Big memory and performance boost.


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Before you play a game, for people that don't own megamachines.

Right click explorer.exe -> Kill process tree.

Should kill every single program you have running. This is especially useful for people who use themes like me. You can then run a game by going to FILE -> RUN and looking for the game or the shortcut.

For an additional boost, once the game is started, alt tab back to the task manager and right click the game process, then select priority -> abovenormal.
halflifeguy said:
is that so?

It's not even a joke dude lol...

But that is quite a desperate move if you want that much extra performance :P

Oh, and after the game just load up explorer.exe and you should be ready to go again...
It killed about 4 programs for me, but it did have a big performance increase. I'm too lazy to play it right now, I'll see more tomorrow.
Combined with Explorer and EVEYRYTHING runnign before the game, I have about...maximum of 8% memory being used. Hell, I'd say something about my processor but thats only around "IDLE" 5% being used. I doubt me lowering those to 1% would help much...if any. I blame my video card D:
bam23 said:
It killed about 4 programs for me, but it did have a big performance increase. I'm too lazy to play it right now, I'll see more tomorrow.

I did this, went to go play CS:S and it ran a noticibly smoother.
Gorgon said:
Guys, why in the hell you want to do that:

the following is the correct way:
I don't understand that, I know how to make a new peofile, and how to set it so that I'm asked about it every time a restart my pc, but I don't know how to set the profile to have explorer automaticly turned of, and how to save that.
Gorgon said:
Guys, why in the hell you want to do that:

the following is the correct way:

That really has no relation to my tip at all. Mine is an immediat result while yours is a tweak.
On my computer it rees up 100 mb of RAM, I have tons of anti-virus and anti-spyware that don't really need to run while I'm playing.
Not to mention that RAMx1.5=PAGEFILE is really really wrong.
Anyway thnx TheSomeone, it frees like 150 mb for me.
Grey Fox said:
Anyway thnx TheSomeone, it frees like 150 mb for me.

Bleh, only like, 50 for me.

And it's annoying because after, I have to get my mouse driver back up and Xfire back up.