Biggest noob on the forum

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Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Who is the biggest noob on the forum?

(i'll limit myself to just the one thread, but you get the idea, right?)
Idonotbelonghere said:
Well that settles that.
The end.

Hey I do not, I know you got that ICON from that HDR program, I have been looking for it and i forgot the name of it, if you could fill me in on the name, I would be thankful, thanks!
You guys totally lost what I was getting at :laugh:

OK DiSTuRbEd, you can have a cookie.
I have the real cookie..don't listen to this imposter!! I have the real cookie!! HAHAHHAHAHAAH!!!!!!......I'm done. :)
lePobz said:
Who is the biggest noob on the forum?

(i'll limit myself to just the one thread, but you get the idea, right?)
I have a feeling you're refering to nightblade...

I'm definitely the most noob though.
The Thing was craaazy newb
I'm glad he's not around anymore
This is just asking to be turned into a flame war, or get locked. Or both!
Ritz said:
This is just asking to be turned into a flame war, or get locked. Or both!
So, basically, a typical thread on the forums?
xLostx said:
I nominate NightBlade haw~
Ikerous said:
I have a feeling you're refering to nightblade...
So it's not just me that thought so...

He should get a medal for being such a newbie. It must take some serious newberism (sp?) to be able to accidentally start 4 consecutive threads, all on the same subject but each with a slightly different title. Most people learn after their first mistake :laugh:
This is a thread for all those who wants to feel sorry for themselves can say they are a noob. :p

So anyway, I'm ten n00b of newbies, ffs omglolz!
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