about what the most important actions are and that they should be the easiest to press. My flatmate told me that all the best Quake players had right mouse button as forward, made sense to me at the time.

But then FPS's started introducing things like secondary fire and iron sights. They seem more important for a mouse button so I switched. Its not like w is bad for forwards.
PickledGecko said:
I used to do that. When I first started playing PC games I thought about what the most important actions are and that they should be the easiest to press. My flatmate told me that all the best Quake players had right mouse button as forward, made sense to me at the time.

But then FPS's started introducing things like secondary fire and iron sights. They seem more important for a mouse button so I switched. Its not like w is bad for forwards.
What else would you do with your middle finger?
Heh. I keep all my keys within one key of my hands normal positions, and leave the firing to the mouse. Very convenient and easy to do.
Recently I actually switched to using RMB as fire and LMB as secondary/iron sights. My reasoning was that since its easier to press the 4 middle buttons and use the scroll wheel with my index finger it would be better to have my middle finger over the fire button (RMB) all the time. It is the most important key after all.
I use my middle finger for the scroll wheel. Fire is lmb, secondary is rmb, switch weapon is scroll, prone is mid mouse button (pressing scroll wheel down).

But yeah, I dont think this will be a problem for people, since up until 2 seconds ago, i didnt know anyone used the mouse for moving forward. I dont think it even counts as a "big bug".
Foxtrot said:
Why would you use right mouse as walk forward?

so i can fire and move with one hand and jerk off my cat with the other.

seriously though, theres a reason they let you change the controls. because not everyone uses WASD. i don't see the logic behind people telling me to simply 'change' my config to a more 'valid' one to dodge a bug. its a bug and it needs to be fixed. period. my config is just as natural to me as WASD is to others.
****, every single time I go to a LAN center, without fail, the buttons are set up like that. Annoys the hell out of me.
there is a workaround somewhat. you can assign the key to secondary function. BUT you cannot sprint with a double tap of the right mouse button, so you need to assign another key to primary and double tap that :/
BAH! It wont let me bind INSERT HOME or END. Thats what I usually set my mouse 6, 7 and 8 buttons to cause games dont normally detect them.
Big bug in that geforce4 cards are unsupported, for no good reason. Careless and stupid.
poseyjmac said:
so i can fire and move with one hand and jerk off my cat with the other.

That, sir, was the most scariest thing I've ever heard.
poseyjmac said:
there is a workaround somewhat. you can assign the key to secondary function. BUT you cannot sprint with a double tap of the right mouse button, so you need to assign another key to primary and double tap that :/

Aye, thats what i ended up doing, but i use the SPRINT key that you can assign instead of double tapping ;)

Another problem i have is you can't assign the fricking num pad!! It lets me assign 1 and 2 or something, but not 4, 6, 5 or 8 (something like that anyway)

I've used the num pad for movement since doom FFS!

Oh yeah, and whats the deal with inverting the mouse and SOMETIMES it fricken inverts the mouse in the fricken MENUS!! what tard tested that ffs!?!?!
PickledGecko said:
BAH! It wont let me bind INSERT HOME or END. Thats what I usually set my mouse 6, 7 and 8 buttons to cause games dont normally detect them.
I have that problem too, it says "Duplicate key found in Common Controls" even though there is nothing bound to those keys.
AH_Viper said:

Right, back to business!

Guy posted here

He posted this cleaned version of the controls

It pretty much wipes the slate clean but it still causes some problems like not being able to reset the TAB key :(
Damn, even with every key unbound, you still can't bind to insert, home, delete, or end. Looks like I'm screwed. I've never seen a game that was so difficult to customize your key bindings. :|
diluted said:
I have that problem too, it says "Duplicate key found in Common Controls" even though there is nothing bound to those keys.

yeah ive been getting this with CTRL and ALT.