BIG exploit in CS:S - Possibly carries over to HL2DM?


Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
OK, I haven't tried this in HL2DM yet, but go in any server in CS:S and type (in console) "kick [anyplayersname]".

I kid you not, this works. Scary, and I don't know if it works in HL2DM (can't check right now).
lol, that kick "exploit" is hillarious.

Mayhaps admins don't know to disable it?
probably not, seems like bad coding to me. i just can't see that being a default in any way shape or form.
indeed, it shouldent be default if that is the case.

I don't play CS:S anyway... gameplay is terrible compared to 1.6
I know on our clan server this does not work. Someone must have enabled this, because I know for our server each person had to be validated to get access to kick.

Why does every always assume "bad coding"? ::sigh::
i dunno, but i give it about 15 minutes before theres people doing it everywhere on servers...that'll force a fast update from Valve to fix it.

edit: and are you sure this didn't just change after that last update to the servers?
Source Engine Update Released
December 1, 2004, 8:00 pm · valve

A Source Engine update is available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The change includes:

Fixed clients being able to kick other clients from a server

That was quick.
luketabor said:
OK, I haven't tried this in HL2DM yet, but go in any server in CS:S and type (in console) "kick [anyplayersname]".... I don't know if it works in HL2DM (can't check right now).

My answer would be yes
Hehe, that was fun. I was on a power trip, kicking people if they talked or killed me.
:cheers: I also went on a power trip. I better enjoy it while it lasts because this exploit is surely going to get fixed, especially when it's posted about on forums such as these.
MangaelB said:
Hehe, that was fun. I was on a power trip, kicking people if they talked or killed me.
That was rather nice of you, don't you think it would have been a little frustrating for the people you kicked?
Logic said:
That was rather nice of you, don't you think it would have been a little frustrating for the people you kicked?

Do we maybe have a victim of these heinous crimes? :p

Luke I know that it was all good intentions, but please for the love of god, dont post exploits on forums, go to steampowered and pm an admin. No offense.

I got kicked by someone for not giving them my gun :/ I know its not neccesarily true they learned it on a forum but info sure spreads alot faster if its publicly posted on a popular forum.

- I was really trying to not offend anyone accidently it was hard :E
If you change your name to %n on w/e server your in, the server will shutdown... I love doing that when I get pissed because I have to wait 30 minutes for the campers to finish... although most of the time I quit anyway

Noone needs to know that! (rushes off to try it)
Kommie said:
Do we maybe have a victim of these heinous crimes? :p
Nah :p , but I can well imagine the frustration of being kicked, simply because you killed someone.... which happens to be exactly what you're supposed to do...

Please people, show some respect to your fellow gamers. Don't abuse exploits like these. Power trips are selfish entertainment, at the expense of everyone on the recieving end. Games are supposed to be mutually fun.. be respectful enough not to infringe on the fun of others by using cheats or exploits.
I find it pretty funny lol, then the ppl would be like wtf xD
Lol super fast update. Another great thing about valve.
SkateXer99 said:
If you change your name to %n on w/e server your in, the server will shutdown...
Only if you're playing on illegal servers. This was fixed on the official servers weeks ago.
this is another example of Steam being a good thing...patches can be instant, instead of people needing to find somewhere to download them.