Big fat rant about linux


Apr 28, 2004
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I am posting this purely because I'm pissed off, its a rant with no purpose. There, I've warned you. People complaining about having thier time wasted will be shot. Out of a cannon. Into the Sun. (yeah, nicked from Futurama)

I want to say linux sucks, but that would be a daft thing to say, because it dosen't. However, trying to do something new on linux, sucks. Now, I'm new at linux, I have an old Pc kicking around, so I thought, hey, I know, I'll chuck linux on it and use it as a torrent/file server, so I can kill all the downloads in the house with ease if I need to.

I downloaded mandriva live CD one, no probs. Burnt it, no probs. Put it in old PC and booted stright into Linux, no probs. Installed from the live cd, no probs. Tryed to set up some sort of VNC server - **** me sidways, a world of probs

The problem with linux is that all the online support seems to revolve around the assumption that the bit you are having a problem with is the only thing in linux your are not intimately familiar with and each instruction is given assuming you will know what to do next, with no apparent link to "the next step". For example.

Downloaded the RPM. Clicked install. "Installation done". Great, now what?
Off we go to google to find the install location. This is another snag with linux, unless you know what you need to know, you can't find it. good eh? Turns out that linux is not like windows, it installs things all around, and you use a command to call it, whereever you are in the os. Only, because I didn't know that, I couldn't find that.
So anyway, eventually find the command, execute it and get an error about xvnc not having the fontpath set.
Whats xvnc? Where did it come from?
Whats the fontpath?
So, straight back to google for more reseach. Ok, so XVNC is a "component" (Not really, but kinda) for VNC servers. So its this thing that wants the fontpath. Great. How do I set it?
Back to google again.
After MUCH searchage, I learn I must set the fontpath in the vncserver config script.
Ah, now were making progress. Just 1 thing. well 3, actually. Whats the file called, where is it kept and how do I set the fontpath once I find it???!!!??


Ok, I feel better now, thank you. I'm going to get drunk, log into root and randomly click things. I'll regret it in the morning, but it'll make me feel so good right now.
cheers, I heard ubunta was a good begineers distro, but its not the distro i have a prob with, its vnc itself being ghey :)
See, cavemen never had this problem. People say we've advanced over the millenia, but I say we've gone backwards all the way.

Abolish technology, grab a spear and lets go chase dinner.
Thats true, but I haven't been eaten by a sabretooth this year, so its a trade off.

Linux or sabertooths... If have a second PC I can turn it in to a mini Server?
I had similar feelings back when I tried Ubuntu when it was only like version 3 the Warty Warthog. I got really pissed because I didn't know what the hell all this Synaptic package manager was and shit. If have a second PC I can turn it in to a mini Server?

Yeah mate. A servers basically the same as a normal PC, the difference is its runs software for external use rather than for the local user.
Link, I know exactly how you feel. I've been using Ubuntu, and now Kubuntu, and the support/learning resources is similarly lacking. I know it's free and everything so I don't really have any right to complain about how freaking complicated doing most things is, but Ubuntu itself is advertised as 'Linux for human beings' (i.e. non-experts), which is quite frankly a massive joke. It's great and fine when it works, but fixing stuff when it goes wrong or doesn't work properly requires an insane amount of learning and new understanding.
Hah, I love the text on their website -


Linux for human beings

Classic! And yet... so true.
Hah, I love the text on their website -


Linux for human beings

Classic! And yet... so true.

Hardly. Unless the insinuation is that all other Linux distros are for aliens, or something...
...Or robots! Damn them all!

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Combine used Linux.